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Old School Arizona


Active member
Nice work Sticky.....good philanthropy.

I consider the San Carlos Res my backyard. I've driven the back dirt road from Point of Pines to the White River bridge into the white mtn Res and in the 2 days I took, I only saw one vehicle other than mine. Love the isolation and raw beauty....

it's like 1000 years ago in many ways....


Ya know I just realized what it is about the desert SW. that I love so much. is that it is so vast and kinda gives Me the proper perspective.
I am very small and insignifigant(sp?) It feels good to realize this.



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Dodge The Bullet

As a bit of cultural explanation to those of you from other countries, the saying, the term, “I dodged a bullet” refers to remarkably cheating pain or avoiding death at a given moment. It’s a confirmation of both extraordinary luck and a bad fate seemingly denied.

There is no real bullet out there with your name on it. The actual name on that ever-present bullet is “habit”. The antidote is “change”.

“I can resist anything but temptation.” – Oscar Wilde

“You never know what is enough until you know what is more than enough.” – William Blake

In Jamaica I was frequently traveling across the island on two-lane, paved roads. The Jamaican hill folk call paved roads a “tire” road in contrast to the dirt roads without pavement. My work involved getting a 500 kilo Ganja shipment together and making sure it made it to American soil. Hundreds of details required attention and my job was to attend to all of them. Sometimes, often in fact, this meant trusting less than stellar associates on the ground. The pilots flying the load needed to be professional for sure, but the many steps involved with lining up 500 kilos from a number of individual growers, transporting it from the remote hills to Mo Bay, packaging it securely for a small plane pickup and delivery, and bribing the tower men at the international airport all meant exposure to dangers from a third party. I certainly wasn’t going to meet the tower employees but I knew someone who knew them well-enough to get that aspect nailed down.

Everything costs more than planned. One grower who I knew personally was driving 300 lbs. of Ganj down from the mountains and hit a roadblock not far from the coast. He ended up in jail in Lucea with his car and weed confiscated. After an uncomfortable night in jail the chief of police came to my friend and asked him if he had any money stashed. My friend said yes and was allowed to call his wife in order to get some dough to the officials and secure his release. The chief would probably get half and the sergeant and his officers would split the rest.

Hours passed and Anita showed up at the Lucea clink. The chief made the deal and she paid him $1200 USD. Flour, my friend, was released and given back his car…..the trunk still filled with the Ganj! The price of doing business in this case was merely a “get-out-of- jail” and “do- pass- go” payoff. The chief told Flour, “I want you to keep in business. I just want my piece of the action and will make sure I get it when I can”. My friend dodged a bullet and so did our grand export plan. Capitalism at its finest.

Flour was lucky, however upon closer examination, we realized that these situations happen all over the island, every day, and the business goes on and on and on. I hate to call it a game, but it is.

One afternoon I was crossing the western end of Hanover through a winding mountain road that was seldom traveled. My friend Honey, a grower from Orange Hill above Negril, was at the wheel and the tiny Toyota was packed with three other guys pressed against each other in the back seat. They were smoking a spliff of course and the windows were up to keep the rain out. Every afternoon it seemed to rain up here in the hills. Every afternoon the heat gave way to shade and damp jungle, a welcome prelude to a nice, cool evening.

As we sped around another jungle curve we suddenly came upon a roadblock in this middle of nowhere. I was totally bummed because I had a lot of money in my pockets, money on its way to the hands of tower men who would allow our plane to load at the far end of the Montego Bay runway and taxi into the queue of small planes awaiting take off. The plan involved goats to be driven onto the runway by a field-hand and in the subsequent minutes of goat chaos, he would also begin clearing them off, slowly, clumsily, so the twin Cessna could be quickly loaded with big bales of Ganj.

We were instructed to get out of the car and the officer in charge of the young recruits pointing rifles at us interviewed each of us quickly. He knew Honey and knew what business he was in. All Ganja had been ejected quickly before we came to a stop so the car was clean. They checked the Toyota’s trunk as well as under the seats in a quick pass, hoping for a jackpot but not really expecting one. Next I was searched, also in hopes of finding contraband. The policeman who searched me carefully put his hand into my cargo pant pockets, one at a time. In each case he pulled out a thick, folded wad of US 100 dollar bills, roughly 5 grand, made sure nothing else was in the large pocket, and then carefully replaced my wad of money. Seeing only money but no cocaine or weed was the key to our freedom. Once my other pockets were cleared, they waived us on.


I asked Honey what the hell had just happened and this was it: if they had found weed in the car, Honey would have had to cut the squad in on the deal for a reasonable amount of money. It would be their cut and the price of doing business on that particular day, at that particular roadblock. Since that wasn’t the case, they shifted their attention to the white man in the crowd, me. If I had been found carrying a small bag of Ganja or a spliff, I would have had to peel off 4 or 5 of those 100 dollar bills to buy our safe passage. Had I been found with a bindle of coke, or worse, I would have been peeling off 20 or 30 of those same friendly Franklins.

I had dodged a bullet, in a way I never would have believed possible. Selah.

I’m sure you have your own special memories of similar close calls. Driving vehicles and drunken endeavors seem to yield a lot of stories in this category. Who knows, maybe some of you were actually in true combat when some blessed luck flowed to you and saved your life from a real bullet. Or not. It doesn’t matter; once you start looking for examples in your life, they will start flying into your consciousness. Give it whirl, won’t you.

My ex-wife Bobbi was married once before me to a young army guy that she had met at a family party. She was 19 and he was 20 and his base was on the east coast somewhere. They lived in a duplex apartment just off base and when he was off training for days on end, Bobbi would be left at home alone. They bought a decent-sized German Shepherd more for the imagined feeling of security rather than actually believing that they would ever need it to protect them for real. Bill believed in taking care of his wife since he had to be gone frequently.

One day a neighbor girlfriend was visiting Bobbi and having some coffee in the kitchen. While they busily talked about many things, they were instantly startled to hear a pounding at the front door of the apartment. The dog began barking and Bobbi went to see what was going on. She’s a smart lady, not like the ones in the movies that just open the door in order to find out what’s the problem and then get wacked. Nope, she looked through the small windows next to the door first and in doing so saw a big man who was apparently really angry or super disturbed. He kept pounding and then began kicking the door while mumbling some strange words. Bobbi yelled out, “I’ve got a gun and will shoot if you don’t stop and leave”. That said combined with the loud growls and barks from the Shepherd seemed to change his mind. The strange man quit and left her doorstep.

Bobbi’s friend was beside herself and almost crying in fear. When she saw that Bobbi hadn’t just been bluffing and had been actually holding a Luger the entire time, she laughed out of relief. “Shit, I would have fired a warning shot over his head and through the door if I had had to,” Bobbi exclaimed boldly. She wasn’t kidding either and having spent almost 15 years with her I can attest to the truth of her bold statement hahahaha……she probably would have grabbed my oak nunchakus and whipped his ass had she not had a pistol. She was kick-ass man and still is.

Anyway, before the two ladies could even get settled down, noise began coming from a bedroom window in the form of a dog guardian doin’ his business of being a guard. They rushed to the bedroom door and stared in disbelief as they witnessed the very same crazy man trying to climb through the open window. Fortunately the window looked out over a slope and it was a bit of a climb, maybe 6-7 feet to the ground, so the weirdo had to climb the apartment wall a bit just to get his arms over the windows’ edge. He had gotten that far but was greeted by an equally angry dog biting his hands and wrists as he struggled to hold on. Bobbi ran into the room and was ready to blow his head off when he suddenly let go, dropped back to the ground, and turned and ran across the open land behind the duplex apartment. Pissed off at the inconvenience of it all as well as being angry at the thought that this asshat might get away, Bobbi took aim out the window at the running man and fired a single shot.


The guy went down and the police were on the scene in minutes. He was an escaped inmate from a nearby Penitentiary who had killed two guards during his frantic escape. Not only that, he was in prison because he was a serial killer and certifiably out of his mind……a total nut case with a bad, bad attitude. Bobbi’s shot had hit him in the ass but she was still mad because she had been aiming at his head. The cops, instead of congratulating her for taking out such a menace to society, criticized her for having a gun at home and grilled her over the incident as if she had been at fault in some way. You can imagine what she said to that.

Major bullet dodged, major.

The list goes on and I’m just getting warmed up. Like the time I was sitting at the bar in the Jerome Library Restaurant and Disco and a muscular Mexican lad started punching me in the side, just one or twice, every so often. His friend who also turned out to be his manager said, “My friend wants to fight you. He is the lightweight champion of Sonora, Mexico”. Oh yeaaaahhhh, that’s just the way I wanted to spend my evening too. I dodged that bullet, too, but that’s another story……
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Yea the Mexican machismo the truth be told every mustache wearing Mexican has been a boxing champion. It is in his heart ESE' he has the eye of the tiger. When you are 6"4" or better pick up the back of there pickup truck (there a trick to that). When I was 16 I had graduated to a size 14 shoe. Carry a 200lb calf to the pens throw a 3 strand bail of straw up on top a 13" tractor trailer rig. They all want to have your hug and a picture with you but the bull machismo are always looking to find a weakness and a contest. I guess that is why over 60,000 thousand have been killed in Mexico. I believe if we outlaw mustaches the ability to hide will be gone


The free education that comes with life is a blessing and a curse some learn and use it for the next time and some hide from the true nature of the beast; called lifes journey
a god attitude and love in the heart helps but take no shit!!!!!!! and Give back better than gave too!
Never fails and makes us smarter and luckier
Great job on the cool memories TY Madjag


Just a mind set into the idea of gorilla illegal agriculture. Now this is just an opinion kind of throwing it out there. rather in mountainous areas having multiple grow site doesn't require for you to be there. The battle of Britain was won by the spotters on the ground so they could estimate where the attack was going to happen. The RAF was able to get altitude the advantage in 15 minutes and it took the Nazi 20 to get there and once there they had just enough fuel to fight for 15 minutes to get back. Moral here is have numerous spots to gain the advantage. All farmers need to make 3 years profit every year to break even that is the estimate when you begin your estimate for producing a crop. A huge amount of things can happen weather, wildlife, disease, market value down turn, loss for other reasons. So I believe this is the same for urban grows, Micro grows, small gardens. Now the cost of the grow well I wont get into that as there are to many variables but the necessity's water sun soil
Water- I also remember that a siphon lifts one atmosphere 30' dry powder bentonite pond
Sun -With cast latitude to max = volume in production less stress
Soil - digging around Mesquite for a ramed earth design brings lots of nitrogen early and frequent trimming
I so wish I had the luxury of you young wallies Lithium batteries, LED light, solar recharges, Cell phones that work fvk the CB's and SW for that freaking matter MRE's Dehydrated fruit cocktail and refried beans, and even the internet and net flix all at your camp. I even seen a generator for 2 amp charger that work in the camp fire I am getting pissed now. I gotta go
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Sticky, An idea to compliment your CO2
My old overgrow cheap Co2 mix https://www.icmag.com/modules/Tutori...arted/1177.htm
if you use Champagne yeast you will get 21% alcohol where as brewers yeast yield 11%, 5 gallon water bottles work best and they sell on release one way valve basically a water trap that seats in the 5 gallon bottle and releases the CO2 as generated and if you use apple juice as the carb along with sugar the generator will produce 60% more and last almost double. all of tis stuff is online at Amazon under home brewing


rbt As a rule of hail sand wind rain cows pot poachers ALL SUCK!
so a few here a few there a few here a few there ect...... I here ya loud and clear
thanks for the tips
I use the tips in my signature too show ppl that there are cheap ways to add
And to rub IN DA FACE! the High tech rich ppl that think their shit doesn't stink!!!!


I spent my summers in the Glen in Glenwood as a kid love to ride my old bike all over the town and catwalk never messed with any grows there bad juju and for ones health
used to like looking a naked tourist at the hot springs lol good times
fished the hatchery pond every other day picked and ate raspberry pie was a young wild boy what a place to have my grand father built 3 houses down there too sold em to his brother dirt cheap too he sold em years ago the climates great for growing 2 full outdoor grows if your cover the grow in the middle of the summer


Kiss My Ring
great stories
whatta life you've had.

best reading since TLBs.

I'm sure I purchased hundred lots acid/mescaline on the Hill, possibly from you/your friends in the late sixties early seventies.

I need to coax some of those memories out, thnx for that impetus.


Active member
I spent my summers in the Glen in Glenwood as a kid love to ride my old bike all over the town and catwalk never messed with any grows there bad juju and for ones health
used to like looking a naked tourist at the hot springs lol good times
fished the hatchery pond every other day picked and ate raspberry pie was a young wild boy what a place to have my grand father built 3 houses down there too sold em to his brother dirt cheap too he sold em years ago the climates great for growing 2 full outdoor grows if your cover the grow in the middle of the summer

I lived in Glenwood for a year in 1982-83.


NO but i've looked for the yeller metal down there in hopes to find a closer deposit EL ORO GRANDE But not rafted i bet you had a blast any rapids I am a Spearo for fish I free dive aloy of lake here in the Yuma Territory LOL My great great grandfather ran with the Wild bunch My grandfathers wife was a midgit named "Bitty" short for Itty Bitty She ran & owned a bar Mogollon Tough woman My grand father and the Bunch ran Horses down to South America to avoid the Reward Money Bounty Hunters LOL Its A straight up climb to the town of mogollon and the apaches where everywhere trierd of being hunted like dogs They hide and raided mmm sounds like a goverment genocide to me Awwwwwwww shit peace SD


DO you remeber me MadJag

DO you remeber me MadJag

I lived in Glenwood for a year in 1982-83.
I was free freee freee there AS A BIRD MY older cuzins and i should have drown in the river 100 times I'd jump into a logjam between rocks and go through to under ground pools all the way up and down the cats walk river been in a lot of caves there rattlesnakes bobcats
deer javelins pheasant musk rats you remeber the place that had all the peacocks and wild burros in a pack line???? Towards the end by the cat walk :peacock: Lots of fun GlenWOOD!!!!!!!
Peace SD:shooty:


Active member
passed thru yuma once on my way out of ajo. would have liked to nose around after finding all those tiny white triangular planes out on the goldwater range using google maps.. they can't be 20' from tip to tail..

..but the government, overt and covert presence in ajo is higher than weed could get me. it's a shithole because you have to listen to the generator all night. left in the middle of the night, here's a picture from some of the psych harassment campaign your government subjected me to there, and people wonder why i don't get around much or talk a whole bunch. less people believe in government psyops than believe in brujeria.

nice officer stopped me on the way out of town and asked if everything was alright. sure, if you can tell me why you're waiting for my ass at 3am in the morning. love arizona, but gotta urinate on civilisation. to mark it. how the fuck people don't notice it stinks.


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DAMN it Sorry to hear it Looks like someone was in your head I'd piss on them,then burn that shit in the road in front of my house AND yell " if i catch ya trying to get in my head i'll eat you for dinner and shit you out in the woods by breakfast" and hang a head of a deer over your door and nail shotgun shells and lil bones back in place of the dolls HAAHHAAAHAA


Active member
i'd be dead or in jail if it wasn't for my "recreational value" over the last 20 years. went to australia living in a tent to try and get away, no luck. middle of the desert, they walk straight up to me. this august is my 20 year "pissing off a connected dickface" anniversary, so enjoy my posts until then!

fraternal bastards.


Active member
great stories
whatta life you've had.

best reading since TLBs.

I'm sure I purchased hundred lots acid/mescaline on the Hill, possibly from you/your friends in the late sixties early seventies.

I need to coax some of those memories out, thnx for that impetus.


What was TLBs? A thread or author of a thread?

Ah yes......The Hill. I saw Lightning Hopkins play at Tulagi's there. He was so wasted that two guys lifted him onto the stage so he could skip the stairs. What a fantastic blues man he was. Brillig Works, the bookstore upstairs, was where I saw Alan Ginsburg sitting in a big overstuffed chair, reading a book. He was in town for a poetry reading that I attended featuring Chogyam Trungpa, Robert Bly, Gary Snider, and Allan Ginsburg. What a trippy scene....

Do you remember the bonfire parties outside of Boulder? Canned Heat showed up at one after an appearance in Denver. The bonfire involved was an actual old barn that they lit up. Later, 3 or 4 people would run toward the fire and toss on a telephone pole or two to keep it going......sort of got out of hand.
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MMMMM heres a pic of my home area

MMMMM heres a pic of my home area

:woohoo: Cant get this in no stinking desert only @ 8100 ft elv.


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