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I've been proud Volcano owner and user for two years now (btw still one more year warranty left)...3 year warranty tells a lot about quality of the product...Since I started using Volcano I haven't miss joints or smoking in anyway at all...High and taste is so much better when vaped with this machine...worth of every penny..!


Active member
lol access

Just hope u dont get people thinking your smoking a dickie dude, I would actually get one like that myself since its a sick little thing but it definitely looks like a crack pipe ;) I bet my friends would think im hittin the glass dick. u ever seen the vapor bat i think from vriptech?


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
BG: LOL, you just reminded me: I need to fill out the warranty...thanks bro. I've been so vaped it was the last thing on my mind!
HKM: ROFL! I hope people don't get the impression I'm hitting the glass dick bro!!! never heard of the vapor bat.....you got links?

I'll be sure to give everyone an update on the new toy when I get it. But in the meantime, if you're on the fence about a Volcano.....do yourself a favor and spring for it. Life's too short not to have great toys that get you high as F*CK!


New member
accessndx and others, need advice on how to..

accessndx and others, need advice on how to..

i hope i am not hijacking yr thread accessndx, but i read your experiences and saw some good advice from others too in your thread , so i figured i may as well chime in and ask my question: (if you feel it is not the place feel free to de;ete/remove) - i have a brand new digi cano. i am sure i am doing some thing wrong beause i cant even see the mist in the balloon at 190 c (around 380 f), strange, isnt it?
i fill with well grinded herb up to half the filling chamber, (i leave the pressing thingy in btw), fill a bag till it seems to want to float away and ...inhale....unfortunately.....nada...
i am an all day smoker, only pipes (clean herb,no tobaco) and have been messing about trying to get high for a few hours by now...:abduct: any advice as to what i am misunderstanding in the proccess?
thanks guys
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♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Tema: It's a good question, so no problem bro.
I had the same issues when I first got my Digi-volcano. I had NO idea what an appropriate temperature was. I did some searching on the net, as well as reading the materials they sent with the 'cano. What I found was that different plant materials vaporize more efficiently at different temperatures. This is especially true for different strains of cannabis. One site I read inferred that the Sativas require higher heat than the Indicas (or I may have gotten that reversed).
If you're lacking that milky, thick almost smoke-like vapor....you may have to set your Volcano closer to 409 degrees F. That will ensure you'll get milkier hits as more of the material will be vaporized.
I experimented with temperatures ranging from like 330 to 420 degrees.
I've found that some of my strains are best to start off closer to 395, and then for subsequent bags, diminish the heat to 380. Others are better off to start with light, and then work your way up until the vapors done.
Give a higher temperature a shot first....take it up to 409 degrees....and do something else also: start filling the bag, but turn off the flow of air periodically while you're filling. This gives the material more time to get heated while vaporizing it.
If you read your Volcano manual they always tell you not to leave the chamber on top, because it will burn...
In this case, I'm employing that technique to get the temperature more optimal for filling the bag. So I'd say fill the bag up 1/3rd of the way...stop for a few seconds...fill up some more, stop again...and then fill it up the rest of the way.
Worst possible case scenario: turn the temp up all the way and start filling....then as it is, use the temperature dial or switch to diminish the heat....
There are alot of "tweaks" and "tricks" you can use. The best thing about the Volcano is that you can experiment to ascertain the best temperature to vape your stuff at.
I hope that helps and doesn't confuse you.
The lower temperature vaping will give you really thin almost translucent vapor...the higher temperatures will give you an almost smoke-like consistency. You want to be somewhere in the middle...
The high density vapor will be harsher on your throat and cause irritation. The lower density stuff will be easier to inhale....and I try to deliberately do that when I've been vaping alot and my lungs are getting beat down.
You do cough, and do experience irritation sometimes when vaping alot because you're sucking in warm, dry air.....and the THC acts as an irritant to the respiratory tract....it doesn't harm you like smoke, but your lungs honestly were designed to breath our atmosphere...any particulate matter, no matter how innocuous will cause some sort of reaction.
Two things I've used that help a bunch are: warm liquids while vaping to keep my throat coated....and slippery elm (which is a natural extract from the elm tree)....it coats your throat like an artificial mucous membrane. You can get it in tea or losenge form at a a health food store...great for when you need it!
Good luck and happy vaporizing!


New member
Accessndx, thnks for your thorough answer and time
i will follow your leads and will report back later on , hopefully with a grin....
lovely community!

Retardo Motabon

ICMag Donor
well i made the effort and got my volcano back. haven't had time to pimp it out, but I have made some more observations since huffing away on my fair share of bags in the last few days. i remember now how much herb the thing goes through. i go through at least twice the herb with it. i forgot how frikking high you can get with one of these things! my tolerance was getting annooyuing but this thing cut right thoughout once enough bags were filled!
allright here are a few things i've discovered this week:
-works awesome for lower quality bubble hash or hash that is brittle and crumbles, stuff smokes on and on, tastes good too

-blows doors of microwaving for quick samples. i just smoked a bowl of apollo mist cut last night. after three bags it was brittle dry and glands were gone. the smoke is moist but there was alot more flavor of the bud than usual. Still got me high!

-if you have a vacuum sealer, it makes a darn good bag in a pinch. less noisey than the volcano bags, but they cant be filled quite as tight. the advantage is that you can seal the bag to perfectly fit the bag onto the valve piece if you seal to make the open end a v shape. mine was so snug i had to drop the valve piece in through the top and push it in place before clamping. plus yuo can use an 8" or 11" diameter bag depending on your needs.

-I still think the fine aromas and flavors are lost in the vaping compared to smoking.

Well thats what i've learned while vaping away this week, hopefully i'll have time to customize the beast soon!
Here is a pic of the foodsaver bag in action (full heat on this bag!):
I love my volcano I have had it for 2 years and I use it about 99% of the time I smoke. I thought that I might chime in with my idea of proper temps for a digital volcano. I use temp ranging from 360f-392f. I would say that the main temp I use is 374f, I find this temp to be a good balance between great flavor and a strong high. Also for those that do not know delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol boils at 392f so temps higher than this are not needed IMO. I believe that temps in excess of 392f begin to burn Cannabis. I truly love the volcano and will never be without one.


Med grower
ICMag Donor
well i made the effort and got my volcano back. haven't had time to pimp it out, but I have made some more observations since huffing away on my fair share of bags in the last few days. i remember now how much herb the thing goes through. i go through at least twice the herb with it. i forgot how frikking high you can get with one of these things! my tolerance was getting annooyuing but this thing cut right thoughout once enough bags were filled!
allright here are a few things i've discovered this week:
-works awesome for lower quality bubble hash or hash that is brittle and crumbles, stuff smokes on and on, tastes good too

-blows doors of microwaving for quick samples. i just smoked a bowl of apollo mist cut last night. after three bags it was brittle dry and glands were gone. the smoke is moist but there was alot more flavor of the bud than usual. Still got me high!

-if you have a vacuum sealer, it makes a darn good bag in a pinch. less noisey than the volcano bags, but they cant be filled quite as tight. the advantage is that you can seal the bag to perfectly fit the bag onto the valve piece if you seal to make the open end a v shape. mine was so snug i had to drop the valve piece in through the top and push it in place before clamping. plus yuo can use an 8" or 11" diameter bag depending on your needs.

-I still think the fine aromas and flavors are lost in the vaping compared to smoking.

Well thats what i've learned while vaping away this week, hopefully i'll have time to customize the beast soon!
Here is a pic of the foodsaver bag in action (full heat on this bag!):

I hear you on that RM - when I had some fresh herb last harvest it went into the volcano - no need to wait for it to dry so long as you can get it ground up nicely - surface area is king.

Mr. Freeman

just a fellow cannabis smoker, vaper, cooker and r
ICMag Donor
after 3-4 years of vaping. I find I DO build a tolerance to it. I need to change strain or light a spliff to get high after a while, you gotta try those aleda clear papers. The bad news is, I've gone through 2 volcano's already, very weak if they fall off a table or if you leave them on for a week. The latest one fell over and the silver top part fell off! dammit. But still works! LOL for the price of the volcano...OUCH! Some bongs work great for filtering but not always fun to carry around, you should at least try it once.

I'm thinking about going for the digital one. Highly recommend. You just can't go wrong with the volcano. Wonderful piece of technology.

Mr. Freeman

just a fellow cannabis smoker, vaper, cooker and r
ICMag Donor
I vaped with this friend with a volcano that hadn't smoked in 2 years. He said its the highest he'd EVER been. That was funny. I felt odd cause I wasn't high at all.


Registered Non-Conformist
Volcano rules... I should use it more than I do. Especially, when I am tempted to smoke buds not yet cured. With the vape, it does not matter.

The buzz is way more airy than a joint, or bowl. More speedy.

I had a friend try it, who said, "No Vape gets me buzzed at all." He has iron lungs and took most of the large-size bag in one toke. After which time, he slowly fell off the couch, and fully did, but barely caught himself before his head hit...

"Whoa..!" he said....

No other vape gets me as high.


Exellent thread! I have been thinking hard and long about getting a volcano... Think this thread has answered pretty much all questions i have had about the whole vaporizer thing, so thanks. I do have one little q, which is probably kinda stupid, since i think i already know the answer... but those bags that u use, r they special in any way? Im guessing u cant use regular plastic bags, because of heat... but just wanted to make sure...



The Hopeful Protagonist
^^....I second that. :yes:

It's been awesome to read everyone's feedback, pro's & con's.

Great review access.

I would think this thread should be stickied, considering all of the vape threads that pop up.




New member
I think they are decent.. I hit my buddies and taste is barely there... He had the setting on a lower one.. I'm a fan of seeing the smoke when i blow out, I'd prefer it on a higher temp, but I think i'd rather hit a nice ass bong for the price of a volcano any day.


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Exellent thread! I have been thinking hard and long about getting a volcano... Think this thread has answered pretty much all questions i have had about the whole vaporizer thing, so thanks. I do have one little q, which is probably kinda stupid, since i think i already know the answer... but those bags that u use, r they special in any way? Im guessing u cant use regular plastic bags, because of heat... but just wanted to make sure...


Slapstick: The Volcano manual that comes with it from Stortz and Bickel says you can use alternative bags. They mention some German brand I think that can be cut to almost any length. I believe I've heard that brand is cheaper than buying from Volcano direct, you've also got the ability to make like a behemoth bag (like a 10 footer...LOL). I've seen videos on youtube and on vapenow.com (I think) that have people experimenting. I've also been told that you can use "turkey bags", which I've had a history of using to mask odor from nug. Those are from Reynold's (the same people that make reynold's wrap), and are available in every supermarket. You can't just use plastic bags because they may denegrate or melt with the temperatures of the vape. But you should definitely know you aren't stuck buying from Volcano forever. Hope that helps.

Xoox: ROFL....I'm not getting anything from Volcano that I don't already have bro! However, I'd never mind giving them a kind review. This device has exceeded my expectations in every way, shape and form. Plus, some of the people at Cellar's bowl's and cuts party a few weeks ago had the opportunity to try it first hand...Lapides, FIP + his gal, Brother Bear....
I think the Volcano got practically a standing ovation. Keep in mind this all started with my experimenting with the iInhale...which isn't shabby either. However, it's not even close to the same league as the Volcano.


Active member
i know, i know..

i still think it seems like a project to use, unless hmm.. can i make little ziplock sized bag fulls, that's all i'd need per go,

lol -- sandwich baggin' hits the volcano, yo!

but that volcano must be pretty good if your diggin in so much, i hear that yer iinhale for sale, 75% discount.. u take paypal? LOL
