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Offical A5haze bx and hybrids Testers Thread


Active member
Alright , Alright Allright.. ( im going for the way matthew mcconaughey ses it) LOL
Im looking forward to all the great info we are going to put together in our grow logs.

mack 10

Well-known member
Karma do you have any pics of the "Old Dutch Haze#1" used
In the ODH x White A5Haze.
Also what is the lineage?

Karma G

Well-known member
Only litle info realy.

The seeds came from the Old guy that used to run all Them Cuts A5,C5,etc. He lives outside the country these days, and this is a inbreed done by him there, they where labeld haze 1 and haze 3

mack 10

Well-known member
That info is better tthan I expected

Inbred haze hybrid by the southern haze crew? Sweet!

Hit to your White A5 Haze should bring fireworks!

And just so we know,

Which one did you use? Haze#1 or #3,?


Well-known member
Interesting Old Dutch Haze should be some Fire

But you know how I love details


I'm Curious to know the exact parents if you keep in touch with the old guy hopefully you can ask. I know the old crew held the HzC but I know of no other haze males Nevil passed around . I'm sure it's also possible they had seed from the runs of the OSH's .Soo it could have been a selected male from his personal seed stock they received

Thanks for sharing


Karma G

Well-known member
Not shure yet. Most test for this year are running.

Not shure yet if next new ones will be tested first run outside crew.

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