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On my way: 6kw Lavender/Afgooey/Romulan


I am using one of those mats you are talking about. 1/4'' inch though. The roots just got big enough to grow into it. We'll see how it works.
I like youre idea of the bed. Didn't someone do that on this thread?

20kw dreams

Let me know how they work jimjay, I don't think anyone said they had used beds, but maybe. Are you using the 4 x 8 rolls? I saw those ones 1.4: and the 4 x 4's 1" The 1/4" would be fine as a bed liner.

Is anyone using beds? Gaius, you would know, does anyone use coco beds?

Anyways, PICS!

DAY 35!

What do you guys think? 2+ weeks left. you can see the afgooey's(the tall lanky ones) look like they may have much longer then 2 weeks to go. Looks like I accidentally picked up a sativa, and didn't use Bushmaster on it to boot. I'm thinkin it looks like it would like to go 9 weeks or so, but maybe she'll surprise me.

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20kw dreams

All those were the Lavs, definately the most photogenic I think

And More!

That first is the lamp with he AG and Roms.

The last 2 are Romulan. Super heady and compact, but a low yielder I do believe.

This is one of the Afgooey's. Looks like it could be a high yielder, pretty heady but definately needs some development of the sepals

The field of Lavender

Another Lav for reference:)
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Active member
lookin solid 20k....how much did your goo stretch......just took a bunch of cuttings and thinkin about runnin the goo on the table next round but just trying to figure out how long i should veg em.........great shots bro!

20kw dreams

Is that because you drooled all over it nite!...lol..

Thanx vhGhost, I know exactly what a nice complement that is. There is actually a slight concave under the lights you can't see from the pics though.

Goo stretched a grip. 3x I would say. Not next time though:) I don't know how they resond to being topped though, but they would need netting or stakes on every branch if you did top them. the Afgooey and Rom both look like a better candidates for ScrOG then SOG for sure. They may end up totally different after getting hit with the BM next run though, so we'll see.

20kw dreams

Mine sounded different then yours too. Mine are single pole, no substantial branching. If you have a different pheno then it may be totally different
20k i'm having a hard time rapping my mind around your setup. I been growing in dwc for 3 years with good results. However the more i see coco the more i want to try it. I have some extra space opening up hear and 2 600w digi sitting around would like to run a tester. I have been searching these threads but i like yours. I like the short feedings, no drippers just feed lines, and really helpful input on feeding schedules. I understand how your setting up your feed lines. You have done a great job on this thread. But what i was wondering is your pot sizes, how you set them up (meaning do put loose coco in them our small slabs) , or do you put the pots on top of a coco slab. Also what size trays do you use. Our did you build something. Alot of basic questions hear, but really like your setup and would like to try to duplicate it. I also have been using bush master for last two grows and am liking it. Now i'm going to try out pmaxx, and gravity. I have 2 grapefruit , 3 cm's, and 1 lui, about 1 week into :joint: flower. Thank you very much for your help. Plants look great. later SI


yeah coco beds are the shit man, even better then slabs, lol. is that coco mat stuff expensive? never seen it at the supplyers. would be agreat way to keep the table clean.

great looking canopyyou got there. a lot of nice and fat looking buds too. should be a good yield,some of them look like 14 days will be the minimum they still need, others look close to being ripe.

cool thread :yes: :rasta:


I paid 30 i think for a 4x8 mat 1/4'' thick. I went through all my girlfriends good scissors tryin to cut it to the right size though :bat:

20kw dreams

This shit is so frosty right now, I could harvest right now and no-one would be the wiser. I wish I know what the yield difference really was if I pulled at 6 weeks or 8 weeks. I came back after being gone and not looking at them for 1 full night, and I could see a difference in resin. The trichomes are starting to really elongate.

Hey Sticky Icky:wave: Make yourself at home bud! My pots are 5.5" square's, 6" tall filled with loose coco just sitting on the table. Tables are 4' x 4' american agritech flood tables available at american hydrostores. They make all kinds of different sizes.

I'm switching to that ready-gro slabs though. I think more air at the root zone and more frequent watering will give better results.


Active member
heya 20k.....well i guess there is only one way for you to really find out....pick some right now and let the others go the full 8 and then you'll know, ya know.....

@ the goo...yeah, mine does sound like a different pheno but might work really good for a scrog so i'm probably gonna give em a go....we'll see what happens....lookin forward to seein some more pics bro.....laer on


20kw dreams

wouldn't work really, and they are looking more and more done by the day I did too much experimenting with the underbush trimming for me to know which would have effected the yields.

The Roms are definately done completely. I have more the 50% of the hairs turned all the way down the plants.

I found bud-rot last night too. Only on 1 plants, and I looked very hard on the others, and couldn't Then I found 2 plants which the line had clogged and I hadn't noticed. I think destiny is upon the lavenders. I need to get my drier built, which will be tommorrow or the next day or something like that. I would like to get at least some of them pulled by friday. I may pull the tops off at first, to give the bottom nugs some light to ripen.

More pics tommorrow, hopefully I'll be a harvestin some of this Lavender


Looking top notch 20k,
Iv'e been kicking around the coco bed w/the mat idea. Right now money's runnin a little tight and I need like 100 more pots for my grow so the bed looks really apealing
right now. I'm not sure if you could get an even flood or if you could keep the drain from clogging. The other concern I had was ,if you had to replace the mat after each grow it could be a fucking mess.
Got any thoughts?

Damn I can't believe your harvesting already:)

20kw dreams

yeah, I think you would get an even flood if you put the mats on flood tables, because the mat would prevent the bed from going into the channels. I'm pretty sure the coco won't go through the mat either, so your drains should stay clean. The mats are really course coco fiber, so I would think you could go 6 months to a year before they really started to fall apart on you. We'll never know until you try:)

Yeah, I can't believe it either. You can see by these pics that they are definately ready though. I pulled the romulans last night, which are what you see in the pics on the shelves.

That's my new dryer box in that one pic. It's got 33 square feet of drying capacity.

The pic of the stumpy nugs are where I topped that plant the other day when I found that bud rot. I searched thuroughly for more, but luckily didn't find any.

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Ahh man your killing it 20k,
Looks awesome...sugary as hell and I dig that dryer.
Allright I'll be the ginuea pig for the coco bed it definately sounds like a good idea.

20kw dreams

Sweeeeet. I don't think I can cause it's lookin like the gravity makes a medium unreusable. I already ordered the slabs, so I'm just gonna stick with those.

That snot even the Lav, that's the Romulan, and the Lav's are better then th Roms. Once I get more of the crop down, I'll pull some of the herb out to get some nice natural light photos:)

I still don't even know about the Afgooey's. They don't seem like they are filling in, but then again, they could still have some time to go. I think part of the problem is that I gave them both the same nutrient regime, and they definately are running out of nitrogen.


Active member
lookin nice there 20k, some pretty tasty lookin resin on dem buds, you build the dryer dresser yourself.....looks tits bro........so you think the gravity kills the coco bro, what would happen with hydroton ya think?

lookin nice bro


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