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- Opiated Thai Sticks: Myth or Truth? -


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I never claimed I was an expert on Thai sticks Chi13, but I have grown Thais for over 4 decades I also sought out the imported Thai lots each year until it ran out regardless of how much weed I had. Plus, I had contacts and friends and I had a good idea of what was being imported in or was around.

You few clearly did not experience these Opiated Thai sticks and that's okay, but some of us did and like I said they were not that common.

Just because you or a few others didn't come across them don't automatically mean they never existed.
I'm not discounting your experience with Thai Stick. Mine is somewhat similar. I think we are roughly the same age, from the same country. I had sticks that were supposedly dipped in opium. I didn't find them any different. I did not smoke real opium (mixed with pot) until a few years later, in '83, and I remember thinking at the time thinking that it was not a high I really liked as it was too relaxing. I liked upbeat highs. Btw, I mixed the opium with cannabis myself.

As I've said bottom line for me is no evidence from those involved in Thailand, in fact no one involved said this happened. There is also no evidence from drug seizures at the time and the press would have been all over it. They love their scary drug stories.

There were a lot of myths about cannabis back then. The opium dipped Thai Sticks was one. I know from experience you won't change you mind on this, so believe what you like. Unless you had the product analysed then it is guesswork.


Well-known member
What they're saying is it was never done in relevant quantities for export, nobody can say with certainty it was never done by anybody ever... you are arguing about nothing, but that Thai Sticks movie sounds interesting
Miscommunication is so easy, and people get entrenched in very narrow perspectives that we often argue about things we think are the same, but are actually slightly different. I blame the bikers for any one-off instances of adulteration of Thai Sticks, not the Thai people. I trust the experiences of people who visited there often.

However, I can't help but plow through the folly because one occasionally comes across interesting nuggets of information. For instance, in "Strain Hunters: Thailand Expedition Full Documentary" at about 50 minutes in, they are visiting a farm in Si Songkhram District, east of Vientiane Laos. They mention how the temperature is cooler there.

I've often thought that S.W. Oregon where I used to live was well known for high quality ganja because of the cool nights. It could get really hot in the daytime, but cool down dramatically at night. sometimes temp swings as much as 60 degrees F°, especially in the fall when buds are ripening up. I'm wondering if the cool temperatures in the middle Mekong lowlands are due to the proximity to the nearby very high mountains in the upper Mekong. Cool air flows downstream at night.

Another interesting tidbit is what I think the older grower tells the Greenhouse seed dudes. They ask when did they started tying Thai Sticks. He might have said since about 1950. Not sure about it as they were struggling a bit with language barriers.

I've watched a few of those Greenhouse videos. A lot is cringe worthy, especially when they are spreading their seeds to remote location growers. Yikes! They are often smoking heavily and coming across as macho about it. But I think they got some good smoke on that Thai farm. At one point they are laughing uncontrollably, commenting on how much the high is all in the head, and pointing to their melons repeatedly. They couldn't handle it. Rather, they were handling it as well as I would have been. LOL. Not so macho after all.

I feel like pushing back about the rarity of Thai Sticks in the America. Most people my age experienced it in the U.S. I grew up in the middle of the U.S., and it was available there. I had a great source, so much so that I feared that when I moved to California, I wouldn't be able to find good weed. Hahahahahaha. California was swimming in it. They were still growing mostly great sativa when I first arrived. Kush and indica were just getting started. Of course I found Thai Sticks there. I discovered Haze, new to me, because it was widely grown in California then. I didn't find so many world wide exotics, but their homegrown was world class. Despite being in the land of milk and honey California, it was worth paying a premium for the Thai Sticks. They were unique, exotic, and the strongest. My whole life was about how different all the types of weed were.

Anyway, here is a link to the Strain Hunters Thailand episode, in case anyone is interested. The best part is the elderly old school growers about 50 minutes in.



Well-known member

Is there a dedicated Thai Stick thread for our new Thai users ?
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The Haze Whisperer
I'm not discounting your experience with Thai Stick. Mine is somewhat similar. I think we are roughly the same age, from the same country. I had sticks that were supposedly dipped in opium. I didn't find them any different. I did not smoke real opium (mixed with pot) until a few years later, in '83, and I remember thinking at the time thinking that it was not a high I really liked as it was too relaxing. I liked upbeat highs. Btw, I mixed the opium with cannabis myself.

As I've said bottom line for me is no evidence from those involved in Thailand, in fact no one involved said this happened. There is also no evidence from drug seizures at the time and the press would have been all over it. They love their scary drug stories.

There were a lot of myths about cannabis back then. The opium dipped Thai Sticks was one. I know from experience you won't change you mind on this, so believe what you like. Unless you had the product analysed then it is guesswork.
The Opiated Thai sticks were visibly different they smelt different and gave you a very different effect, you would have known the difference without even smoking it.

Did you know politicians were involved in heroin and other drugs here, even a state premiere, but that was not known publicly he had a bank account in the Philippines with 21 million sitting in it in the 70s proceeds of heroin and I only know this because a close family friend that was a retired cop told me. Just because it's not public knowledge don't mean it didn't happen.

You had the largest drug cartel (CIA involvement) operating out of the Golden triangle that was controlled by a privet army controlled by Khun Sa. Northern Thailand is and was part of the Golden Triangle.

Hmong tribe come from what part of Thailand ?

Hmong have a long history of both Opium and cannabis use.

Donald Mallard

el duck
You few clearly did not experience these Opiated Thai sticks and that's okay, but some of us did and like I said they were not that common.

Just because you or a few others didn't come across them don't automatically mean they never existed.
really there is not one single report from any person who went to thailand and smoked opiated thai stick weed ,
all the reports of opiated weed come from sketchy sources , not one verified source ,
all of them say they were told by their dealer , who happened to get a few extra dollars out of them at the same time as a coincidence too ,
funny that ,, do not trust dealers to be truthful , they lie ...

so the source says its an urban myth ,, only dealers have told this myth ,
its believed by the recipients , for what ever reason ,
you would think some thick black tar like substance would be fairly noticeable ...

the question of why would anyone do this remains unanswered ,
since it certainly wouldn't enhance any thai stick ...

Donald Mallard

el duck
its like we have to do a lesson on geography and culture just for some folks to understand stuff on this thread ,
go on google hmong people now and see where they are from , sheez ...


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
The Opiated Thai sticks were visibly different they smelt different and gave you a very different effect, you would have known the difference without even smoking it.

Did you know politicians were involved in heroin and other drugs here, even a state premiere, but that was not known publicly he had a bank account in the Philippines with 21 million sitting in it in the 70s proceeds of heroin and I only know this because a close family friend that was a retired cop told me. Just because it's not public knowledge don't mean it didn't happen.

You had the largest drug cartel (CIA involvement) operating out of the Golden triangle that was controlled by a privet army controlled by Khun Sa. Northern Thailand is and was part of the Golden Triangle.

Hmong tribe come from what part of Thailand ?

Hmong have a long history of both Opium and cannabis use.
We all know opium and cannabis grows in this area. So what? No one is disputing this or the organised crime etc, but none of this proves anything? I don't need a cop to tell me that some politicians were and are involved in the drug trade.

You seem to be arguing that because it is possible, it happened. There is still no evidence, just 40 year old memories which I put little trust in and no offence intended. Again, those who were there say it didn't happen, and there is no evidence in seizures that it happened.

There's no proof Santa Claus doesn't exist either. Yet this sort of argument is being made here.

Anyway I don't think we will go anywhere with this. Agree to disagree.


The Haze Whisperer
The original Thai sticks come from Thailand, in particular the Mountainous region of Mae Hong Son in the north of the country, bordering Myanmar.

I stand corrected.

Mae Hong Son province is home to a rich tapestry of diverse hill tribes, including the Hmong, Karen, Lisu, Lahu, Lawa, Pa-O, and more.


The Haze Whisperer
We all know opium and cannabis grows in this area. So what? No one is disputing this or the organised crime etc, but none of this proves anything? I don't need a cop to tell me that some politicians were and are involved in the drug trade.

You seem to be arguing that because it is possible, it happened. There is still no evidence, just 40 year old memories which I put little trust in and no offence intended. Again, those who were there say it didn't happen, and there is no evidence in seizures that it happened.

There's no proof Santa Claus doesn't exist either. Yet this sort of argument is being made here.

Anyway I don't think we will go anywhere with this. Agree to disagree.
I'm not the one arguing here, Chi13 you and Wally are.

Other People have posted saying they saw and smoked the Opiumated Thai Sticks also, so Why are you singling me out, all I did was share my experience ?


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
The original Thai sticks come from Thailand, in particular the Mountainous region of Mae Hong Son in the north of the country, bordering Myanmar.

I stand corrected.

Mae Hong Son province is home to a rich tapestry of diverse hill tribes, including the Hmong, Karen, Lisu, Lahu, Lawa, Pa-O, and more.
Western cannabis aficionados often associate the Hmong with cultivation of ganja (sinsemilla or semi-sensi), but there is no established Hmong tradition of cultivating this crop, certainly not in their homeland in China and not in their villages in regions with a tradition of producing and consuming drug-type cannabis such as Thailand and Laos either.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I'm not the one arguing here, Chi13 you and Wally are.

Other People have posted saying they saw and smoked the Opiumated Thai Sticks also, so Why are you singling me out, all I did was share my experience ?
I mean arguing more as in stating your point of view. I am not singling you out, you just happen to be the one pushing this point of view at present in the thread.

Yes, some believe they smoked sticks dipped in opium. Suggestion is a powerful thing. It's how placebo works.


The Haze Whisperer
It all honestly, it does not bother me one bit if you believe me or if you don't, I know what saw what I smoked, and I have nothing to prove here to anyone,

Believe what ever you want, but where I come from, a man's ward means something.

This isn't a court of law this is a forum where people post and share their experiences and to be honest even if I had an opiumated Thai stick from the past sitting in a time capsule right now, and I opened it up in front of you two then handed it to you two where you then had it tested you would only come back and say you made it right lol

I really don't care to argue about what I know is true with people that were not there.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
It all honestly, it does not bother me one bit if you believe me or if you don't, I know what saw what I smoked, and I have nothing to prove here to anyone,

Believe what ever you want, but where I come from, a man's ward means something.

This isn't a court of law this is a forum where people post and share their experiences and to be honest even if I had an opiumated Thai stick from the past sitting in a time capsule right now, and I opened it up in front of you two then handed it to you two where you then had it tested you would only come back and say you made it right lol

I really don't care to argue about what I know is true with people that were not there.
I believe that you certainly believed it. That doesn't make it true, but as I said I am not going to change your opinion.

Donald Mallard

el duck
It all honestly, it does not bother me one bit if you believe me or if you don't, I know what saw what I smoked, and I have nothing to prove here to anyone,

Believe what ever you want, but where I come from, a man's ward means something.

This isn't a court of law this is a forum where people post and share their experiences and to be honest even if I had an opiumated Thai stick from the past sitting in a time capsule right now, and I opened it up in front of you two then handed it to you two where you then had it tested you would only come back and say you made it right lol

I really don't care to argue about what I know is true with people that were not there.
i think the point is you dont know where that stuff you got that u claim was opiated thai stick came from,
it could have been made here , it may or may not have been opium ,
if it was , it was a waste of good weed , if it was good weed ...
there is no evidence thailand has ever made any for export ... this is the point most are making ..

and its ok to correct information for the record even on forums ,

at the end u could say something like
"i think i had some pot that had opium on it at the time of thai sticks , but im unsure if it came from thailand or not "
and that would be an accurate statement that no one would have any issue with ...


The Haze Whisperer
im not arguing ,
im just explaining why im right .. 555
You were 14 years of age in 1984 Wally by your own admission and that was the year the last imported Thai was seen here.

So how would you even know in regard to what the imported Thai was like from the 70s until it stopped in 84/85 here, you would only have what other people have told you. I bought my first Thai sticks in 1979 September to be exact and every time I knew new batches were around I would get more and I grew Thai plants.

The last imported Thai was rubbish, by the way, a shadow of its self.

Now, the Thai cannabis in Thailand after 84/85 was a different story that was still good up until say at lest the late 80s, I know this because of a close friend who collected genetics for us that went to Thailand monthly for work.

After that I don't know or cared as we had all the Thai genetics we needed.

Donald Mallard

el duck
You were 14 years of age in 1984 Wally by your own admission and that was the year the last imported Thai was seen here.

So how would you even know in regard to what the imported Thai was like from the 70s until it stopped in 84/85 here, you would only have what other people have told you. I bought my first Thai sticks in 1979 September to be exact and every time I knew new batches were around I would get more and I grew Thai plants.

The last imported Thai was rubbish, by the way, a shadow of its self.

Now, the Thai cannabis in Thailand after 84/85 was a different story that was still good up until say at lest the late 80s, I know this because of a close friend who collected genetics for us that went to Thailand monthly for work.

After that I don't know or cared as we had all the Thai genetics we needed.
um , no i was not 14 in 1984 ,
if you are going to claim stuff about people , please get it right ,
and we were smoking golden off the stick thai still in 1985 ..
which was my last year of school ,, i was older than 14 , hahaha ..

there was more imported in the early 90s too btw ,, i know u think u know everything , but you dont ,
it was compressed and likely from laos , i saw the same stuff when i went there well over a decade ago ....

what is this to do with the opiated thai stick ,
have u run out of stuff , so now you are playing the man like you often do ??
keep your eye on the ball mate ....