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NorthernKronic's 400 watt closet grow!!!


Grower of fine herbs...
Hey all :wave:

Ishack- thanks for the props bro.

Today i setup a temporary home for my 250 watt hps. I ended up hanging it from an old roommates beerpong table that he left behind when he moved out. I put all the seedlings underneath it and put a box fan blowing over them to keep them cool and to encourage there stems to get stronger, hopfully i will have some success, in two days i am going to remove the stakes so that they can learn to support themselves under the hps.. Im hoping to have these kids in 1 gallon bags and ready to flower before the end of the month, probobly in like 20-25 days, its definitly gonna be cool having two different age crops going in the same room, its like the younger kids have role models to look up to :muahaha: Here is a look at the seedlings underneath there temp 250 watt home. Soon i will be making a box/cab to veg in, so i wont have the big glowing beerpong table anymore :bashhead:

I have a feeling that they are going to take off like crazy over the next few days. Will give them there first taste of EJ tea in the next few days, should keep em healthy happy and growing strong!!!!

Also tonight i hung my new 430 watt hps in my closet, it required a bit of work, but i took it slow as to save my poor back any more discomfort. Had to take half of my space blankets i had up, but i needed to place the circulating fan on the canopy so i dont get any stale air in there. These two lights will eventually be covering an area of 6' x 3' x 6', its not actually 6' towards the back of the closet because of the stairs descending. I should be able to run a pretty decent sized perpetual harvest system with the new light in my closet, but for now its just gonna be the scrog bins and then the 1 gal sog. It will be interesting to see the results of each.

This is what the closet was lookin like today after the changes.

Heres a look to the right where the new fan and light are now located.

Well thats all for tonight, things should start bumpin around here very shortly. So stay tuned kids, On tomorrows show NorthernKronic will be back with more, crazy problems and dastardly mysteries from a closet far far away :muahaha: Peace all

-N.Kron :rasta:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Man...has it been that long since I've visitied this great thread? :bat:

I apologize for my absence bud, been a busy summer for me :pointlaug

Things are looking great though :yes:
That's quite the army of seedlings you've started there. A perfect time to start vegging under the HPS too! They are going to shoot up and grow like mad now....you'll have some monsters are your hands by the time your scrog is done :yoinks:

It's awesome to see how fast you're back in the mix of daily life :ying: Already hittin the pig roasts and parties too :headbange You are a ganja warior!

Great to see a man with a plan :yes: I'm sure your new setups will be well planned now that you have the experience and knowledge :respect:

Did that twin seedling grow 2 out of the same seed? or did you maybe drop another seed in there possibly? Grow it out...see what happens :biglaugh:

Great to be back here after my short break :smile: Save me a seat...I'll be hangin out :lurk:
Keep up the great work man! :friends:


Grower of fine herbs...
Hey there boys..

Sir- Thanks for stoppin in Bro, always good too see you poke your head in, keeps me on my toes :spank: hahaha i think im gonna pop 2 SS so that i can find a mom, and 2 WW from each batch so i can try and find a girl that wont grow any weiners. Wont be able to flower em for another 55 days but i dont think they will mind. THanks again for stopping in. :rasta:

TML- Been awhile player, good to see you back and making your rounds again:wave: Yeah dude i have quite a few seedlings now, actually way more than i know what to do with. Im real happy to have em under the 250 finally, 75watts of flouro just wasnt enough for those girls had to treat em right :muahaha:
The seedlings will be put into flower before the end of the month once i finish the renovations on the right side of my closet, got to get in there with some more caulk and duct tape and get things straightened out, shouldnt take more than a few hrs till its back in tip top shape.
Yea it is awesome that im back to going out again and stuff. Dont really do to much of it (the lady was gone this weekend, so we partied a little out of control) too many people back in my town now that university started again. School and my closet are about all the responsibilities i can handle right now, not any time for much else, especially since i want to keep expanding hehehe :laughing:
DUde i have to say that my quick recovery has to be from smoking all my homegrown ganja, but now that its gone im gonna be in a sorry state for the next 50 or so days. Might just be able to talk one of my buddies in to putting me on loan for an onion that i would pay back when this run is over, thats wishful thinking though, gonna be doing some serious :kissass:
The new setups should be cool, hopefully a perpetual harvest is in my near future brother.
Twins came out of one seed, used peat pellets (or pucks for my northern associates haha) so im sure i only put one seed in it. hehe its still alive, so ill keep ya updated.
Good to have ya back bro, your seats been saved since ya last left, so it was good to dust it off today. Nice to have ya back :friends:

Its nice to wake up and have two of my favorite peeps on here postin, should be back on later with some type of new news, maybe ill drop those seeds in some wa wa before i dip out this morning. I got some reading to do before class though so i gotta :Bolt: Good to have you both by peace.

-N.Kron :rasta: :rant:
Congrats on the new score!! :headbange Its always fun getting new stuff. Whats a " Onion " thats a new term to me?? Anyways your looking great up north homie. Im stoked for you that the SS is in your future. Its such a great high you'll love it! How many days are your flowering ladie at?? Grow on bro :rasta:


Grower of fine herbs...
SUp Yall,

Grunt- Yea things are gonna be bumpin real soon thanks for coming by :rasta:

Buzzed Day- thanks for stoppin by dude, things should be pickin up soon. stay tuned.

INVB- Dude scoring that shit made me feel so good, i could have spent like over $500 getting all the stuff i got, probably more after shipping and worries so needless to say it was a sweet score :bashhead: An onion is a safe way to say that you want an oz. around me we also know them as zones and zips, there are a few other terms that just arnt coming to my mind though.
Dude im so ****in stoked to be running the SS, to tell you the truth i remember watching maj growing it last december and saying how bad i wanted to get that strain, and now almost a year later i have 4 seeds of SS sitting in my room. That is all thanks to a great friend of ours, whos name doesnt need to be said at the time, but hes the shit and i cant thank him enough for the effort and $$$$ he put into me getting these seeds. I really appreciate it and the packing on this one was super stealth, i will return the favor once i get something either of you desires.
A funny thing is if this were my last grow i wouldnt have even hesitated in knowing what day of flower it is, as of right now with all the other stuff i got going ill have to take a look back, if memory serves i think it might be day 14.. let me check...off by one day, today is going to be day 13 if my notes are correct, which they may be a bit off because i run the light at night, but still go by the day and not he night, if that makes sense? Thanks for stoppin by dude.

-N.Kron :rasta:


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
oz, z, zip, zipper, zone , onion, lid, oscar. out here people will say onion too but say like "can i grab a whole onion" to ensure translation without a "what" over the phone. hehe i've heard it all round here. my town people are from every where all walks of life. i am definately not sheltered. glad you got a fat score a new beans myself dude. focus your energy on the shacks, the others are for playing around when you get the room and time i think. i know there is something great in the others though just needs to be found is all. widow x trainwreck must have one ****in seed that is all lady. nothin like liftin a skirt to find a cock and balls ehhh INB.


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
haha i tried to write f u c k and it wont let me ****
sorry for all the posts i wanted to know what the **** was going on


Grower of fine herbs...
hahaha f uck man, im bout to pop 2 SS beans when i get home from class today. Im gonna wait on the WW probobly till the winter maybe longer... I got a lot more genes on the way.... Hopefully some Hawaiian snow, S.A.G.E., Kali mist, MK Ultra, Master Kush and Sensi Star..... Needless to say i have to make some serious decisions about what i am going to keep running, out of these 23 new seedlings i want to find 1 or two blow your head off phenos to keep as mothers, everything else will be handed out or culled out either way its not gonna be running in my closet.. The SS should be ****ing ill though, after watching all you guys grow it for the last 9 months (including maj of course) I want to smoke some of this stuff!!!! so im poppin em so i can taste em in about 100 days. Might keep the SS's in the new 250 watt cab im building, until they can be moved into the closet....

Wow i just noticed how much work these next few months are gonna be heheheh damn im F UCKIN stoked. Thanks for stoppin by Sir, things should be pickin up real soon. So chill out... break some down.. ill snake it out full of bubble hash.. roll that shit up and blazeee IT. Man i love smoking spliffs laced with dank hash mmmmmmmm. cant wait to go to amsterdam.. but thats another story.. Peace out Sir.


P.s.- dont worry i was kinda mad about being censored also, but whatev at least we got this place to chill IMO.
Damn theres alot of love in this little circle we got here. Some day NK maybe we all will go riding some sweet sweet powder!! and well will go fast!!! ha ha anyways thats awesome your coming up on some great genetics. What a great score thats gonna be! i cant wait to see you with some Shack nugs going. Its gonna be a great 100 days!!! Grow on bro
Dont only go by what i say about the WW Im a lazy stoner and dont check nearly enough for hermie spots. I bet Maj's WW wont have any beans peace out


Grower of fine herbs...
Thanks INB- yea dude were gonna have to shred one of these winters, ill have to head out west and we'll drop some cliffs f sho. Powder is so different from what im used riding, but once i set my bindings back and get a run under me ill be fine. Oh and we WILL GO FAST :Bolt: I love riding fast though, got to be careful though found that out the hard way last winter..more broken bones we will leave it at that. Yea its tight that im gonna be getting some sweet genetics over the next coming months. Ive just become better friends with the right people so now im getting hooked up :headbange: Just popped two sugar shack seeds and i am planting them as we speak. countdown begins now. 100 days till NorthernKronic has Sugar shack of his own to smoke :jump: man im excited. I also have to transplant 23 vegging plants into 1 gallon bags soon.

I dont want to waste soil, so i wanted to know if you guys think i should force flower them in the cups until they show sex and then transplant, it sounds like a bad idea to me.... The more and more i think about it im not gonna hurt the plants by leaving them in cups too long. they will all be put in 1 gallon bags before monday. Thanks for stoppin by bro. One day we all will ride together :muahaha:

Sir- Yea i hope that Majors WW's come out okay, im kinda waiting to see how he does before i pop any, i know there are some real deal females in there so im definitly gonna try and find em. Also im really hoping that these two SS's i just popped are gonna be female, that would be sweet to have two SS moms!!!! THanks for stoppin by.

Ill have more pics up of the progress in the closet tonight. They are cruisin now, stretch is seeming to be slowing and buds are definitly beginning to form, its a beautiful time. Also the 23 seedlings i have under the 250 watt are getting bigger everytime i go and look at em. I think im gonna see how there doing in a bit, some may already need transplant so i got some work ahead of me today. Temps have been hot for the last two days but now are back down to normal, bout 70f ambient temps, so the closet should do well. Thats one thing that im hoping will help my yeild this run, Temps. Temps are going to be cool pretty much for the rest of the time until next summer so i think my yields should be better. Or so i hope. Just gonna try and keep the plants healthy and happy and hope for the best. Hope everyone is well where they at. Peace all.

-N.Kron :rasta:
I guess im spoiled were I live but the powder here is the best in the country! I think anyways, nice fluffy pillows!! Those people in utah say they have the best but ive ridden there and I must disagree. Anything that you could want to ride you can ride, cliffs, rocks, park, steep, it dosent matter weve got it! Im actully very blessed cause 1 hour drive or less theres 7 or 8 resorts i can go to. Someday we'll get you out here and show you whats going on INV style lol. I know Sir loves it when he comes to visit. Theres always something to do!!!!! peace out bro


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Amazing how quick seedlings will grow under a HPS glow eh? :biglaugh:
I've been seriously thinkin of re-doing my veg area and go 250W HPS/MH for it :chin:

Nice to see everyone taking advantage of the free censorship on the word **** here on IC :laughing:

Best of luck scoring your medicinal needs :ying: I'm sure there shouldn't be a lack of goods in a college town :wink:

Thanks for the props too eh :smile: I'm glad I can be a part of your grow :lurk:


Just wanted to say hey! I'll pop back in later when I have more time to check out your setup a little closer. Looks like you've got things rockin though! Should do like me and get another 400 going in there, lol! :headbange


Grower of fine herbs...
TML-Dude they grow so fast under the hps its ridiculous, its fun to watch the growth, but damn do i hate transplanting though, filling 25 1 gallon bags is gonna be annoying.. good thing thats the end for them. got to take a lot of clones also. hope to find some keepers. The 250 is nice, get all the great growth of the HID light but without the heat of the 400 watt. Its cool pun intended :spank: hahaha Its funny that they censor language on our weed site though. oh well not a big fu ckin difference to me hehehe.
You would be surprised at how dry it gets down here, i have some good connects, i think i need to go hit up my other grower friend over this matter :joint: Thanks for always stoppin by and contributing its fun to have you around and watchin my grow!!!! :headbange dude

S2D- hey buddy thanks for stoppin in, come back anytime :wave: Just had that same thought about adding another 400 last week. SOOO a friend had some stuff to get rid of so i got a 430 watt along with the 250 for an awesome price, should have both of em blazing before to long. Dont need em just yet, as soon as these kids i have in veg are done move to flower they will all be happy in the closet, cant wait to see ya back here brah. Peace.

Ill be back in a bit with pics of the setup after i grub. Peace all.

-N.Kron :rasta:


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
those SS will be female. i got my STAMP on that. never had a boy out of over 30-40 beans grown out. if you get a boy i will be jealous....hehe and you can hook up the pollen if ya dont mind. it sound funny but me and maj have prayed for a male. silly i know but want more beans to share

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