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- Opiated Thai Sticks: Myth or Truth? -


Well-known member
Free ☕ 🦫
im not sure you understand how production works ,
folks tend to produce lots ,
its like starting a factory , why start one and only produce a small portion ,
you go all out ,
im quite familiar with how this sort of stuff works as ive been a part of the trade most of my life ....
there are well respected members of the community claiming to have been there during the era of thai stick production ,
as i mentioned already ,, on asking the growers , they were told it was an urban myth ,
do you discount their first hand experience , with boots on the ground , on the spot , at the time , asking the folks doing it ????
sam skunkman , on this forum , said those very words ...
I'm sorry but I'm getting confused about your standpoint.

Firstly you claimed that it was never produced.
Then you claimed that it was even impossible to produce because the regions were 100's of miles apart.
Then you claimed it was impossible to consume it that way.

This was all disproven.

Now you say that it was possible that it was produced but never exported.

This while respected community members claiming they actually scored some.

Don't know what you experienced first hand but swapping your standpoint around with every other post isn't contributing much.


Donald Mallard

el duck
I'm sorry but I'm getting confused about your standpoint.

Firstly you claimed that it was never produced.
Then you claimed that it was even impossible to produce because the regions were 100's of miles apart.
Then you claimed it was impossible to consume it that way.

This was all disproven.

Now you say that it was possible that it was produced but never exported.

This while respected community members claiming they actually scored some.

Don't know what you experienced first hand but swapping your standpoint around with every other post isn't contributing much.

no , your interpretation is a little messed up mate ,
i have said the same thing all along ,

i have to note , i see two super mods trying to pick a fight with me ,
i thought u guys were trying to reduce the friction on forums ,
as told by another mod to me earlier via pm ,
and here you both are picking a fight with me ,

real clever guys ,, you are a pair of dicks , pretty easy for anyone to see this ..

its clear there is an agenda here , and u have both been manipulated too ....


Well-known member
i dunno why they refer to it as udorn ,
its udonthani , which translates to north town ...
sometimes its hard to hear quite what thai people say ,
they are often soft spoken , and some letters merge together ,
like k and g , t and s , its hard to hear exactly what they have said ,
i always try go get the spelling in english some how , then try to pronounce with their accent ,
if i dont hear it properly in the first place that is ...

i grow a thai/chinese root that is similar to ginger , lesser ginger ,
its spelt krachai , but its more a g at the beginning than a k , a little of both ,
takes a little to pronounce properly ,,
gunja , aka kuncha , is much the same sort of thing ...

Mike Ferguson first traveled to Udorn, Thailand during the Vietnam War. With a Thai dictionary and sign language, he told a cab driver that he was a tropical agriculture graduate student interested in seeing a ganja farm. In one village near Udorn, his driver put out the call and everyone scattered. Within minutes, villagers returned with bags and bags of Thai sticks. “It was a cottage industry. They all did it, and it cost about three dollars a kilo!” Ferguson put the load in custom-built boxes, labeled them scientific equipment, and shipped them back to Hawaii air freight. Although Ferguson thought he was playing “Moscow Rules,” surfer scammer Craig Williams heard through the grapevine that Ferguson had just put together another load, and contacted him. Ferguson knew of Williams because he’d a made a name for himself by successfully sailing the first load of Papa Grande’s colitas to Oahu. At the time, the seedless Mexican buds, made famous by the Eagles’ hit song “Hotel California” (1974), were so much stronger than any other pot in Hawaii that the Honolulu Advertiser warned that a new “superpot” had invaded the islands. #fergy#udorn#potpioneers
Nice, I learned what colitas are .

Donald Mallard

el duck
Nice, I learned what colitas are .
yea there is some good information in that book ,
i hear kelly slater (the famous surfer) is thinking of making a movie of it now,
id certainly take note of the information those guys put in the book since it was clearly well-researched and direct from accounts of the people in the trade at the time,
not sure how many people they interviewed all up ,
but 1000 hours of interviews is quite a lot ,
there is several clips on you tube and an interview with one of the main players also ...

i mean if 100 people , who were involved in the smuggling , growing etc , all say the same thing , you really have to lean towards them being accurate ,
vs folks who were never there and have been told stuff second or third hand .. or by shifty dealers etc ...


The Haze Whisperer
Seeing the facts that were posted and everyone seems to be in agreeings in the thread that it could have existed on a (very) small scale.

I personally think then that your claims might be true Hempy that you had Opiated Thai Sticks in the past. You also said if I remember correctly that you only managed to score it a few times. This would also be in line with what everyone say's.

My apologies if I ever came across if I doubted you Hempy. I just wanted to get the facts first.

No need to apologise Cvh and I agree facts matter.

People need to remember that heroin and opium use was everywhere at this time period the main drug use was still cannabis and hash but a close third were opiates.

I bought the opiated Thai sticks twice, I got 2 both times at different time I think it was a year apart from memory but after that I didn't look for them or want them again I just went for the normal Thai.

These surfer smugglers guys all got their Thai from Bangkok and had it delivered by police or army escort to their ships. The Bangkok middle men were the ones that bought it from the farmers and then graded it and got it ready for shipment.

The bulk of it didn't come from the surfer smugglers or captain sparrow, it was smuggled in by the Military not only did they bring in the bulk of the Thai weed, but they brought in all the heroin too.

People forget how the CIA found their black projects DRUGS, and they operated out of the Golden Triangle for decades, and I would not be surprised if they are not still there today.

If you look at the timeline of the killing of Donald McKay and then that leading to the exposure of the Nugan Hand Bank in Sydney that then exposed the world's largest drug syndicate then soon after we saw the end of Thai sticks being imported into Australia and the US market that alone should tell people who was really the main players in this.
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Well-known member
Free ☕ 🦫
Hempy, do you remember it was being sold to you as a Opium product or as a Cannabis product? And did they try to charge more? This might sound as a strange and repetitive question but this would matter.

If it's sold as a more expensive Opium product then it would make sense. Else it wouldn't make sense as it would be strange if someone laces one drug with a more expensive drug. Ie. as someone here in this thread posted, no one is going to sell silver that got cut with gold as silver.

Seeing those people that were involved had access (or produced) both products it could be that those Opiated Thai Sticks were a method of trying to push their Opium. (Keep in mind that Opium can be consumed this way as seen in the documentaries.)

Sounds a bit like dealers/producers trying to use the popularity of Thai Sticks to 'interest' people into Opium as both Opium and Cannabis was being produced and sold. I have been offered others drugs too in the past from dealers when I tried to score weed.

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The Haze Whisperer
They were called Opiumated Thai sticks, they were the same price, but they were smaller (shorter) than the normal Thai Sticks. Not by much, say 1/4 or a third smaller, that was it.

I also scored only once Opiumated Hash saw that a few times too.

I don't think this was done at a dealer level, I think these products came direct from the sauce, but after thinking about it for years I do believe it was a way to get more people hooked onto harder drugs.

Like I posted earlier, if you look at the time frame of the drug cartel that was formed during the Vietnam War that was exposed in Australia after the killing of Donald McKay that was run by the CIA / Military and other government agencies from here and in the US. Once they were exposed in Royal Commissions and Government inquiries, the imports stopped.

The Thai sticks also stopped being imported into the US also.

Why didn't the Surfer smuggles continue to import Thai sticks in after 83 in the US and here if the bulk of it came through them ?

That tells me the Bulk of the imports came out of the Golden Triangle.
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Donald Mallard

el duck
Why didn't the Surfer smuggles continue to import Thai sticks in after 83 in the US and here if the bulk of it came through them ?

That tells me the Bulk of the imports came out of the Golden Triangle.
they pushed the growers out of thailand at the request of the usa , i dont know if they paid them to do it via some economic benefits , or how they did , but its what they did ,
some growers stopped , some went over the border into laos ,
my father in law in the thai army at the time was involved in this , so i know it happened...
he got shot in the process , so its pretty firmly in his memory ...

the stuff grown in laos is probably still available today ,, but its not as good , and it was bricked , compressed ...
we got some in australia in the early 90 s ,
i have no idea how they managed it , but there was a bunch of it around Melbourne for a little while ...

every single bit of thai stick story has come from the isaan provinces ,
they were not growing commercial cannabis or making it into thai sticks in the golden triangle ,
i know u really want to believe it , but it just wasnt happening man ,
they were growing opium that was worth more than cannabis by a fair way..
didnt make sense to use valuable land that could be growing poppies to grow cannabis which was worth a lot less ....
yes there was some cannabis , as the locals enjoyed smoking it ...

according to that thai stick book , some usa guys grew some in burma at one point,
id have to check further , but i think i recall hearing they lost it somehow , and it wasnt made into sticks ...

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