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NorthernKronic's 400 watt closet grow!!!


Grower of fine herbs...
INB- Dude you are sooo spoiled to be able to ride great powder all winter, i wish i had a choice about what i get to ride, but i dont really have one. All i get to ride is pretty much park all winter, get one or two powder days a season. last year we got hit by 4 ft in two days and thats the best ive ever had where i live. Few times ive been out west its been ill, last winter was out in CO. for a week and that was sweet, got to ride some nice steep and deeps.. super sick. Cant wait to head out west to ride this winter. Nice to talk to ya brah.

Sir- Yea ive seen that you guys are lookin for a male so if i get one ill take care to collect the pollen and ship it to ya. But truthfully in these first two im lookin for some nice ladies so that i can get some mums. Ill have some pics later. Long live the SS lets hope for a male.



Grower of fine herbs...
Flower Day 15 9-7-07

Flower Day 15 9-7-07

Just wanted to post up some pics that i took this morning right after lights out, sorry in advance for the blurryness i was still very sleepy and at the time it seemed to be focused. Here ya go.

Front M bin, she has got the second most budsites out of the three bins, and is looking nice and healthy, i expect great things from these ladies in 50 days...

Here is the Burmese Delight bin, its the ugliest of all the bins, had problems with one of the plants in the bin, got sick and never really recovered fully... :badday:

Now for this rounds pride and joy, the back M bin. She has more than 25 flower sites that are all streching evenly for the light, this should hopfully fill out into a ton of bud over the next 50 days or at least thats what im hoping for.

and one more overall

Im gonna snap some pics of the vegging plants when i go upstairs to start filling gro bags.. gonna take a bit to fill em all, but if i spread it out over time i dont think ill have a problem. Take care all. Peace.

-N.Kron :rasta:


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
its gonne be a joy watching them flower out all the way in those bins...i woz waiting for some pics..took me a while but i woz lurking NK...btw are you already flowering here? seems like i see budsites already...Nway just asking...laters NK :wave:
Plants are starting to look better after your problems bro. It dosent seem that they have stretched that much. You should have a nice sea of buds soon!
Thats crazy you spend all park time. You and Sir would have a blast launching jumps and rails, getting technical. Im a mad mob the mountain rider. I used to ride the park but the grounds just to hard in there anymore, if I wreck narly I want it to be in the fluff. lol Rocks and drops is what im all about :headbange
If you get a shack male that would be awesome, not likely though. A good 30 of those SS beans have been grown out and no males. Its a fem seed, a huge woops by the breeder to send out a elbow that was pollinated. Great for us though!!!!


IC Official Assistant to the Insistent
Looks like they're well on their way to being a flush canopy of goodness..Right on NK..good show.. :yes: :wave:


Grower of fine herbs...
Hey all :wave:

Core- Thanks for stoppin in buddy, Yea there flowering today is gonna be day 16, there just starting to really pick up the pace, stretch is finally over and the budz are finally poppin out. cant wait to see em get big and block out the sun hehehe. :rasta: thanks for coming by should be more fun to come soon.

Grunt- hey bud, Yea they should start puttin out some nice buds not, just time to wait and watch haha thanks for comin by playa :joint:

INVB- yea things are healthy and growing fast now. Yea they really didnt seem to stretch to much over those first 14 days i was expecting a little more but im not really worried about it. The sea of buds is coming on more and more everyday. The back bin is the best by far, got sooooo many budsites!! cant wait for it to be full. Dude, I love to ride park, but powder is so much fun. Im a jump man myself, flying through the air has always been my thing. I know what you mean about the ground being real hard and not forgiving. I dont get to rowdy with the tricks unless were hitting big booters into powder, but when we are all bets are off :muahaha: Ill make sure to watch those SS's for any balls, guess they would be good in this case hahaha. never actually hoped for a male before haha its different. but more SS seeds would be amazing. You guys were super lucky to get an elbow of seeded SS, and im lucky to have dudes like u guys as :friends: here on IC!!! as always thanks for sticking around playa :headbange

Packn2- whatup dude, thanks for the compliments. Yea i should have a straight up sea of green on my hands pretty soon, these ladies will be big soon so i cant wait to see what i end up with. I also got 23 kids in veg right now and they are getting bigger by the minute, should be flowering them within the next 10 or 15 days. Peace.

Sooo today i re-potted 15 of my vegging plants, the other 8 can wait a day or two more before getting transplanted. I am completely out of room under the 250 with the 15 in 1 gallon bags. As soon as they get to be about 7th or 8th node i will be putting them into the closet to flower. Thats gonna be crazy having the three bins and possibly 23 plants in 1 gallon bags flowering all at the same time, should give me a nice haul when im done though. Here are a few snaps of the 15 that i transplanted today. They look beatup but they are recoving under the light as I type. The 15 in 1 bags take up the whole footprint of the 250 so as soon as they are big enough they will be cycled into the flower closet.

Ill take pics later tonight so you can see em under the light once theyve straightened up better. Most were rootbound and ready for transplant. These next 8 will be chill for a while.

Thanks for stopping by everyone. You guys are what keeps me updating, thanks for coming by and showing an interest in what im doing, i really appreciate it, dont have anyone but my girl who sees it in person, so your opinions are vital to my success. Thanks again and peace yall.

-N.Kron :rasta:


the problem you have is in your roots my friend...nice grow show you got going on...peace


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
nice NK truckin along like a good boy should. youre becoming a real green thumb thats fo sho


Grower of fine herbs...
Brainthor- not quite sure what problems are you talkin about, maybe your looking at how wilted they look, that was just transplant shock, there back and standing tall now. But is that what you ment?

Sir- yea im just doin what i do ya know what i mean. My thumb is still pretty fleshy colored.. oooo i see a bit of green.... oh man its just marker hahaha. THanks bro You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to SirSmokalot again.

Sooo i decided to try out plugging in the other 430 watt in the closet, the max temp got up to about 79, thats hotter than i would like, but its still not even that cold out just yet, so we will see how it works out. Thats all for now. Thanks for stoppin by. Peace.



my room sits at 82 and i have no issues...i would not worry unless above 85...or at least i have no problems unless i reach those temps....plug in the other light..peace


Still Getting Sky-High
Thats cool bro! i got those bags too for transplant... since i can't use alot of space i figuered i need a little smaller pots than those i'm using on the chronic, but the AIs will be transplanted into these soon.. :rasta:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
NK said:
Thats gonna be crazy having the three bins and possibly 23 plants in 1 gallon bags flowering all at the same time
^ :yoinks: Looks like you're gonna go all out.

Amazing how fast those lil'uns will grow under an HID eh? Best of luck on a great female to male ratio :ying:

The scrog is coming along real well :yes: Like you said...50 days from now you should be reporting to us from a jungle of buds :canabis:

Good show NK...keep up the strong work! :lurk:


New member
Sup holmes! Dude, unreal...how do u even have room in that closet anymore? i go away for the weekend, and i come back to a huge update. im loving the progression. ill be home in 7 weeks...and i will be puffing all your bud!!! :muahaha: just got home from a siiiick weekend dude. ill call u and tell u all about it. the funny thing is..i didnt puff any herb for 2 days! can u believe that shit? haha. speaking of, im almost out, and the duder ive been gettin it from has copped out, cant get a hold of his ass. back to square 1, gotta find another hook up. weeeeaaaakkkk :cuss: cant wait to get home and ride with u holmes. we got a foot and a half last week, and am hopefully goin up in the next couple of days. im lovin this back to back winter business, and when i get home, back to winter again! f uck yea, 3 in a row. tell yur lady i said hoollllaaaaa and give the kids in the closet a hug and kiss for me....uncle roor will be home sooon neph!! haha. o yea...give my 2 beautiful girls a hug too...miss all u kids soo much! PEACE :headbange :joint:


Grower of fine herbs...
SUp Yall :wave:

Brainthor- yea i dont really expect any problems running the extra light. Ill be plugging it in as soon as my vegging plants are ready to go. Should be soon :muahaha: thanks for stoppin in.

Grunt- Whatup playa!?!?! yea the grow bags are awsome, really space efficient, and thats what i need, its gonna be a struggle to try and fit all these bags into my closet.. But I will find a way dont you worry haha. good to have ya round my friend.

BuzzedDay- thanks for the props dude!

TML- Yea im going a little bigger this time around, everything just ended up working out that way so im just going with the flow. I am at this moment completly out of weed from the last harvest, and am smoking the last of my hash. so think of me when your blazing and maybe ill get a physic high or somthing hahah. Ill definitly take all the luck i can get with the fem:male ratio, if i could get all girls it would be crowded, but man would that be a ton of bud, it would be nice if i could reach the .5 grams per watt this time around. I hope the scrog can do it! Thanks for stickin with me bro, couldnt do it without my great bro from the land where dey say EH!

RooR2- Dude i expanded under the stairwell, i always had room, just not enough watts ya know? Damn so your gonna be back here in 7 weeks huh, ****in cant wait to see ya, shit just aint the same around here without ya, everybody is all about the bar so all i do is chill at home with the lady. but what are ya gonna do ya know. Should be fun to smoke that 6 mo cured nugz i saved for you. There gonna be the best buds youve smoked since the H.I. and you know how tasty that shit was :muahaha:
So ive come to the conclusion that you need to start growing, i cant support your habits and my own, plus i wanna see what you can do, when you get back we will talk more and hopfully get a stealth cab going with your name on it. Its the only way to go man, i feel cheated when i have to pay for herb now, i just cant stop thinkin that the stuff that i grow is 100 times better than the shitty so-called 50's that we get around here.... thats usually beasters :nono: Weak balls about your herb man coppin out on you, shit sucks, wont be too long till you get back here and get that kush thats been in your closet for the last 6 months. let alone when you get up here and come to my house, got your roor waiting, and a full bowls of every kind of herb i grew. get stoked my friend get very stoked :rasta: ****in i got so many stories to tell you when you get back its gonna be a long and very stoney chat. I wish i was doing what your doing right now, back to back to back winters, im gonna be so ****in behind riding with you this winter, guess ill have to step it up, your gonna have to push me, dont let me bitch out!!! We need to head out to visit Carey and the OG's out west this winter, get some real riding done, your condo in december sound tight??? hahaha. Ill give your lady and your kid a hug when i see em next. Ride hard, puff tuff and be safe. Me and the lady miss you a lot bro cant wait to have ya back so that we can get back to normal. 7 Weeks and counting... damn your gonna have to help me with this harvest, you should be right on time. Peace and love brah.

Thanks for kickin it in the closet everyone Ill get pics up as things become interesting, waiting for a growth spurt from the flowering plants, and the veggers now that i think about it. Peace all.

-N.Kron :rasta:


Grower of fine herbs...
Thanks Maj that means a lot coming from you. Hey did your Whitewreck ever show any nanners?? im hoping that yours dont so that i can pop mine and hope for a real female.

Soo i ran out of my last bud the other day but i talked to a buddy of mine and luckily he had some really great weed for me. I only was able to get an eighth but its Sensi Star, and damn does it taste good. I know the guy that grows it and he always does a great job, he cant seem to get dense nugz though.. hmmm what a shame.. But hey its great herb take a look.

Im gonna take some pics of the closet tonight, they are going ok, growth of the buds isnt as fast as i want, but its ok. The veglings are growing a bit slow also, i am going to flush and try and get em going good again. But ill be back later. Peace.

-N.Kron :rasta: