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Noob With a rubbermaid.

Mr. Tony

Active member
Grizz are you going to switch over to your HID unit or stay with the cfl's for your next grow, and what strains will you be using this go around?


New member
bubblegum, aurora indica, white widow and some bag seed i found, oh and an afghan. This is only my second cycle but they all look extremely healthly. I use miracle grow potting soil and i've never pH'd my water. I'll try to upload some pics of me sexy ladies soon.

Mr. Tony

Active member
The plants seem to have liked the transplant. I'll have new pics up later this evening.

Thanks for the help everyone!


Sneak attack critical
Looks like all is well...

Hopefully you've heeded other's warnings about mixing perlite into your soil. Without it, the soil holds way too much water and not enough air. Cannabis needs to be able to breathe in order to grow and function properly. By the same token, it is a good idea to let your soil dry out before watering again; that way the roots have a change to get some much needed air.


New member
DrBudGreengenes said:
Messed up yur Camera....Hmmm where did you get that dance "Craigslist" ?

hahahaha i laughed so damn hard at this. dr bud is my idol.

your grow looks legit bro, i dont really have anything to add as the pros seem to have you on the right track. just stay safe and stay lit.


Mr. Tony said:
Grizz are you going to switch over to your HID unit or stay with the cfl's for your next grow, and what strains will you be using this go around?
I think im going to stick with the CFLs for this next one. I might build another rubbermaid for the 150hps tho, we'll see. My next run will be arcata TW from clones, hopefully I can keep them in check with minimal to no deficiencies. Your plants are already lookin better, keep it up. :joint:

Mr. Tony

Active member
I've been away from my babies for 6 days ( room mate is watering them/ raising the lights if it needs to be done for the time being) don't get to see them for 2.

When I get back I'm gonna have to drive them from their current location to the new one, exactly from one end of town to the other with 5 different types of police trying to distribute charges like some gangster selling rocks, should make for a nerve racking drive, and get this the speed limits are 25/20 mph...


Mr. Tony said:
I've been away from my babies for 6 days ( room mate is watering them/ raising the lights if it needs to be done for the time being) don't get to see them for 2.

When I get back I'm gonna have to drive them from their current location to the new one, exactly from one end of town to the other with 5 different types of police trying to distribute charges like some gangster selling rocks, should make for a nerve racking drive, and get this the speed limits are 25/20 mph...

That sure would be nerve racking. :bashhead: Good luck! :joint:

Mr. Tony

Active member
Thanks for the kind words!

The room mate just called, one plant got a bit to close to the light and suffered some burns but other than that he said the plants are doing very well.

Mr. Tony

Active member
Same set up. I tied them down last night, few em, got the other half of the rubber maid. carbon filter tonight.


Just Call me Urkle!!
Nice! just use the DrBud line up of Shultz 10-15-10 and Superthrive and you should be fine. Fish emulsion if they have it to but beware that shit is smelly dude I hate using it so I only do every other watering lol good luck


Looking good. I'll catch you on aim later...havn't seen you on for the last couple day. New place working out for you?

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