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Old School Arizona


One thing that came out of the 60's is. " Nothing worse than a radical till you need one" WF Buckley. The first advocate of marijuana legalization in the 60's Radicals create chaos till problems are resolved. Prop 205 is a radical generator. A vote for is a vote for Chaos and radicals from the exploitation of the weak.

Millions extrapolated from those least able to afford the loss of disposal income. Dad uncle sister neighbor need their meds. Diapers can wait a little longer one more wet a little more full. Butt Paste let the baby run naked and air out rash will heal quicker that way. Oh taking care of gramps I will cut his meds in half so I can take the money to buy a blunt. Dinner Yea Let me tell you I had pinto beans every week when I was a kid. But parent I bet you had A PROTEIN TOO HUH? Oh those brakes on the car it can wait same as that dental appt for the kid. You know I am starting to resent that kid competing with my meds of pot and all the other stuff I have to deal with.

I am just so freaking I can relate to these contemptible SOB that says pay the man. trample the least able to defend themselves or make reasonable choice. I just want to grow 6 plant that is all I care about


Active member
courtesy of my main grocery store friend, StRa:



Active member
haha! wish i could pick up some canned peyote buttons from my local grocer. this thread is amazing madjag. I've had some interesting adventures in my 46 years but I'm legitimately jealous of your memories - thanks for sharing them. :)


Professor Organic Psychology
I live in Washington state.

When activist turned opponents of recreational legalization stated all the down sides of legalizing under the initiative we drew up a lot of people felt it was a bad thing. High prices and a turn to end MMJ.

After a couple of years it appears that they are trying too kill the MMJ program a little at a time, and it is expensive. However the government made adjustments and made it less expensive. The weed you buy is nothing short of fist rate.

Also, I see people all over smoking as they feel and where they feel. It is against the law, but not enforced. A cop in Seattle that tried to make a big deal out of smoking in public was publicly humiliated by the judicial system. He may have even been fired.

Me, I paid $55 for an eighth of Animal Cookies that is nothing short of first rate, probably some of the best weed I ever had. It last me a week or so. I had no problem going back to buy another... but it was sold out. I got something else that was just as good and some damn fine bubble hash.

Long lines and full parking lots tell the true story. You can still grow it, buy at a dispensary or buy it from your guy, but it is not really a legal issue anymore. Weed is defining Seattle as a pretty cool place to go on vacation.


Active member
Thanks Mayor for your sincere thoughts. I have a blessed life and I have worked to make and keep it that way.

We are creators of our own story, though it often seems just the opposite. We sometimes lose our way and bring unwanted consequences into our lives. Yet if you're sitting in jail, in your deepest heart you absolutely know why.

I am not one to put much support for the concept of "victim". Even starving people across the globe can individually change their own circumstances. Children and old people are perhaps the exceptions....

I hope that you have interesting, fun, and useful adventures friend. Life is an exploration you have to wake up to enjoy the coffee. Take risks. Go crazy one in awhile. Be respectful. Fine tune your awareness. Be conscious of your breathing at least once a day and even better, once an hour. Practice insight mindfulness, Satipatthana Vipassana.

Smoke weed you grow and eat food you grow.


Active member
I live in Washington state.

When activist turned opponents of recreational legalization stated all the down sides of legalizing under the initiative we drew up a lot of people felt it was a bad thing. High prices and a turn to end MMJ.

After a couple of years it appears that they are trying too kill the MMJ program a little at a time, and it is expensive. However the government made adjustments and made it less expensive. The weed you buy is nothing short of fist rate.

Also, I see people all over smoking as they feel and where they feel. It is against the law, but not enforced. A cop in Seattle that tried to make a big deal out of smoking in public was publicly humiliated by the judicial system. He may have even been fired.

Me, I paid $55 for an eighth of Animal Cookies that is nothing short of first rate, probably some of the best weed I ever had. It last me a week or so. I had no problem going back to buy another... but it was sold out. I got something else that was just as good and some damn fine bubble hash.

Long lines and full parking lots tell the true story. You can still grow it, buy at a dispensary or buy it from your guy, but it is not really a legal issue anymore. Weed is defining Seattle as a pretty cool place to go on vacation.

huligun, what do you think of the prices at 55$ an eighth? I can never understand how rec or medical weed for that matter can be so expensive.
I understand there is a lot of taxes and overhead in a storefront, and some shops and areas can just get higher prices.

Is it a lack of quality product that lets people get higher prices?


Professor Organic Psychology

I can get weed all day long in several places. The Rec Weed Stores are like convenience stores. I agree that $$55 for an Eighth is rather expensive, but not everyone has to go there. I can go there and buy the expensive stuff and rest assured that I got the best. I have grown literally tons of herb in my life and so at first paying Anything at all for it was strange, much less high taxes. First come the dispensaries. I could go into some of these places and get awesome weed, not top top shelf, but still great weed for like $700 half pound and then turn around and sell that for $1500. I never needed the money, but it was fun to make that kind of money in a few minutes of my time and it was even more fun to get a couple dealers to bid for my business in a market place setting. Weed smoking or the weed business is supposed to be fun. If you take it too serious get out.

So now I am doing what I never thought I would do, and that is buy weed at a state approved store. The only thing bad is the price. There seems to be a high pressure sales approach in some of these places, but anyone with half a brain knows how to deal with that. Just say what you feel and they back down.



So now I am doing what I never thought I would do, and that is buy weed at a state approved store. The only thing bad is the price. There seems to be a high pressure sales approach in some of these places, but anyone with half a brain knows how to deal with that. Just say what you feel and they back down.

I too go to Washington when talk about recreational and MMJ. It is a different animal completely to what Arizona. I get great top shelf I stay in Issaquah and Bellevue and Yakima. Travel down the eastern side of the Sierra's to Bend and then back over the mountain to ashland and back to Eugene. STOL aircraft Zenith 750 I trailer it to Tucson and see some friend there.

Here is the issue I would guess just on the Sound to North Bend there must be 250 recreational shops. While it is legal to have 4 plants recreational shops dont sell clones or seeds. The only way to legally get plant stock is to have a medical card where in WA they forgo the 45% tax including excise. The only edible is 10 mg and no concentrates like hash or shatter. just flower and 10mg stuff.

I can go to 4th AVE in Seattle and head south and find just about anykind illegally at half the price of legit. Then make arrangement to meet on a daily/weekly business.

This in Arizona if this abortion of civil rights get passed called Legalize like alcohol. This offender would get charged with 4 felonies and plead down to one or two and 3 years with a 85% rule and a $10,000 is standard. In Washington it is a misdemeanor with a $150 fine,

I fine it very disingenuous and self serving to greedly to say I can get my meds those that are lesser than I can go. And prohibition goes into another phase but really the only way a huge economic force on all side can profit and expand is to.

Just what are we talking about getting product or passing laws that control and make arbitrary board that make up administrative market laws for profit?

You know yourself or are just ignorant to the difference where Washington has the State Liquor board administer their recreational marijuana. So tell me just how does you getting $55.00 eighths of some quality compare to a AZ DEPT of Marijuana and controls? That is the issue in AZ setting up a King Herod of all the marijuana users to profit and crucify offenders. THAT IS NOT WHAT LEGALIZATION IS ABOUT i GOT MINE AND YOU CAN GO TO


Professor Organic Psychology
No reason to get mean Ralf. I am just talking about how many people were against it here and are now okay with it. The government and the people have both made adjustments for this experiment to work.

In the long run, someday, it will be legal federally and you will see a standardized approach to allowing the public to get high.


No reason to get mean Ralf. I am just talking about how many people were against it here and are now okay with it. The government and the people have both made adjustments for this experiment to work.

In the long run, someday, it will be legal federally and you will see a standardized approach to allowing the public to get high.

This is about a quagmire if anyone thinks that this proposal is anything of the kind close to CO, OR, WA AL, your be influenced by the Joe Isuzu of marijuana Holyoak why won't he be forthcoming who the investors are.

AZ administrative law brought in the 25 mile rule. The AZ Supreme court just ruled that any attorney consulting on how to obtain marijuana can be disbarred. HMMM lets take a small hit and ponder just what does that mean?

What that means is any attorney licensed under the AZ St Barr cannot tell you that the current 25 mile rule is not being enforced. That people that have a medical card not selling or supplying others are being left with warnings.

If any attorney tells you it is ok to grow under the 2010 law of 12 plants will be disbarred. The AZSC ruled that giving legal advice to grow constitutes a breach in federal law as the schedule 1 comes into play.

lets just look at this grow 6 plants say the board says a plant on average will produce 225 grams and the state and county lose on the average of 20 dollars a gram & 45% total tax with excise. So $20 gm @ 225 gm = $4500.00 with a total loss on tax of 45% =$2025.00 possible license per plant you just dont have to pay the overhead. Get Real >>>>>the rules have not been written yet just what are you really voting for is this the we need to vote for it to see what is in it? Really but I get 6 plants MOMMY!

This is a trick to try and repeal the 2010 MMJ they have tried every trick in the book and now they have BYU Gov administrative students write this piece of garbage.

Which all together if any attorney helped write this infact is facilitating a felony under the Federal schedule 1. That might render the whole of the prop illegal and the MMJ law repealed by vote. New angle for repeal if passed HMMM this might be stopped after all.

huligun > While I dont mean to insult or show anger but trifle discussion is worthless. When people dont understand comprehend what they are reading. Listening to market showmen in the 8 pages of legalize. MPP & CRMLA have changed the Statutes in the title 28 & 36, However the title 13 criminal stays.

I have seen AZ and the competition for drug monies. DEA, ATF, FBI, ICE, BP, DPS, Sheriffs, City's, Special interdictions of some type, all of this to save the children.
Let me ask you how are they doing with prohibition with this new style think it will be better?


Huligun. In short this is akin to a teenager getting his first car. What do you mean I need insurance first money second and maintenance third.

The citizen that uses cannabis needs to know what the parameters are. They have been blindsided several times before. Not changing the title 13 is a blindside. Not stating rules on growing distribution of plants and limits on variety.

Let me give you what is going to happen you go to john dispensary buy a plant. In doing so you sign a piece of paper forgoing civil property protection rights. This allowing your home to be open for inspection a "Knock & Talk" by really any law enforcement that deems in relevant. The data base of licensed plant owners will be available to any LEO. Then also the daily inspection of compliance officers " retired police" As I dont want the job and my fellow brothers in LEO can find something else.


Active member
Fentanyl Maker is Fighting Legal Marijuana in Arizona with Big Bucks
Insys wants no competition in the marijuana market


Insys Therapeutics, a pharmaceutical company that sells fentanyl, an opioid painkiller 100 times stronger than morphine and 50 times stronger than heroin, is fighting pot legalization in Arizona with the most powerful weapon in business and politics: money. [1]

The embattled company donated $500,000 to a campaign fighting a proposition in Arizona that would legalize recreational marijuana. For pot advocates, Insys is the poster child for the evils associated with drug companies that put profits over people.


. 205 does more HARM than good for Arizona because:

Prop. 205 has the potential to DESTROY Arizona’s MEDICAL Marijuana Program!
Prop. 205 has no meaningful Marijuana Decriminalization. (Most of the life-altering FELONY penalties remain in place for low-level Marijuana crimes!)
Prop. 205 has the potential to DESTROY Arizona’s Smoke Shops!
Prop. 205 only includes “FAKE” Marijuana Grow Rights for Adults.
Prop. 205 says that ONLY the existing Arizona Medical Marijuana Dispensaries are guaranteed to receive any of the new Marijuana Retail Licenses, Marijuana Cultivation Licenses, and Marijuana Product Manufacturer Licenses, which gives the existing Arizona Medical Marijuana Dispensaries an “Oligopoly” on the entire Arizona Marijuana Market!
Prop. 205 allows your EMPLOYER to FIRE YOU for using Marijuana, even if you used the Marijuana LEGALLY at your home!
Prop. 205 creates a new Marijuana POLICE Agency in Arizona, while leaving the harsh FELONY Penalties in place for most Marijuana Offenses!! This will result in even MORE Marijuana Consumers being arrested on FELONY Marijuana charges than ever before!
Prop. 205 does not define what a “Marijuana Plant” actually is, allowing the Police to use their own definition.
Prop. 205 does next to nothing to take Marijuana away from “Drug Dealers” who sell Marijuana illegally.


You gotta vote for it first if you wanna see how f**ked you are.

Im waiting for clones and veg to be counted as plants. Tagged plants and bagged trim, a special recycling fee. Wouldnt put it past them..


Soon we will have a special energy impact fee for growers. It has been reported that inside growing already consumes 1.68% of the nation's energy. The cost to market transport and drive to obtain takes another .073% so a little 2.2 percent of nation's energy goes to produce what can be easily grown in the 4 season of the Southwest.

While all of these above already have consumer tax included if excluded to be a separate taxing and policing administrative agency. It would be so easy to have a voter asked impact fee and more tax like what is it on tobacco now in AZ ? $2.50 a pack.

The question that only concerns Arizona voters here all can fathom is Can
I grow 6 plants MOMMY.


Soon we will have a special energy impact fee for growers. It has been reported that inside growing already consumes 1.68% of the nation's energy. The cost to market transport and drive to obtain takes another .073% so a little 2.2 percent of nation's energy goes to produce what can be easily grown in the 4 season of the Southwest.

While all of these above already have consumer tax included if excluded to be a separate taxing and policing administrative agency. It would be so easy to have a voter asked impact fee and more tax like what is it on tobacco now in AZ ? $2.50 a pack.

The question that only concerns Arizona voters here all can fathom is Can
I grow 6 plants MOMMY.

So, what is your opinion on Prop 205? Are you going to vote for or against it?


dog in the fight

dog in the fight

Ralp. I'm trying to figure you out. Are you a player in the game,a lawyer,an activist, are you with saferaz.
Are you ocd on marijuana related issues only or is this how you roll everyday?
Do you live in our great state of arizona?
Rules of debate haven't hit your horizon, I'm only seeing name calling and capital letters.
It's obvious you are passionate about our herb and how it relates to our failed drug laws.
The same debate is going on in california.
Simply put I have no interest in making money off of any of it. If I can grow for myself like I brew beer, then roll me up and smoke me.
Unfortunately like all of our white bread ancestors, all our politicians care about is the almighty buck.
They will fuck it up.


Professor Organic Psychology
Ralph is a dick and makes me not want to visit this nice thread anymore.

Opinions are like assholes Ralph and you are just an asshole with an asshole opinion you are trying to drive down others throats by insulting their intelligence for not agreeing with you. That is about as cheap and low brow type of debate that exist.

Not everyone is a dealer and not everyone needs a ton of pot. And if you do you can buy as much as you want every day and smoke it and still be in compliance.

What dick