Voodoo Juice is an 'Advanced Nutrients' product - link
Please be seated reading their 'data sheet' on their product. I'd hate to find out that you dropped your laptop trying to get through this gibberish.
Nothing short of amazing.
According to Oregon registration it contains this:
Humic Acid Indole3 Butyric Acid Naphthaleneacetic Acid Phosphorous Acid
Kelp Vitamin B1 Polyacrylamide Potting Mix
Microbial(s) Bacillus subtilis 3x 10^6, Bacillus pasteurii 1 x 10^6, Bacillus megaterium 1 x 10^5' Bacillus anyloliquefaciens 5 x 10^4, Bacillus pumilus 5 x 10^4, Bacillus licheniformis 5 x 10^4