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Outdoor 2024 No $$ Grow


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Lilacghani. I have 3. This one is all purple like this. #2 is same structure but all green, maybe a little behind in flowering, and #3 is a Lavender pheno. Earliest flowering one. Sorry no images of those now.



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My Somasters. Lilachghani x Somango 47. So many different phenos coming out. This is my favorite. Maybe my fav of all my plants this season. Even with no purple. I think this is the 91 Afghani pheno.



Active member
These are the Thai Truffles. Very sturdy plants, fast flowering. Smell sweet and stinky. Huge buds, getting lots of mold outdoors right now. Not very good for outdoor but great plants. Would be good to cross to a good outdoor variety to beef it up a bit.



Active member
General update. Zen Kush's still have several weeks to go, most are looking good, still look pretty Himalayan dom. Very easy to grow, they are still doing best with fewest broken branches and only 1 is having PM issues. Much less PM so far this year. But more mold.
Super Sativa Skunks also still have a few weeks left. No mold/PM issues. One has very nice purpling.
Somasters are looking rough. Some spots on leaves, but not much mold, no PM. Still need bit more time.
Lilacghanis still need few more weeks. One is all purp flowers. No issues
Criticals are showing little PM, no mold. Buds light/fluffy cause in shadiest spot in the garden. Little more time to harvest.
Thai Truffles are biggest buds I've grown so far I think. Fastest flowering thing in my garden this year. Not sure how much Thai is in there. But buds are huge. Starting to melt due to mold. I just keep chopping areas with mold, mostly the biggest tops. Chop out the mold and freeze. Will cut one in a few days and the other a few days after that.
Blue V2, doing ok, leaves look rough. No mold/PM. Buds small but look nice. Not many branches left and they snap so easily...
As I harvest, I will make fresh frozen bubble hash from the plants. Not a lot of freezer space to need to keep doing batches. As I do, I will use the hash water at the end to water the plants still going, maybe this will boost THC/terps. Garden smells wonderful.

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