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Outdoor 2024 No $$ Grow


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We just had some storms come through. Couple of plants got knocked over, some branches knocked down by wind/hail. Nature taking out the weak. Ones that fell down are on the short list for culling, but all survived so far.


Active member
More winds coming through today. I am placing a bamboo stick, free from friend of course, or some long straight sticks from my yard next to plants opposite the windy side to help them. That is the extent of support I will provide. Bamboo sticks are real bamboo from a friend who has it growing in her yard. Growers out there coddling your plants, PUSSIES. You do all of us a disservice breeding weak genetics that can't survive outdoors. Grow more plants bitches. Let the strong survive and the weak perish. Do you coddle your kids like that??? Probably not. I treat my weed plants pretty close to other plants. If you do crazy amounts more for weed plants, yo it's only weed. Get over yourself and all that bs. Your mind is infected with marketing hype. Or you are trying to infect others minds with YOUR marketing hype. Smoke up and meditate on that.

Fundamental truth, in the future almost all indoor growing will move outdoors/greenhouse or just cease. Imagine if tomatoes had been made illegal and went underground and grown indoors to hide it. Then legalization came. What would the future of tomato growing look like? No way indoor could compete with economics of free energy from the sun, water from rain. We will need good genetics for outdoors in the future.

And to all the people still trying to grow indoors and get prohibition era prices, big FUCK YOU. I give most of my weed away. If I sold it I would sell if at 1970s prices hahaha. An ounce of weed should cost as much as a case of beer or maybe a keg. But oh yea, your weed is so valuable because you add X and Y and Z to it. Seriously? If I add that same shit to my Basil plants is my Basil now worth so much more than other Basil??? Fuck off. So much waste, so much unnecessary fucking waste. The worst thing is all of your time that you waste. My time is better spent on other things. The weed will grow regardless. Seriously. Try it and see. Bet you won't. Cause you already know.


Well-known member
Growers out there coddling your plants, PUSSIES. You do all of us a disservice breeding weak genetics that can't survive outdoors. Grow more plants bitches. Let the strong survive and the weak perish. Do you coddle your kids like that??? Probably not. I treat my weed plants pretty close to other plants. If you do crazy amounts more for weed plants, yo it's only weed. Get over yourself and all that bs. Your mind is infected with marketing hype. Or you are trying to infect others minds with YOUR marketing hype. Smoke up and meditate on that.

We will need good genetics for outdoors in the future.

Very true.

Next year I will grow my plants directly seeded in my guerilla spot. No watering, no extra fertility, no pest management.

Think about it: the more plants die = the stronger selection for the tough and adapted = less input needed in the future = less hassle.

Check out adaptation/landrace gardening, Joseph Lofthouse, Shane Simonsen, Going to Seed podcast etc.




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Active member
Very true.

Next year I will grow my plants directly seeded in my guerilla spot. No watering, no extra fertility, no pest management.

Think about it: the more plants die = the stronger selection for the tough and adapted = less input needed in the future = less hassle.

Check out adaptation/landrace gardening, Joseph Lofthouse, Shane Simonsen, Going to Seed podcast etc.
Awesome, thanks. I will be checking those out~~


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General update on the garden, most plants are 4-7 ft tall, starting to show sex. I am wondering if they already maxed out with flowering stretch or how much they have more to go. Will probably wait until there are some flowers forming for my next photos. I think most males will be pulled in next 1-3 weeks. Some males will be used for seed production. I cut off the branches right after they start to open and put in vases of water in my grow tents to collect pollen. Then select branches of the females will be pollinated and tagged. I also like to let preflowers and very first flowers be open pollinated if the timing is right.


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Super Sativa Skunks now above 8 feet tall. From seed!!!
Very little care and money put in. They look fine pretty healthy to me.
Put grass clipping at base for mulch. Only given any water/ferts a handful of times. I put down thick mulch this year, never had to water. Plants never, not once, started drooping/wilting. I did water only to fertilize a few times. Also I put ferts down to get rinsed in by rain. Let me tell you, not having to water your garden is AMAZING!!!


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This bushy male also has a very unusual trait. Some lower branches are super leafy/dense, but it's not flower. This one doens't even have any full pollen sacs yet. The leaf material is so dense. Weird. No calyxes. And both are getting purple on the tips of branches. Most purple leaves in the garden so far. I think it's from the colombian???


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Not much else to report on. Very early flowers. No major issues. Just coasting for another month. No stress, no work, no worries. Girls are taking care of them selves. Best type of Harem to have. Smells starting to intensify. I am culling males and collecting pollen but females have so little flower at this point that I am not really worried about contamination. Can wait a week or two. Males just starting to open pollen sacs for me.


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BlueV2 getting purple. I only have 1 of these. You can see the purple stem. The structure seems good, thick upright branches, but they seem to break relatively easily. Next to it are 2 Thai Truffles and behind is a Philippine Kib
ungan which I will use to pollinate these it every starts dropping pollen.


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Thai Truffle stacking. Plant does not look like the photo when purchasing the seeds. These have very little stretch and very little space between nodes... but smell is great, structure is great, plants very robust. Decent resistant to pests so far.


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This Lilacghani is showing pink/purple calyxes already. These had lots of trichs when i grew a few small plants indoors. This is how I like plants to be seeded, earliest pistils get seeded. Plenty of seeds, little hassle. As long as you can get males/females to time pollination right.


Well-known member
This bushy male also has a very unusual trait. Some lower branches are super leafy/dense, but it's not flower. This one doens't even have any full pollen sacs yet. The leaf material is so dense. Weird. No calyxes. And both are getting purple on the tips of branches. Most purple leaves in the garden so far. I think it's from the colombian???
View attachment 19045698 View attachment 19045699 View attachment 19045700
This is a disease possibly phytoplasma .


Active member
Let's start with an update of the Maff x Zacateca Tribute. Nice fat spears, deep pink calyxes. Stinky. Chunky spears. Spiky-looking. Shiny. Most fan leaves fell off natrually. Not done yet. ~2 weeks to go maybe.
