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Active member
ohhhhhhh.. i get it now.. actually thats better..i thought it took like those thermacell cartidges mini butane cells.. hmm..wondering the usage life on the butane storage tho.. i have some butane refillable lighters that refuse to fill any more..or won't hold as much butane..if that fails then your shit out of vape? i guess can still store the herb elsewhere, but it would be cool if it had its own container..all in one.. maybe for iInhale 2.0

still looking into it..if its something i get i plan to use it for a long time..not just a random toy..espcially for the $ it is..

As you can tell from my name, I'm a huge Volcano supporter. I don't work for S&B or sell vaporizers, I'm just a regular guy who loves vaporizing. Who wouldn't want to get the maximum THC out of their product and stay as healthy as possible in the process?

I admit that I still enjoy a joint or bong from time to time but it's rare these days. It's ironic because for years and years, all I did was use a glass piece and lighter, eventually getting bongs and bubblers, and the usual joints. The years of abuse on my lungs took its toll and I had no choice but to switch to a healthier way of consuming the herb.

A friend of mine had owned their Volcano Classic for years but I always thought they were too expensive and I didn't know much about them. I did lots of research and finally put out the $$$$ for the ultimate in THC consumption. I have never looked back and have no regrets on buying it.

I use the easy valve bags and when they're spent, I simply "recycle" the easy valve by replacing the bags with bags normally made for the solid valve. There are simple, picture by picture instructions on the internet. The method on vapenow works but not as good as this one..... http://forum.grasscity.com/recreati...volcano-vaporizer-easy-valves-w-pix-save.html

Here are the temperature settings I use and why I use them:

355-369F for maximum taste with strong head and slight body highs. I use this setting when I truly want to get the most taste out of a strain, as a morning vape setting, and is used for the first 1-2 bags out of a session

370-381 for maximum vapor with slightly less taste but stronger body high mixed with the head high. I use this to finish off my bud and vape session and it's especially great before going to bed. Scientific studies that were done show that trace levels of some carcinogens start appearing again around 382F and upwards so I see no reason at all to ever go past 381 because the whole point is to keep that stuff out. Some people still go to the higher temps because the vapor is thicker when in fact, you're just starting to get more vapor/combustion mixture.

Don't forget that you can press the + and - buttons together on the Volcano Digit to switch from Celcius and Farenheit.

I always increase my temp by increments of 2-5 degrees. An example of a typical vape session might be as follows:

Bag 1: 363F
Bag 2: 366F
Bag 3: 370F
Bag 4: 373F
bag 5: 378F

It's good to use 365F (185C) as a reference point. 365F was proven to be the temp at which a full release of THC takes place therefore give or take temp, you can adjust your personal preference for taste/vapor and head/body high.

I can use as little as .2g or as much as .6 to fill the chamber. I get between 4-8 standard easy valve bags depending on temp vaped, quality of the bud, and how fine the bud is ground up or re-ground up.

Make sure that you remember to let your Volcano push out dead air for 3-5 seconds before putting bag #1 on. I will usually allow about 1-3 seconds for the remaining bags too.

The biggest mistake I've seen people make is leaving the fill chamber on top of the Volcano after the bag is filled. The instruction manual clearly tells you NOT to do this. Always remove the fill chamber WITH the bag first, THEN detach.

If I know I'm going to be making cannabutter with my vaped goods, I'll usually cut back the amount of bags by 1 or 2 so if, as an example, I had a certain strain that I was averaging 5 bags per fill, I'd only fill 3 bags and then dump the vaped remains into a container for use in making cannabutter later. I usually wait until I have 1-3 ounces of vaped goods before making a batch of cannabutter.

To conclude my review, I'd like to include a quote from an e-mail that Storz & Bickel wrote to a customer as to why the Volcano is unmatched...

"The set up for effective vaporization requires a strong pump for constant air flow, a heat exchanger to heat up air to the desired temperature and of course accurate temperature control.

Please see http://www.storz-bickel.com/download...r_Digit_A3.pdf for a technical drawing.

Whip systems are not providing a constant air flow, leading to the danger of increased temperature and finally combustion, because as you suck from the whip, temperature rises (you might know from a cigarette: when you inhale, it starts glowing > that means temperature goes up). You might attach a silicone tube to the EASY VALVE filling chamber (= whip system), but this is not as good as the balloon system. A whip system if used strong or long enough always bears the danger of self-combustion of the plant material. The balloon has the advantage that during vaporization you are not in contact with heat or electricity.

Pumping the enriched air into the balloon guarantees that air flow is constant and temperature too. All the “balloon system” I know working with a fan (= not enough pressure) instead of a good pump, so in most of the cases performance is unsatisfying and vaporization is ineffective. Talking about temperature, for connoisseurs a reliable temperature is of importance, because with a certain temperature you might just get the “portfolio of compounds out of your herbs that you like. In the medical research this is also a very important point as they want to have controlled temperature to be able to have reliable parameters for their studies. The VOLCANO as the standard for scientific research is a good testimonial too, I believe."

This concludes my Volcano review. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. I hope you all eventually get to experience a Volcano in your lifetime because it's a real treat. If you can't afford one, always check ebay because used ones are built like tanks and have sold for as little as $250.

As for the future of vaporizing...The i-Olite (i-inhale) seems to cover the other end of vaporizing, which is the portability factor and has gotten a lot of great reviews. I just tried one from a friend for the first time yesterday and I was very impressed. The taste is very concentrated and it's almost a different vape experience all together.

Finally, I was given a hint as to what we can expect from Storz & Bickel in the future via e-mail. Apparently they're coming out with something next year that is going to be smaller but not cordless and that's all I know right now. I can only guess maybe its chargeable or something but who knows, only time will tell.

Happy vaping everyone! =)


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
K+ Volcano Vape420! It's hard to talk this positively about something like the Volcano and NOT sound like you're selling it...ROFL.
I have been accused of working for S&B myself...so I know the routine! I just love my digi vape sooooooooo much I can't express it properly or enough...
I'm going to make use of your temperature suggestions. I noticed you were referring to the upper boundary of temperatures as being 381. I understand why, but I'm curious about attempting to vape nearly "wet" or undried herb. If you've read the thread up to this point, you'll see that I've been doing that. However, to do it properly you really do need to crank the temperature up. Hopefully I'm not pumping up the carcinogens.
There are SOME strains that do IMO require slightly higher temps even when not vaping undried herb. My Ed Rosenthal Super Bud really needs about 398 to be anything but REALLY thin vapor. I don't really want the SUPER milky bags because that's essentially smoke....but I like to be middle of the road...not too thin, definitely not too thick...just right.
The suggested ranges may be appropriate for a large percentage of the stains you'd encounter, but I'd suggest being willing to experiment just on the off chance you've got that strain that takes a bit more energy to get rolling.
Other than that, I wish I had one of these everywhere I went....my goal is to get all my partying friends to have one....if they weren't so over the top in terms of price, they'd probably be my "housewarming" gift! The gift that certainly keeps on giving!

K+ Volcano Vape420! It's hard to talk this positively about something like the Volcano and NOT sound like you're selling it...ROFL.
I have been accused of working for S&B myself...so I know the routine! I just love my digi vape sooooooooo much I can't express it properly or enough...
I'm going to make use of your temperature suggestions. I noticed you were referring to the upper boundary of temperatures as being 381. I understand why, but I'm curious about attempting to vape nearly "wet" or undried herb. If you've read the thread up to this point, you'll see that I've been doing that. However, to do it properly you really do need to crank the temperature up. Hopefully I'm not pumping up the carcinogens.
There are SOME strains that do IMO require slightly higher temps even when not vaping undried herb. My Ed Rosenthal Super Bud really needs about 398 to be anything but REALLY thin vapor. I don't really want the SUPER milky bags because that's essentially smoke....but I like to be middle of the road...not too thin, definitely not too thick...just right.
The suggested ranges may be appropriate for a large percentage of the stains you'd encounter, but I'd suggest being willing to experiment just on the off chance you've got that strain that takes a bit more energy to get rolling.
Other than that, I wish I had one of these everywhere I went....my goal is to get all my partying friends to have one....if they weren't so over the top in terms of price, they'd probably be my "housewarming" gift! The gift that certainly keeps on giving!


Thanks access, you seem to love the digit just like I do. You're right about different strains possibly needing more heat. My guideline is my general rule of thumb for probably 90% of what I vaporize. I generally have good nugs like diesel, northern lights, tons of different kush strains, juicy fruit, white widow, etc..

I agree about the "wet" buds too, they probably need higher temps.

Don't forget that just because you can't see vapor in the bag doesn't mean there isn't active thc and vapor in there. I have tested the Digit as low as 340 with nothing visable but def tasty and got me high. I've also tested it as high as 400 and found it to be too harsh, most likely due to the increase in combustion/carcinogens. My "sweet spot" so to speak is around 365-371F because I find the taste to be the richest while still having a moderatly thick vapor cloud to inhale.

I know what you mean about trying to get your friends to get one. I've successfully converted/introduced 3 different people to vaporizers. 1 of them has bought a Volcano classic, an i-Olite, and V Tower Extreme already. The other bought just the V Tower Extreme. My other friend is obsessed with my Volcano and is about to buy a Digit model in a few weeks. So all in all, I feel pretty happy that I made a good difference in peoples lives, even if it burns a little hole in their pockets haha.

I forgot to mention one important thing in my Volcano review/overview. Some people buy a Volcano and then own it for a few months only to get rid of it and complain that it didn't get them as high because they recently smoked and found they were more high. The reality is that #1-Your overall THC tolerance is going to go up with regular vaporizer/Volcano use because your getting more than you ever did smoking, your body has to adjust to that. #2-That "extra buzz" when you smoke is more or less an auto-immune response of your body fighting off the carcinogens, similar to the way you feel "out of it" when you're really sick. If you find your tolerance too high, try to cut back for a few days or vape on really low temps and vape less bags.

The Volcano truly is the gift that keeps on giving.


Active member
i must say i quit tobacco since the 28th of april.

tonight i went out had a few drinks and then someone rolled a joint with tobacco at the bbq/party. I took 3 hits.
Immediately i felt how bad the tobacco was.

It irritates the throat. Yuck! after that i didnt smoke anymore.

I hope tomorrow i won't have withdrawal effects , i am now vaping on my sweet volcano .

I am now a convinced non smoker , it just wasn't tasty and the effect wasn't better. I thought it was better before cuz i was a nictoine junk!.

So i must say all hail the volcano!!!!:laughing:
i must say i quit tobacco since the 28th of april.

tonight i went out had a few drinks and then someone rolled a joint with tobacco at the bbq/party. I took 3 hits.
Immediately i felt how bad the tobacco was.

It irritates the throat. Yuck! after that i didnt smoke anymore.

I hope tomorrow i won't have withdrawal effects , i am now vaping on my sweet volcano .

I am now a convinced non smoker , it just wasn't tasty and the effect wasn't better. I thought it was better before cuz i was a nictoine junk!.

So i must say all hail the volcano!!!!:laughing:

What strains of "tobacco" are you vaping? lol


High Grade Specialist
I did it! I ordered my volcano!!
Im sitting on a batch of badly dried weed which fucks up my lungs (see here) and i cant take this shit anymore.

I eat healthy, i work out 3 times a week and then i fuck up my lungs with smoking??
NO SIR! Not anymore.

Really happy right now, cant wait till i pick it up next week!

Only downside is im fucking broke now lol.


wow, yall are low temp vapors! my digit starts out arond 400 & works its way up to 430. Idont get any effect under 390 just taste, im wondering now if my cano needs adjustment. i do like a thick bag tho! my favorite way to vape is to cover the screen with a pinch of weed, and blast it 1 time @ high temps 420-430. wowzer!!!! full liftoff!!!

also i like to "preheat" the weed in the chamber for 5-10 sec. before putting the bag on. this makes for a much thicker experience.


my friend has one, i always look forward to hitting it when i go over to his plac. i've thought about forking out the cash from time to time but never took the plunge.

if i bought one, i'd almost feel a need to smoke the majority of my buds out of it. personally, i would rather smoke plain herb out of a nice head piece. i do enjoy a good vape hit every now and then though!


another volcano tip (dont know if it's been mentioned):
some people claim that with the cano all strains will taste the same....to fix that withyout changing the bag, just fill it with pure vapor, at the hotest level, with empty clean chamber of course, then empty the bag....repeat this 3 times, and the bag will be like new, without any taste in it.....


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Ogatec: I know that I was vaping at much higher temperatures when I first got my Volcano....because I didn't know the optimal temperature setting....and because I was very accustomed to smoking....
That makes you want to get really thick...milky bags going first...

Well, honestly you don't need to.....
The milky bags are just filled with carcinogens and toxins...and honestly are very close to being considered "combustibles".....as opposed to "vapor".

I didn't see the point in using a $600 device that would only accomplish what my bowls, bongs and bones were already doing. If I wanted to carbonize something I'd just fry it up in one of those formats.

It wasn't until someone told me that the vaporization temperature of THC was 365 degrees.

I wouldn't take my temperatures down below 389 prior to that.....for the same reasons....I wanted really thick ass bags!

Well, I tried vaping the thinner mist at 365-371..all the way up to 381 where they say those carcinogens get produce beyond that point....

As I grew accustomed to it....I realized I was getting just as high. My body was just conditioned to looking for that thick smoke effect.

To use any vaporizer properly, you really have to re-condition yourself a bit. At first it may be odd, but honestly you'll come to the same conclusion.

Kush Master: Awesome!!! Can't wait to hear your reports on the Volcano bro!

Ayatayo: Great tip. I'm gonna try it. I don't necessarily agree that all strains taste the same. My sense of taste was obscured as a result of all the smoking. As I've been vaping...my sense of smell, taste, etc. has all come back full force. Very interesting phenomena that I didn't expect. Honestly I didn't think my ability to discern taste or odor was affected, but apparently it was. I think as the bags get used and re-used....they become layered with the taste of the weed you're vaping. I try to keep it to one strain for the first bunch of bag uses...this way I can appreciate the taste more fully. It does tend to become blended as you incorporate more strains. There's a tutorial earlier on in this thread that shows you how to swap out the easy valve for new bags without buying new valves....very cheap alternative.....
I think it wouldn't be a horrible idea either to keep bags off to the side that are used for just 1 strain. Since you get 6 bags in a starter kit....you could easily do it.
I've done it before. 1 bag for Opium, 1 bag for Ice Cream, 1 bag for ERSB, 1 bag for Lavender...etc.
I keep 'em labeled and use them independently if I want to be a taste snob. This way there's no mingling.
Another hint: If you don't vape the chamber to death; ie-3 bags vs. 5 bags....you won't get that popcorny taste or buildup of "tastelessness" in the bags. Dump out your chamber after the 2 or 3 bags....and re-use that stuff for budder or edibles! Save your tastebuds!

Now if Volcano can come up with a self-powered, portable device that goes on your back like scuba-gear....I'm sold! I'd be able to take it with me everywhere....yeeeeeeeeeehaw!

oh-gnoo: Yes, you will feel obligated and want to vape a majority of your buds....there's no two ways about it.....come to the dark side!

G.O. Joe

Well-known member
Evaluation of a Vaporizing Device (Volcano) for the Pulmonary Administration of Tetrahydrocannabinol
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 95(6), 1308 (2006)

ABSTRACT: What is currently needed for optimal use of medicinal cannabinoids is a feasible, nonsmoked, rapid-onset delivery system. Cannabis "vaporization" is a technique aimed at suppressing irritating respiratory toxins by heating cannabis to a temperature where active cannabinoid vapors form, but below the point of combustion where smoke and associated toxins are produced. The goal of this study was to evaluate the performance of the Volcano vaporizer in terms of reproducible delivery of the bioactive cannabinoid tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) by using pure cannabinoid preparations, so that it could be used in a clinical trial. By changing parameters such as temperature setting, type of evaporation sample and balloon volume, the vaporization of THC was systematically improved to its maximum, while preventing the formation of breakdown products of THC, such as cannabinol or delta-8-THC. Inter- and intra-device variability was tested as well as relationship between loaded- and delivered dose. It was found that an average of about 54% of loaded THC was delivered into the balloon of the vaporizer, in a reproducible manner. When the vaporizer was used for clinical administration of inhaled THC, it was found that on average 35% of inhaled THC was directly exhaled again. Our results show that with the Volcano a safe and effective cannabinoid delivery system seems to be available to patients. The final pulmonal uptake of THC is comparable to the smoking of cannabis, while avoiding the respiratory disadvantages of smoking.


High Grade Specialist
So i picked up my volcano and now im 5 days smoke- and tobacco free.
This is so awesome! I can take really deep breaths again. And my nose is cleaning up! Years and years of smoking had taken its toll on me but now its all clearing up again. Awesome-o! I love this thing.

Only downside is the last 2 days i got so damn high i fell into a coma at 9pm lol.


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Just figured out how to vape full melt bubblehash in the Digi-Volcano.

First: Switch your chamber screen to the "Concentrate" or "Liquid pad". Then: Heat up the Volcano to 400 degrees or so......
Turn it on for a few seconds......let it warm up.....then put the chamber on top with the full-melt inside. The liquid pad doesn't really let alot of air pass through..but it's just enough to get the base heated and within about 5-10 seconds it should get hot enough to start bubbling your hash....and voila!

You'll get a thin mist for the first bag...second bag will be milkier.

Bringing up the temperature with the liquid pad in place will not "carbonize" anything....it doesn't even really get that hot on the inside surface....but it will get hot enough to begin to melt the bubble...
Subsequent vaping will allow you to fully melt and evaporate the material.

Haven't tried it yet for BHO, but it should work also.


Got mine today with easy valve..even that I ordered solid one..Damn stoners:)
But i found nice site to change easy valve bags.. I was almost sending the valve back but wanna get smoking tonight..Not next week or so.. But yeah here's the link:


I dont know if somebody post this before ...

Vaporize it!

215 User

This is a great investment considering all the health/stealth benefits.
Had mines since 04' & have not had a problem with it yet.

Keep a spare box of bags and you are good.


Considering getting one of these, but I'm not sure if I'm a fan of vaporizing or not....And I don't want to find out that I'm not a fan 670 bucks later...

I did buy a Da Buddha vaporizer about a year and a half ago, and the novelty wore off quicky...It's a box+whip type of vaporizer....I'm just not sure if the volcano will be much better than this or not?? I don't want to be disappointed.

Still on the fence...


Just ordered some real volcano bags from storz bickel, got sick of the nasty oven bags, they are opague at first then go translucent and get crunchy and break near the hear, who knows what I be smokin with those!

It's also nice bc you can do one huge bag instead of 3 small ones having to go back and forth between the volc