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old soul-unless you're vaping at v high setting i don't think that 1 bag is enough-even if you are using v little each go.

another thing about the volcano -not yet mentioned-is that they are v durable. Mine has dents in it where clumsy people have got too hammered and knocked it off the table onto the floor. Twice. It's dented but still works fine.

Accessndx-i agree with your criticism
'If I had to make one criticism, it would be that this digital vaporizer can get you ALMOST TOO STONED.'-
but it's hardly a criticism is it? I worked in a growshop when i first got the volcano and used to sit at the back vaping continually all day-sometimes i'd serve a customer when i was so stonned-not only couldn't i speak-i'd lost the concept of words. Other times i'd be on the floor laughing so much i couldn't get up to serve them-bit of a rollercoaster-but great fun.

i think that you can get superfucked on the vape because it doesn't hurt-AT ALL. Say if you are going to try and smoke a bong continuously for 6hours-a few hours in and your chest is going to be suffering-start coughing-eyes water-it gets uncomfortable and you stop-or at least slow down a bit. Not with the Volcano-i've done experiments. When you get in a rythem with it-it is possible to inhale only vaped bud for hours on end. Try it chaps.



High Grade Specialist
Congrats on your purchase. The Volcano is the best vaporizer available on the market IMO.

You can find all kind of info about the Volcano on the site in my signature.
Vaporization temperatures, list of herbs to vaporize with an effect and lots more.
accessndx......great thread, and definitly great description!!! I think you actully sold me!! I bought a VaporOne 4.0 a while back and it's the biggest piece of trash ever.....EVER!!!!!....I had lost hope in Vaporizing, but recently reading on here and especially your fantasic comfortably numb experiences so far, I'm gonna go get one, especially because I think and HOPE it will help me quit those nasty cigs. Im gonna go Digi style as well baased on all the reviews!!

Doctor Who

excellent volcano review! I want one!!!

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to accessndx again.
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I've got the easy valve...but I found out that there's a way to re-use the easy valve and even make your own super-sized bag...there's a tutorial somewhere on vapenow.com...
very cool.
I fill the chamber completely....dunno how much weed that is exactly...maybe .5 grams ground? I'd say that's a fair assumption....
I get a good 4 bags off it that taste awesome. By the time you're done with those bags...you're pretty much baked.
I'm not even through 2 right now and I'm all toasty.
I tap out the "used" bud into a container, but I haven't thrown it out yet. Does this stuff have any residual value? Should I be making it into oil or iso or edibles?
My inclination is to say that there must be something still left inside the remaining material...but it would take alot more heat to extract it...
It's not like there's a lack of buds or stuff to smoke...but I'd hate to think I'm just throwing away viable stuff that could be transmutated into something better.
The Volcano instruction manual states that you can even regrind the material you've vaped to expose more of the surface area...and then revape it...
I'm wondering how much is too much however....if the taste is starting to wane....I don't wanna inhale straight up popcorn taste....that's lame.
I like the fruity, sugary...whispy vapor that is really the best essence of the plant...
That's what makes the vape stand out first and foremost.

Well, I'm off to the vaporcave!

yep accessndx; your assumption is correct. The vapor crumbs can be used for some extra extraction. It's amazing how much more you get out of your bud with a vaporizer. I basically maxed my bud out on the volcano on much higher temps than you til it was a dark chocolate brown, and I was still able to make brownies that got me stoned. So you'll definitely get toasty off what you got. I'd say accumulate a few ounces of the crumbs before you make edibles though. The more you use; the stronger the batch.

Happy Vaping!



i found the excellent diy easy valve bag replacement thing accessndx!.the parts are a bit different now(vapenow must have used an early bag).a new bag for 50p.wahey!!!!thanks for that accessndx:D.it takes a bit of elbow grease.you need to leave the bag on to get it out easy.i had to use a flathead screwdriver.but them germans made an excellent quality valve it should last forever!.
edit...when reassembling the easy valve remember the transparent valve part goes one way(theres a top and bottom).(i put it back together wrong:(DOH!).
when forceing the transparent part into the orange part,assemble like a bike tire going on a rim.one side in first then push the other side in.i put the orange part on a flat surface and pushed down on the otherside when assembling.hope that makes sense;)
heres a link http://vapenow.com/images/pshoots/ps20070925ev/
heres another link on cano tips,it shows how to make butter from old vaped herband other advice and tips. http://volcanotips.com/

Retardo Motabon

ICMag Donor
Rock on Eddie! I had to laugh when you mention the durability factor. Mine has been beat up and dented too. Each dent tells its own funny story of someone getting greedy on a hit! One of thse days I'm going to take the aluminum body off and pimp that volcano out. Custom painting, herb leaves stuck onto it with a clear coat and who knows what else.
How about a "pimp my volcano" contest where the coolest customization takes the prize! I'll definitely post a pic once I do it. All this volcano talk has me wanting to go pick it up from my buddy i let use it as i haven't been.


definitely pimp my cano!i havent done nothing to mine (yet:)).
But i did hand craft my canos home.Nothing goes on this shelf apart from my cano!(other than oscar the dread,of course!).
keeps my darlin away from greasy fingers!

Mr. Freeman

just a fellow cannabis smoker, vaper, cooker and r
ICMag Donor

I haven't read the whole thread but if you also have a ROOR bong, they work great with the volcano. I got the regular volcano with the regular mouthpiece.

1.- fill your bag up normally
2.- place the bag mouthpiece on the bowl of the roor
3.- press the mouthpiece into the bowl
4.- inhale
5.- pause (the time depends on you. lol)
6.- exhale
7.- Most likely your high on the first hit.
8.- Drink off your favorite drink.
9.- enjoy!

Most of the time I set the volcano on the highest setting when I'm doing this since its getting filtered through the water already. I get super high with this method.

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'had my cano since '04 & still use one every day. i can count the number of times i have smoked since then on my fingers! some thoughts

I own both a digital & a dial cano & i enjoy the old dial 'cano MUCH more. the digital shuts down after 30 mins & it sucks having to wait for it to power up each time i want to vape. also surprisingly, i think the dial 'cano has more control than the digi, it just seems easier to use!

i think the old style solid valve kit works allot better than the new disposable kind. i dunno why but the taste is MUCH better also with the old kit. i think its from the size or shape difference of the new style valve. for those that use the e-z valve, try the solid valve kit!

Is the large investment in a new volcano worth it? the answer really depends on your smoking habits. if you are a heavy user (3+ grams per day) then the answer is a resounding YES! if you only consume a joint or two per day then the benefits become more questionable..


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
I dunno, I like my digital....all this talk about 'warm up times', etc....doesn't really seem to be an issue.
My target temperature: 380 to 400 degrees....averaging about 385. If I turn on the unit, and walk into the kitchen to get a glass of water.....by the time I get back, it's done most of the heating. I mean we're talking literally under 5 minutes....more like 2-3 minutes.

I'm uncertain how the analog dial would work, as I've seen many of the strains I'm vaping produce better quality vapor when burned at their optimal temperatures.

My Ed Rosenthal Super Bud needs the first bag vaped closer to 396..then with subsequent bags I can bring it down to 385. Some other strains work great when started and kept at 380. If I want to get a bit more vape out at the end, I can bring it up to 385. I experimented with some strains down in the 370-376 range....and some others as high as 409. Without the specificity I can achieve with the digital, I'm unsure what my vaping experience would be like.

I can definitely say I haven't SMOKED ANYTHING since last Wed. My lungs feel better...and I've arguably been more high and puffing with more regularity.

I really love this thing....I don't think I'm going back to smoking normally unless I have no alternative (ie-shows, parties, etc.). However, I'll NEVER say NEVER...ya' never know...
Sometimes a bong hit is really what the doctor ordered.
But, I've gotta admit that this vaporizer was one of the best purchases I ever made related to weed.
Even vaporizer "skeptics" have been blown away...I've brought it over a few people's houses and they've all unilaterally stated that they wanted to purchase one...
Of course, the cost is a bit of an issue....but other than that they believe the quality is unquestionable.


Don't get me wrong i wont be selling my digit anytime soon! i love them both.

I have a classic model volcano. I love the thing. It's my dependable workhorse.
I've never used a digit one before, but it looks cooler I'd say. The digit model looks like something you'd see used on Star Trek to smoke pot out of.


:wave::dance::jump:the digi makes me think of "the space year 2019 when humans developed the idea of

V A P O R I Z A T I O N !!!!!!!"
the original makes me think of art noveau! i dont know why though(maybe form and function);)
ogatec so you prefer the easy valve to solid?i think if they could combine the easy valve filling chamber with the solid valve balloon it would be excellent:D(hehe420:):)do the the solid valves need maintenence?they have a lot of parts...i would have bought a solid valve(i bought mine 2ndhand)i like to be able to replace and repair!the machine's are superb are'nt they!you know i would love to own both models:D
you know when i look at the two models i think if they were the same price which would i choose?...i honestly dont know..retro dial or fuure digit!?!i dont know:)
i think i'm saying how do'you improve perfection?hehe i love my cano!


buttyrekka said:
;2152075V A P O R I Z A T I O N !!!!!!!"
ogatec so you prefer the easy valve to solid?
you know when i look at the two models i think if they were the same price which would i choose?...i honestly dont know..retro dial or future digit!?!i dont know:)
i think I'm saying how do'you improve perfection?hehe i love my cano!

i prefer the old solid valve over the e-z, but they both have their advantages!

If they were the same Price i would still go for the classic, i think its easier to use, like i said earlier i also dont like the automatic 30 min shutoff on the digital. before i bought my digi i sold my origional dial cano to a friend, i missed the dial enough to buy a new one.


Active member
i prefer the old solid valve over the e-z, but they both have their advantages!

If they were the same Price i would still go for the classic, i think its easier to use, like i said earlier i also dont like the automatic 30 min shutoff on the digital.

Thats the stoner timer..I would be lying if I said that I have not forgotten to shut it off after a sesh.

Mr. Tony

Active member
I've used a cano many times. I'm considering selling all of my glass for a volcano, eventually get the vapor dome for ti so i can attach it a heady bub.


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Just wanted to check in here and let the "vapor" people know....the Volcano is STILL rocking my brains...
I haven't gotten bored of it...it wasn't a novelty....
I'm still getting more hammered than I've ever gotten off the vapors. I love this Volcano so much there are hardly words to express it.
Today I packed like a quarter gram of multiple strain kief into the chamber with about that much weed. I was spinning like a friggin top!

Good times, good times.

So excited about the vaping, that I've added another device to the arsenal:


It's like a glass pipe for vaporizing...really inexpensive also. Great for those times on the run where you don't wanna really stink the place (or yourself) up.
I'll be sure to let you guys/gals know what the score is on this little jimmy!