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Number 1 old fart tip



Always do the best you can, While you can...
Share good fortune with the less fortunate...
The circle of life is moving faster than you think...


Enjoy what you can, because time goes by so fast.
And like Morrison said, 'nobody gets outs alive.'


In search of Genetics
Live like there is no tomorrow and regret nothing.
If you live your whole life and never lived your whole life then you have never really lived a whole life.


Overkill is under-rated.
Don't overwater
Don't underfeed
Overfeed very slowly
If you have a reservoir, you should have an overflow fitting/line that can't clog or be closed.
Sea of green requires more plants than you have available.

Be prepared for the hottest heat wave and coldest cold snap you've ever seen.

Be ready for bugs and diseases you don't have, such as:
Use floramite on spider mites
Safers disease control/fungicide for PM
SM90 and Gnatrol for fungus gnats
Physan 20 for root rot/pythium/algae problems.


Overkill is under-rated.
Oh yeah, and if a cop knocks on your door, don't answer it. If they had a warrant they wouldn't have knocked, so therefore opening the door is simply giving them more information they had before they knocked.



You don't tug on Superman's cape
You don't spit into the wind
You don't pull the mask off the old Lone Ranger
And you don't mess around with Jim, da do da do...

Which 'Enterprise ' was th@ one on? :)



"Especially, that which you are most certain of!" - Weezard<<<True shit

Dont ever be certain of anything.
She will fuck you over with out blinking.


Living with the soil
Dig big holes!!!!.....start outdoor plants indoors in December,top the hell out of her,give her big pots all winter and lots of room. In the spring dig a hole 3 feet deep and 4 feet wide,take half the existing soil and mix with perlite,vermiculite,guanos,kelp meal,wood ashes,lime(if existing soil is acid)rock phosphate,and any other goodies you may have around. Use the other half of the existing soil to build water barrier around plant. Plant when weather permits,give all she asks for and you'll have one big ass mama by harvest!!
Get a dog, decent size, something that looks like you wouldn't wanna get bit by that one. Not a mean one or a "stand out" one like a pit bull. A "working dog" if you will, something protective of its space, something with a good nose. Now get that dog from the pound or perhaps saved from some other misfortune. Think of it as a deterrent.


I Went In To KFC

I Went In To KFC

Today, And The Young Lady Ask Me...
"Would You Like Breasts or Legs"?
I Replied, "What Id Really Like, Is A Shaved Snatch"
Apparantly, Im not Welcome Back at KFC.

"My Tip: Dont store your nutriants and other chems in the direct light":noway:


New member
Live each, and every day as though it is to be your last,
one day you WILL be right !

Grow tip: Every leaf shall move. Make sure you have adequate air circulation, air flow, and room temps will be a non-issue for the most part.
Inoculate your plant's root zone with beneficial bacteria and fungi. Then feed your new beneficial colony with a carbohydrate source like unsulfured black strap molasses from the health food store. I introduce beneficials week 1 of veg and again weeks 1 and 2 of flower. Do this and you will have a root explosion. Plant vigor and yields will noticeably increase. You can and should reduce your nutrient usage by 25-50% if using beneficials.