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Older Than Dirt Quiz



weedyzbox said:
Does anyone one who remembers the "Black Jack" gum remember the color wrapper?

yup.... blue and black with Black Jack in white letters... but really... I preferred Beeman's gum


Rubbing my glands together
YUP. Remember them all. PF Flyers. HA HA. Run faster, jump farther. Had the uglyest green soles I can remember. Brought back alot of memories. Thanks


24 of 25 here.... I knew of Packards, and saw some in the 4th of July parades but never knew anyone personally that owned one. A buddy of mine had a Studebaker Lark though. Remember Edsels? Push-button transmissions? Fizzies? Mister Moose & Bunny Rabbit (Capt. Kangaroo)? Red Ball Jets (shoes)? Saving cereal boxtops to send in for stuff? Root beer Kool Aid? People's names on the Mountain Dew bottles? M80s, cherry bombs, and silver salutes? My wife's first new car was a Volkwagen Beetle @ $850! My first real job (Burger Chef) paid $1 an hour. Guess that qualifies me for OTD status. :biglaugh: MG


Ahh - I feel at home! The old folks home! :biglaugh: Oh well :joint: It ain't that bad.Ya wanna know bad,back in my days,when I was young.... er..I forget :confused: :wave: :biglaugh:
weedyzbox said:
Does anyone one who remembers the "Black Jack" gum remember the color wrapper?

An does anybody remember the "Black Jack" candy?


Wasn't the wrapper blue and the candy was pink and white with a licorice favor?


Active member
How a bout the decoder ring that came with the shoes and the Oscar Mayer winner whistle.


too old

too old

Hello all,
I remember 24 out of 25.......don't remember the BlackJack gum....for us it was Double Bubble...2 for a penny......the first car I drove was a studeabaker.....and my very first phonograph was a Tomas A edison.....came with clay records.....and a wind up crank on the side.....in fact I still have the record player with over 100 records.....and it still works.....wait a minuet ...want to check on something............OK I'm back and now I really feel old......my Tomas A Edison phonograph has serial number 00029 stamped onto it....

ok now I know I'm old..... :)



I remember 19 of these. I really didnt think I was THAT old. I guess your as old as you feel, and I still feel about 21 or so.


Bosco syrup? Heck yes, I had forgotten all about it! I can hear the damn commercial for it in my head!....Or maybe it's just my brain misfiring. :smile:
Peace, Willie


Wasn't Bosco also George Kastanzas password on "Seinfeld" ? I remember that old lady on her death bed chanting "bosco,bosco,bosco" !


Bubblegum Specialist
I think I missed one but I am definately not older than dirt.

Just older than kids. The good old days were far better. We had a far higher standard of living with one parent working usually. Our homes were nice and young folks had a future.

Brave new world just sucks but I guess the kids would say I am older then dirt. Fine because when you get older dying doesn't look as bad and that's a good thing my dad told me. Older and wiser hopefully. Kids should look back on themselves just a couple years ago and think about how much they think they have changed or matured and they will say I didnt know shit 3 years ago.

That never really changes but as you age it slows down a bit. You also get stupid and slower but to the individual it matters not because ignorance is bliss. I am a buddhist anyways so death has no sting.

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo...Like the roar of the lion, what human sufferring can stand before it? None. BOG :D


Active member
Well, I guess I should chime in on this one. I went 18 for 25. When I was a kid I remember what they used to call "gas wars" when competing gas stations would drop their prices to attract customers. Hell, I remember prices dropping as low as 18.9 per gallon! The thing that kills me is that was when you had the Oil Barons making millions off of their oil for gasonline! If you can become millionaires at 18.9 a gallon, what the hell do you become when it's $1.85.9? Jesus, I sometime long for the old days.

Now here's a trivia question for you . . . Does anybody remember a champagne looking/tasting soda called Pomac? Or how about Apple Beer (an apple flavored soda that foamed like beer)? Also, when I was a kid, my favorite place to eat was called Crystal's. It was a hamburger place that made awesome tasting, tiny hamburgers that were 15 cents a piece. Well, lo and behold, one just opened right near me! Man, does that take me back to my childhood when I eat them now.


Krystals with a K?

Square burgers... man were they ever gross to open and look at... but went down so damn good. If you wanted to find the meat on it... just look under the pickle... they usually hid it there.

They are sort of a White Castle knockoff... Gotta love the original Sliders... used to get a sack of them for a buck... those were the days.


Bubblegum Specialist
The best of them all was in Birmingham, Michigan and it was called Hunter House. It was like a white castle but the burgers were far better. Still pretty small but not quite as tiny and smothered with fried onions with pickle and mustard and ketchup it was a real fine meal. Oh, for the good old days... :eek: BOG


white castle
- home of the .19 hamburger - growing up in Ohio was the object of MANY - lol - late night bag of burgers runs ..hee hee oh...the memories :friends:


Active member
Back in the day, Krystal's and White Castle were owned by the same company. Up North they were know as White Castle and down South they were Krystal's and they still taste awesome to this day!!

So, how about it, doesn't anyone remember Pomac or Apple Beer?