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Number 1 old fart tip

Flying Goat

Excellent post, old farts!

My contribution: If growing from seed, keep temps in the high 80s & humidity in the 60s for the first month. More plants will show female when you flip the lights.

I wish that I knew what I know now when I was younger...

When choosing a homesite, be sure to get the best view for your rocking chair...


New member
1. Soil is easy
2. Soil with a timed watering system is easier.
3. When mixing things if you lean the container slightly it will help prevent sediment from staying in the middle.
4. Adjust the ph slightly wait four hours or more check it again adjust wait wait wait
5. Sniff your plants soon you'll know when something has changed.

Flying Goat

Duh! I meant to say high 70s to mid 80s...

What I like about growing in goat shit is that it doesn't have any odor, even indoors when being watered in a warm environment - no smell! Awesome, indeed!

I use a mix of 20 lbs. organic potting soil, 6-8 lbs perlite, about 2 24-oz. cups light beach sand, 1 24-oz cup of baking soda, 1-24 oz cup of Epsom Salts, & about 20 lbs of "nanny berries" from the barn. (Note - there is no straw in the nanny berries. Any barn dirt with straw in it hits the compost heap.)

Mixed properly, this should yield an optimum pH, and is moron-proof mix. You simply plant your seeds, transplant 2x to larger containers, & water the darlings. They explode with growth.

If you have a really nute-friendly plant, you can try a compost tea made by putting 5 gal. of rainwater in a bucket, then throwing in a "teabag" made of a piece of bedsheet (or pantyhose) filled with 1/2 cup goat manure compost & 1/2 cup chicken manure compost. Water with this mixture instead of plain rainwater. NOTE - can be too much for not-so-hungry strains.

Well, this method helps this old redneck hippie chick produce what she needs to stay alive, anyway...

El Toker

Turn your grow lights off before you do any work under them.

Never make an important decision on drugs.

A standing penis gives poor advice

If you ever win at gambling, walk away

If somebody has to knock on your door to sell something, then it's not worth buying

Two to the head and you know they're dead.

Go for the chubby one's they're always grateful

Grief doesn't last forever

This is it, this isn't a rehearsal, so get on with it you'll be dead soon.

Don't chop food with a sharp knife when you're angry

Always be nice to people who prepare your food

Keep your neighbours happy

Being angry at a call centre worker is pointless

If you're going to tell a lie properly, you first have to convince yourself that it's true.

Grow your own weed

Down try moving a wardrobe downstairs by yourself.

If you're on a motorbike, drive like you're invisible.

If you spend more time on foreplay, you'll have much better sex.

Direct pressure will stem the flow of blood on just about any wound.

and finally and most importantly, if you're 17 and in a summer job and your milf boss spends lots of time hanging around you and stands behind you rubbing her tits in your back and "accidently" rubbing up against your groin and basically offers it to you on a plate, don't spend a lifetime wondering what it would have been like, just fuck her.


I go to see my VERY attractive female doctor for my yearly check up,.........she tells me I must stop masturbating,....I ask "why"?,......she replied: "because I am trying to examine you."


Active member
It´s good sitting down to urinate, it takes the stress out of having to see that one´s penis has shrunk...:dancer:
Alcohol was a friend of mine It almost got me dead. When I was Young, its true I had a lot of Fun but now I feel its time for a change.


Although I'm not an old fart yet, I have leaned a few things over the years. Here's my 2 cents

Do good on to all things, no matter the situation. Its amazing how karma comes back:thank you:


To paraphrase Mark Twain,
'It is better to let them wonder if your an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.'

Live life to its fullest.
Don't let others guide your path in life.
Trust in yourself.
Love yourself first and others will follow suit.
Treat everyone else the way you like to be treated.
Continue the struggle to free cannabis for our kids.


1. Never, EVER shave your balls past the age of 50. The shit grows back all crazy and gray. I look like a friggin' old chimp now.

2. All young women will be appealing to you, unless you like boys then they will be appealing to you. Just remember you look like their mom or dad. Or weird uncle they were curious about.

3. Don't let anybody stick their fingers up your ass unless you're having sex and like that kind of thing. You can examine your own damn prostate.

4.Don't become a coward. If you are a coward stop being one.

5. Nothing you think is actually how the universe works.
6. Everything you think is exactly how the universe works.

7. Don't listen to Old Farts.

Happy 420
