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- Opiated Thai Sticks: Myth or Truth? -


ICMag Donor
Yes I really like the Black Swan, they are fairly sensitive to overwatering, medicinally speaking they would be quite powerful. I love the feel of a poppy petal. It's too bad their flower longevity is so short.
I take a morphine prescription, when I had to subject myself to a doctor ordered on the spot drug test, I realized the lab is able to differentiate between sources of opioids. Good thing I only like the opium flower, not the alkaloid. The Black Swan gets a lot of attention from flower lovers.
I failed a drug court urine screening (with horrible consequences) due to eating poppyseed Bagels … test came back positive for opiates. There’s no way to prove that I wasn’t guilty… and there’s no presumption of innocence either…

Donald Mallard

el duck
I failed a drug court urine screening (with horrible consequences) due to eating poppyseed Bagels … test came back positive for opiates. There’s no way to prove that I wasn’t guilty… and there’s no presumption of innocence either…
just couldnt resist the lure hey , hehehe ..


Well-known member
I failed a drug court urine screening (with horrible consequences) due to eating poppyseed Bagels … test came back positive for opiates. There’s no way to prove that I wasn’t guilty… and there’s no presumption of innocence either…
That's was unfortunate about your testing. I've seen that happen with athletes.

I didn't feel threatened at all when the doctor ordered my on the spot drug test as I was only taking the kind of drugs that I told him I was taking. What did surprise me was the depth of the drug testing and all the information learned from it. They were able to chemically identify drugs and were they legally produced or in a clandestine lab.


Well-known member
I didn't see much of it over the years, when Thai was being imported in and most of the people I know that did smoke them were like me, they tried them and preferred the normal Thai.

I often wounded, why did they opiate them, the only conclusion I could think of over the years was to get more people hooked onto harder opioids.
Or it was hemp they tried to improve and pass on as the real deal.


Well-known member
As a person who enjoys cannabis why would I want to change the nature of the high with an adulterant, it just doesn't make sense to me. But, there are probably some cases of it.


The Haze Whisperer
Or it was hemp they tried to improve and pass on as the real deal.
You guys are coming across as being desperate to disprove something you clearly did not see or smoke.

No, it was Imported Thai that was laced with opium.

Donald Mallard

el duck
As a person who enjoys cannabis why would I want to change the nature of the high with an adulterant, it just doesn't make sense to me. But, there are probably some cases of it.
fore sure ,
especially at a time when u could get both of those things separately,
why not use them like that since they definitely dont blend too well ...


Well-known member
You guys are coming across as being desperate to disprove something you clearly did not see or smoke.

No, it was Imported Thai that was laced with opium.
The only thing I'm desperate for is a good nights sleep and minimal pain.

It was the same where I grew up and hash was the dominant high with little cannabis around. Sometimes imported hash would be combined with opium, so they said.

Do I care, not really but what I do care about is the truth. Sometimes the truth is highly debatable, I would welcome any evidence to prove or disprove the claim. Yet, I won't lose any sleep over the topic.


The Haze Whisperer
no one has to disprove it ,
it needs to be proven for that to happen ...
Where is that written, Wally ?

I don't need to prove a thing, I know what I saw, but I have shown how they process raw opium into smoking opium called Chandoo, and they add Tobacco or Cannabis to that to smoke, and that process dates back a very long time.

First you couldn't lace cannabis with opium, then it was no cannabis is grown where the opium was grown, well they have all been proven have they not.

Donald Mallard

el duck
Where is that written, Wally ?
i dont think i need to explain that to disprove something ,
first it has to be proven ...

First you couldn't lace cannabis with opium, then it was no cannabis is grown where the opium was grown, well they have all been proven have they not.
firstly , no one said u cant put opium on cannabis ,
and secondly , you didnt prove they grew, made and exported thai sticks from that area ,
one plant in a video that was in burma anyhow , doesnt prove anything at all ,
show me where they mention thai sticks ??? export gunja ,, any[thing like that please ...

this is really getting a bit old mate ,
im of the mind that others can read this thread and decide for themselves ,
the evidence points strongly to the no opiated thai stick ever being made in quantity for export ,
well except 2 they made and made sure they were sent to hempy .. lol ....

there is no need for me to debate this any longer ,,, im a busy man and not a huge fan of arguing with idiots to be honest ..
catch ya ....


The Haze Whisperer
UNODC - Bulletin on Narcotics - 1965 Issue 3 - 001


Both ganja and charas
came to be most commonly smoked in earthenware or water pipes sometimes mixed with tobacco, datura or opium. Bhang is sometimes smoked and sometimes chewed, but most commonly it is taken as a beverage (as is ganja sometimes) or confectionery. Numerous preparations in combination with various other ingredients exist and go by many different names. The effects produced are believed to be similar, with ganja four or five times as potent as bhang, and charas two or three times as potent as ganja.


The number of narcotic users in Thailand, including Thai (the majority now), Chinese, and hill-tribes people, probably approaches 250,000. Since the abrupt 1959 ban on opium there has been a steady increase in heroin use (mostly among the young who now predominate) although there is still extensive opium use. The heroin is taken by "chasing the dragon" and sometimes by injection, and opium by smoking. Cannabis is widely used in the country, particularly in the north-east by smoking in pipes or cigarettes or adding it to food. It is often in combination with the opiates.



The Haze Whisperer
a man in a suit is sitting next to a woman in a blue sweater