Now look how snotty you get when its your thread you don't want invaded 20K?
Funny how the un-invited always show up, eh?
But don't sweat it, I'm not sayin' word one to anyone on here anymore, I learned my lesson. But if you don't mind, I'd like to watch the discussion on Coco as I'm a bit curious for a more practical design myself.
Yeah Bonecarver, the tables are built to 3' feet + 8" for the pots and flood trays. It's nice and easy on the back 4 sure. My back can get to buggin me bendin over tables all the time. I wouldn't try it without the Bushmaster for height control. I can just throw that shit in whenever I think they are tall enough.
Actually Gaius, these ladies will only go to 7 weeks. That's thanx to the bushmaster, again. March 16 is the ETA. I have a feeling the Afgooey's will take a little longer, cause I ran short on the bushmaster with them, whcih is why they are so much stretchier then the Lavenders.
Using bushmaster adds a whole new dimension to your grow. With the height control part of using it, it allows you to really know in advance how tall thye will get, because you stop them from growing when you want to. That, and it gives you fat baseball nuggets.
Hey 20k
awesome setup man. I'm setting up mine very similar except it's about the half size
and I'm not using co2. I was wondering if you have been reusing your coco after using bushmaster? I read a thread here saying it doesn't fully flush out of the medium and will stunt new growth next time around. I'm hoping this isn't true but I'm not using it anymore and I tossed the coco from the few plants I tried it out with. It is pretty cool though. Also I'm using silica blast in veg with no problems so far. I guess it would only cause problems in coco in bloom with pk 13/14.
Inspiring grow, thanks for posting it up>
You know bonecarver, I have no idea whats in this stuff. My best guesses would be Pactrobuterol? If that's even what it is called, something like that. There are some other things on the market that stunt vertical growth, like "Bonsaii", and some other commercial horticultural products which might do similar things, but I have no idea if anyone has tried using that kind of stuff.
I use BM at 3ml for 5 days now, instead of 5ml for 3 days. It is easier to watch for the burn, as it doesn't progress as fast, and I also know how to spot the burn it gives pretty fast, by looking up through the bottom of the leaf at a light source. You can spot the burn pretty quick if you check for it daily, and if you catch it early, there is no real harm done.
It's the same with the PK 13/14 really. All the flower boosters seem to burn bad if you run them hard and fast. It is much better to ease the ladies into the stronger boosters, raise the lights, and check on them daily. I think the reason I gave them the light burn was more really because I went from BM to PK with only a week on straight nutes. This was the first time I ran PK at 5ml/gal this early, this strong. I'm really intentionally pushing them to the max for the first time.
I don't know about all that Dalton. I have heard that too, but Eel River hydro also says the best results from BM are from 1ml/gal foliars 4 x in veg, so I don't see how vegging them in a teeny amount of BM residue would be bad. I mean, you use the shit, and it is essentially getting it flushed out of the medium for 6-8 weeks. I could see the gravity being a problem though, since you use it so late in flowering.
I'm glad you brough that up, actually. I don't know if I want to fuck around with trying to reuse the coco if it's got Bushmaster, Purple Maxx, and Gravity residue. That could be cause for concern really. I should probably just get new media, and try to reuse a little bit to see how it goes. That, or I could throw some Gravity onto some soil plants I have vegging to see how they respond.
I using my bottle of Potassium Silicate. I threw in 2ml/gal last week, and they seemed fine. I think once the coco has been flushed out with nutrient for a few weeks, there prob isn't that much K being constantly released, especially not with so much solution running through it and being held by it. I might bump it to 3ml next week. I definetely will need it for all these rock hard colas which like to get budrot
Lots of nice pics everybody! Things are going great! Lots to discuss too!
DAY 26, Just about 1/2 way through flower
I gots me high speed internet today! All these photos are super high resolution, and it didn't take me forever to upload them!
As you can see, things are getting big, fast, and already frosting up super heavy. This Lavender is a F'in Godsend I'll tell you what.
You can see the light burn pretty good in these pics, because the 4 lights with the Lavender were turned off for a light foliar feed.
I wanted to clear up a post I made regarding the light burn. I had said "It was more because I hit them with the PK and the BM". What I meant by this, is the flowering boosters don't necessarily burn them on thier own, and the light wouldn't have burned them on its own, but the BM and PK seem to make them more sensitive while they are running, and a few days thereafter. When I used the Bushmaster, and the PK to a lesser extent, I should have pulled the lights back. Unfortunately, I am somewhat restricted because I got those Yo-yo thingy's. These aren't stong enough to hold my fans up too much higher then the bungees holding my fans will allow. So, They are stuck really. I got them up a little bit since the burn, like 6 inches or so, but that is as far as they can go, until this run is over and I can make some adjustment, which means taking the lights down and reconnecting the duct and all that.
This room is only lasting one more grow to boot. Then this shit is out of here so my son can have the room. I'll be setting up a mother/clone setup downstairs, and the grow will go to another location.
What else..My air filtration isn't hooked up yet. I have 1 ozone gen, cause I can't use a carbon filter with the exhaust, because the exhaust starts at the lights. If I used a Carbon scrubber, it would fill the lights full of dust, right? To be continued... I'm going to get the first set of pics up...
I need to work on focusing those pics That's my camera's auto zoom
So, this 1st set of pics are of the Afgooey's and the 2nd set of the Romulans. You can see they're like 10-14 days behind the Lavs. That's mainly due to the BM.
The last is so you can see the difference between the Lavs and the Afgooey's & Roms
As I was saying about the Carbon scrubber. So, I was at the hydro store, and he showed me these flexible carbon scrubbers, which are made of some carbon fiber mat, sewn cylindrical like a standard scrubber. This thing weighs as much as a thick sweater, but is supposedly almost as good as a 100lb scrubber. I'll be running it with my Ozone generator inside of it, so no worries anyways. Downside is they aren't refillable, and they are only supposed to last a year.
1) those things won't last a year, 2 crops maximum
2) ozone can always be avoided, and should... not healthy for you, your plants, or your family
3) I built myself 3 DIY scrubbs that sit on my floor with a $20 axial fan constantly pulling growroom air through them. They are refillable, and total cost with carbon, fan, and parts is about $40.00 each, only 1 is necessary but I use 3... they just constantly recirculate the growroom air. this has a cool added effect of picking up CO2 off the floor, and shooting it back to the ceiling also.
I don't have a clear idea of how you feed and flush your coco pots, could you elaborate on this? I did see you are using 1/4" drippers. does it look something like this:
Are you able to raise the water levels nearly all the way up the coco pots? Otherwise I don't see how you could get a good flush through the pots. I have this troubble with Rockwool cubes on slabs... I can only raise the water level to the base of the cubes... so when I flush, The cube is still fairly salty, while the slab should be nice and low ppm. To combat this I have 2 drippers per cube, which sorta helps to rinse the salts out of the non-submergable cubes.
I will be moving away from rockwool and into coco when my cubes run out, I am thinking 8" perfect pots (~8L pots) filled with straight coco(and drippers). Do you recomend perlite, or is the straight coco going well for you? Though, you do have pourous pots, hmmm interesting! Probably some nice respiration going on with the coco pots.
I'll see this one to the end for sure. nice work man!
I was wondering why no one is using grow bags full of coco or hydroton. It would seem to be much simpler to just plug your puppies into a bag of medium with a drip stake and have them run off. No restrictions of salt leaving the bag and you can always run the drippers 24/7 for flushing, or even manually rinse. Cheaper, less cost in shipping and labor and no dense blocks of medium to flush through.
I'm sure there is a good reason. Care2Share? You know me, the less medium the better.
what is your pics in other peeps thread day! haha....just kiddin, but only a little........hehe
hey 20, gotta a couple of q's for ya...i've had a cut of the goo for over a year now and have never run her sog or on my tables but only in buckets and she grows really weird for me......basically, when i grow her in buckets she gets ver squat and almost throws out shoots like urkle or something.......its really ever have this experience with the goo?
also, clearly your a fan of bm, but i was wondering if you have ever tried the gravity flower hardner and any opinion on it?
thanks bro, and your plants are lookin nice, a lil sunburn never hurt nobody
yeah man i agree, it will be interesting to see how those extra light filters will last for you? the expensive carbon scrubbers are lasting for a year and a half if your air comes out high up. with air exit at ground levels you need a new filter every 3 runs to be totally on top of smell rests.
Well I suppose posting a picture saves about 10 paragraphs of explaining a set up or question Somoz. I think the idea of a forum is:
"A public meeting or presentation involving a discussion usually among experts and often including audience participation."
I'm sure 20K can speak for himself. I absolutely do not want to jack anyone's anything. Especially 20k's. He and I were once good ol' buddies, I honestly don't recall what the situation was that broke our trust - I think it had to do with some infected clones that killed my entire grow or something and he was pissed off I wasn't more gracious about it I think.
Regardless, his tyrannical bitchfest was relentless to the point of exit. I hope that after years now he had gotten over it (though not sure reading his cautionary advice to JAT about me being invited).
Sadder considering the hours of work I put into aiding him in his original designs and learning curve as I myself was learning by trying to assist him.
That is the idea of education in practice. IMHO - contribution WITH A POINT allows us to compare our systems to others. I personally enjoy seeing pictures of what people can ACTUALLY do rather than what they CLAIM they can do (which now...I remember the argument 20K)
That was it. I wanted all my critics and naysayer to show me the proof that their systems were better or plants and roots systems healthier than mine. I didn't do it to be an asshole or show off, I was being jovial I thought. Friendly competition to push others to explore and learn and share.
We actually had a really good time, until I fell under the weight of so many asshats and dickheads that just kept pounding and pounding. And I got no support from IC admin to stop it. (Which BTW if anyone cares was why they reinstated Pod Racer - cause if you read my threads you'll see who should have been banned and who came back under other names just to harass and insult me - 20K joking) That part just got ugly and I was tired of defending.
If no one shows anything and no one is safe to share any ideas we aren't going to learn much are we?
So, why don't all you haters just take hit and next time you got a thought...let it go. Because unless it has something to do with the actual discusion at hand - you really can just keep your personal opinions to yourself and save us all a lot of irritation and animosity, no?
And now I've wasted as much space as a jacker myself - sorry 20K and all.
But like my little buddy here - not all visitors to your home that look like pests are. Some might just save your plants from dying. You don't have to crush everything under your thumb just because you don't understand it or it frightens you. Knowledge is power! GI-JOE.....
See I can only take advice from someone that can actually demonstrate to me they know what they are talking about. Everyone has an asshole to blow hot gas out of, few have the proof to put it on the table for all to see.
1)You know what Neptune, you are probably right, but I have to give them a try, someone has to after all. I can't use the scrubbers, as my lights are cooling from the air from the room. I have a grip of carboin from a scrubber I made and used myself for a while, and it worked great, but I just don't want to clean my lights every other day.
The Ozone gen is in the inline lights, so has no exchange with the room air, and gets exhausted outside through the attic, of which the access is outside, so there is no exchange with the house air. Trust me, I have inhaled heavily laden ozone air, and I can tell you, that shit is no good, unless used properly, and I do believe I am using it properly. Thanx for the concern however, as I'm sure alot of people aren't aware of the dangers of using ozone.
I feed with straght 1/4 inch lines, no drippers. I don't flush persay(sp), I just let the solution get weeker as the week goes by, and then water once with pure water after I change the rez.
My lines don't look anywhere as nice as yours. They are 1/4" lines off the 1/2" lines, but then are t'ed, so they look more like a T, then all nice like yours They aren't even staked really, only 10 out of 144 on the line fed side. The AG are not line fed, but ebb & flow, and they are doing great, so I think I will just switch to ebb and flow next time.
The ladies that are line fed don't get water up he pots at all
On those ladies the water only gets up to 2" or so, but I feed lighter then most I think in general, and then they get the once a week clean water too. I back off nutes aroundf the 6th week too, which is were I think most people get the unnecessary burn.
I would suggest perlite really, in pots at least. I think the reason that the slabs don't need the perlite is due to the extended space for roots.
Nice conversation:tup:
Hey SOMOZ! It's all good, I love seein other peoples pics, especially when they are a point of reference for a good MJ discussion!
ah....let me take a sip of this nice bud light ...yuck...but not a bad hangover...anyways, like I was saying..
Oh, yeah, the AG! No, it's been all straght like an arrow for me, not branching hardly at all. Who knows what you get though, either one of ours could be a phony, or different pheno's or whatever.
The Gravity I havn't tried just yet. I actually foliar'd the Lavs with it yesterday, but at 1ml/gal. I'm going to hit the rez in a week when I change the rez again.
I use my cool tubes to vent and exhaust my grow too. I just put the carbon filter at the other end, past the fan, so the air comes in the lights, through the ducting, thru the fan, and is pushed through the carbon scrubber at the end. Dunno if that would work for ya, as I'm not sure what you're looking at as far as space, and how your ducting is run.
Have you noticed whether BMs claims of finishing a week to 10 days earlier are accurate? I know you like it for stopping the vertical stretch, but have you noticed it actually finishing earlier?
a sensitive clam are we pod.....ya need to take it down a notch bro and aquire some humour there in dem bones.....would do wonders for your constitution
i like to take the piss, another function of the forums.......sorry if i struck a nerve or somehow turned myself into a "hater" by doing this....wasn't the intention.....take care dood and good luck workin through whatevs you gotta work through man
Now @ growing......Personally, i think grow bags are great if your running a certain kind of a show.....the kind that picks up and leaves every harvy....but if your gonna be stickin around at the same spot it seems like a waste to be buying new bags each round or every other round vs pots......i think you could possibly get 2 or 3 runs out of one bag but the salt build up would probably get purrty bad after a bit
And yeah, ozone ain't a fun thing to party with.....makes me break out in bumps sometimes or maybe it was the pythium bomb that fell over and blasted me! haha....that was a bad day
Someone in the coco forum brought up a real good point about perlite and its effectiveness in coco.......The example was that when one take a cup with straight coco and the other a coco/perlite blend and then pours water into both the perlite blend takes longer for the water to pass through it, thus holding in the moisture better and giving the roots more aeration and more nutrients by doing so.......i can't remember the thread though now.....were some good points fer shure
I run an almost identical feeding schedule and setup as ya 20k..........pure hydroton this run though......and while we're all showin some pics
here's some goo shots the first couple weeks into flower....wadda ya think....and some "credential" shots........hehe
lookin forward to hearin your thought on the flower using it on both tables or a side by side kinda thing?