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Older Than Dirt Quiz


New member
Well I remember all of that stuff and then some, how about the little licorice babys in the penny candy and the planters peanut stix. O' yes our lamp lighter didn't have a ladder just a long wooden pole. Cigs 2.50 a carton and gas 24.9. learned to drive in a 29 model A pickup and my first car was a 50 ford followed by 55 studabaker. Mexican lbs. 100.00 and purple osley, 4way sunshine and purple microdot for 30.00 a hundred.


Active member
Yep,, I remember the "Studebachers". That was my grandpas' favorite car,, he finally did give in though. Bought one of them there "Henry Ford Thingamabobs" lol
He meant "Maverick",,,,,,, and it was '76 before he gave in though!!
He was a "chicken farmer",, we all worked several jobs.
It came in handy later in life though,, I've very nearly always worked 3 jobs
as a norm,, let alone "normal life".
I've been ill for awhile now,, but still do my best. I was a "Blacksmith",
a "weldor" (new age term, lol), I shot landscape photos, portraits, and more,
even been a fishing guide when asked.
I'm not sure right now what I'll do in the future,
but I do look forward to leavin' some of the present behind, lol.................
Take Care,, Stay Safe........... the "iron" guy*

*a lil rusty today........... doc
and more.


Well, I have to admit it -- all 25 be in my cranium, as I remember every single 1. Never could stand that Blackjack Chewing Gum. Plus my pals used to chew those wax Coke bottles after drinking the juice inside. I couldn't handle that.
Jeez, I am 1 old son-of-a-bitch. :yoinks: :badday: :joint:


scored 24...maybe 23, depending in whether or not remembering howdy dudy from a happy days episode counts


minds_I said:
How about beer in a can you had to open with a can opener (two holes)


Had to have a 'church key' on your keyring. :joint: :wave:

Plus the cans were tin & not aluminum yet. :yoinks:


Active member
24 out of 25.

Be honest, any of you lust after Annette, or at least parts of her?

And there was the Papa burger, the Mama burger, and the Baby burger - at A&W, which alas, doesn't taste the same.


Hell, I remember all 25 and I'm only 40, oh well, dust in the wind it is. And I, still, have the metal ice trays with the lever :D.

Paz y mas...


shit i remember pf flyers and butch wax too come to think of it...yeeeesh i really am old...but i'm bang'in a twenty year old hottie...so y'all got something to look forward to...heh.



Grandpa said:
O' yes our lamp lighter didn't have a ladder just a long wooden pole. Cigs 2.50 a carton and gas 24.9. learned to drive in a 29 model A pickup

Holy shit!! :yoinks:...A lamp lighter? For the street lights? :chin:

Was Thomas Edison a good buddy of yours? You & Beethoven used to split a fifth?:D :confused:

We used to get the Mexican lbs for $130 in Chicago & the purple microdot, orange barrel & 4-way hits of windowpane all were $1.50-$2.00/hit. Gas was a little more costly at 26.9 regular & 29.9 premium.
But I've always had electricity. :wave:

Oregon Mtn.

New member
I remembered 'em all.
How about
-wooden phone booths with a seat, fan, door, light and a little table to write on.
-$50.00 used cars
-little plastic inserts for 45's or even older a cylinder
-no self-serve gas stations, in fact when you drove in 2 or 3 guys would come out and in addition to pumping your gas would check your water, oil, tire air pressure, battery, and clean every dam window, all without you asking.
-record players that would fit inside your glove compartment
-girls who would douche with Coke
-kilo's of Mexican weed for $100.00, $10.00 4 or 5 finger lids of Acapulco Gold.
-Panama Red
-Nickle candy bars
-Nickle 7.5 oz. Cokes from a machine
-Drug-store grills
-Kids selling newspapers from street corners
-girls who would rather die than give head
-You could buy stuff for a penny
-Guys who had finger-fucked some girl the night before and would let guys smell their finger the next day in school.


Self-serve gas stations were unheard of.............



you made that stuff up .... I got a 19, watched my aunt churn butter ,wood coffee grinders, the tall black cream seperaters, push button light switches, hand turned corn shellers (just about lost a finger in that one) wasnt it a rambler that didnt have a stick shift,i was just learning to drive ,you had to puch a button on the dash to shift gears, hand- crank start farm tractors, gas station attendent with the coin changer on his belt, motor oil in a can, shoot me now..........


dam must be in real trouble here .... i still have panty lines .....

my parents drove a studebaker ....it was sort of a pinkish brown box on wheels....the ugliest car in the hood .....16 old fart points for the lady :smoke:


WeedMafia said:
shit i remember pf flyers and butch wax too come to think of it...yeeeesh i really am old...but i'm bang'in a twenty year old hottie...so y'all got something to look forward to...heh.


probably a good ider for ya to do that 20 year old thing .....one of us ladies of experiance would probably kill an old fart like u ....:smoke:


Dam near, or give a good run at it for sure.

I remember all that stuff, I really liked Howdy Doodie on the round B & W TV with 3 channels (2 were on to 9 PM!). Gas at 19.9, cigs for $.20 and 9 out of 10 doctors smoked Camels - it said so right there on the TV.

But I ain't old yet, just getting into the swing of things now.
