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- Opiated Thai Sticks: Myth or Truth? -


Well-known member
Im arguing that hempy has first experience with them...im stating "it was so strong they thought they were dipped in opium" is highly plausible...not that it happrned in export


Well-known member
I enjoyed my opium laced homegrown cannabis walks...just lotta work

Ace has a nice Thai if anyone missed it ?
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RT seeds

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Did find some Red Thai seeds from a friend !!!
:huggg: love and appreciate my ICfam tread gently friends <3


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Donald Mallard

el duck
What they're saying is it was never done in relevant quantities for export, nobody can say with certainty it was never done by anybody ever... you are arguing about nothing, but that Thai Sticks movie sounds interesting ;)
this is the exact point , and there is no evidence to prove it ,
just some dudes trying to make out they are cool because they smoked heroin weed ,
while dismissing all other arguments and suggestions to the contrary...

typically when there is no proof , no evidence and the sources say it didnt happen ,
guess what ?? chances are the folks saying it were fooled and never had it either ,
especially on thai sticks as suggested .... but they will fight to the death that they did ,
and their mates will go into bat for them too , to protect their shaky reputation ...

Donald Mallard

el duck
Im arguing that hempy has first experience with them...im stating "it was so strong they thought they were dipped in opium" is highy plausible...not that it happrned in export
no one disputes that ,, are u hard of hearing ???
yes yes ,, we all think at some point folks have mixed the two ,
but we disagree it was made as an export in quantity ,
its kinda handy if you are going to enter into a debate you read all the material muddy ,
not just come in swinging , makes u look silly mate ...

Donald Mallard

el duck
..if there's no evidence...ur stance is just as invalid
see this is stupid ,, we have presented evidence , it just going over your head mate ,
because u came in late and have not been reading , just blah blah blah ,
go somewhere else where you can be of use mate , you are just a distraction here ,
and trolling ..

Donald Mallard

el duck
The origins of Thai sticks are a bit of a mystery. While they only first appeared on western shores sometime in the early 1970s, the true roots of the original cannabis cigars are pretty hard to pinpoint. First produced by the Hmong and Karen hill tribes of Northern Thailand, it's estimated that they have been handcrafted for at least 500 years. So why can't you find Thai Sticks in dispensaries these days? Thanks to the global war on drugs, the last Thai Sticks were made available sometime in the early 80s. Still, the legend lives on. And with the Kingdom of Thailand recently passing massive changes to the legality of weed, we may be seeing a comeback story in the making.
did they make them for export ?? no they didnt ,
maguire already touched on where and why in that short clip posted earlier ,
i have been there , and read the history in a museam in Udonthani ,
first hand experience trumps a bit of googling every time ,
you probably should mention the source of your information too ,
in case we need to verify it ...

Donald Mallard

el duck
That's the Long Neck tribe...Karen Long Neck tribe
View attachment 19076881
gee thanks mr google ,
this lady is in a village outside chang mai ,
they are actually from Myanmar, aka Burma ,
ive been to the village where they are and have the photos to prove it ,
they do not make thai sticks btw , if they werent a tourist attraction , the thais migh push them back where they came from because they are not thai ...

im tired of this back and forth with you fools now ,
your myth has been more than just busted and you are just carrying on now ,
ill leave u with this quote as its quite representative of some of the folks in this thread ...

Arguing with idiots is like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter how good you are, the bird is going to shit on the board and strut around like it won anyway.
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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Im arguing that hempy has first experience with them...im stating "it was so strong they thought they were dipped in opium" is highly plausible...not that it happrned in export
Half the people in this thread have experience with Thai Stick, not just Hempy. Hempy's no more or less an authority on that experience. What he doesn't know is what happened in Thailand. He's just passing on what he was told at the time, as many of us were.

Wish I had a $ for every time some idiot accused someone of lacing their cannabis with whatever, just because they found it too strong to handle. I got accused with my homegrown a few times, so fucking annoying when you've put in the work and someone says you've laced it.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Oh shit...does that qualify as evidence of thai sticks? Hempy seems owed a public apology...he wont get.
Why would anyone owe an apology? We are simply having a discussion and some of us disagree with what Hempy is saying. I don't get it?


The Haze Whisperer
Half the people in this thread have experience with Thai Stick, not just Hempy. Hempy's no more or less an authority on that experience. What he doesn't know is what happened in Thailand. He's just passing on what he was told at the time, as many of us were.
I never claimed I was an expert on Thai sticks Chi13, but I have grown Thais for over 4 decades I also sought out the imported Thai lots each year until it ran out regardless of how much weed I had. Plus, I had contacts and friends and I had a good idea of what was being imported in or was around.

You few clearly did not experience these Opiated Thai sticks and that's okay, but some of us did and like I said they were not that common.

Just because you or a few others didn't come across them don't automatically mean they never existed.

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