lord bongington
thats so cool
maine. and theres lots of wood and fish and game to harvest too.Was gonna make a new thread for this but will just ask this here for now. Anyone know any good sources or places to look into buying (cheap) land? (preferably in the Northeast). I'm probably younger than most on here and thought that might be the first logical step... I really like alternatives to living in the 'stereotypical' house and all that. As in, I've lived in a yuppy rich white town my whole life where all the houses are big but look the same and are all overpriced yet shoddily built so the builder could make the most money, that whole deal. Earthships, cob houses and all that are just so awesome, how could you not want one?? Not to mention solar power and sustainable living should only become more readily available, improved, and available for cheaper. thanks in advance.
I just need to through out the fact that I live in a place that averages 316 days of sunshine,I ask you,what better place to have solar then here?