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Noob With a rubbermaid.


Hard to tell from the pic but those look like stipules. The preflower will be between the stipule and the branch.

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I think i got a pic that will help you determine what you might be looking at...

ahh here it is.



Your plants are too young still to be showing sex, so as the others say...its most likely a stipule. I know you can take good macro shots...so get one haha.

Mr. Tony

Active member
I'd take a macro if my camera didn't get jacked up via a lap dance.

Thanks for the clarification guys.


New member
tony, im telling u if u want a good soilless mix, use the LC"s number 1. you can get all the crap at even walmart. i used to use potting soil (the best) but it was always hard to maintain ph and also the correct amount of nutes because it had them in it.

LC's Soilless mix #1

5 parts peat moss
3 parts perlite
2 parts earthworm castings

and two tablespoons dolomite lime to each gallon of soil, make sure its the powdered not granulated (if it is then grind it up first) because it doesnt work as well. i ran into that problem with one, ph was too low and i have had chronic magnesium and calcium problems make sure u bust it up.

give the plants light nutes 1/4 to 1/2 the normal amount then move up from there. as far as nutes then its always better to get good proper ones but if need be honestly try organic, theirs enough different recipes u might get lucky. if not then the superthrive, shultz 10-15-10 and some fish emulsion should work out.


Just Call me Urkle!!
So far my mix seems to be perfect, and you get it all at Walmart as well...

I got a bag 3cubic feet of Kellogg Garden Soil not the Patio+
A bag of perlite
A bag of Sphagnan Peetmoss

I do a mix of 50% Kellogg Garden Soil 25% perlite and 25% peat moss
The Garden soil consists of Composted Forest Humus,Composted Chicken Manure,Bat Guano,Kelp Meal, Worm Castings,Oyster & Dolomite Lime for PH Adjustment...

So far my plants have been healthy as can be and I don't feed them for the first week after transplanting cuz they have enough nutes in the soil.After the first week I then start to feed them Shultz 10-15-10 4 dropper fulls per gal Superthrive 1/4 teaspoon per gal and I haven't seen a burn yet.. I haven't used the Fish Emulsion yet but I am getting some, hope this helps it's cheap too like half the price of Fox Farms


Well-known member
Mr. Tony said:
I'd take a macro if my camera didn't get jacked up via a lap dance.

Thanks for the clarification guys.

Messed up yur Camera....Hmmm where did you get that dance "Craigslist" ?


Active member
You said..
I suggest getting Shultz 10-15-10 and Superthrive use 4 dropper full of 10-15-10 per gall of water with 4 drops of Superthrive and your ladies will love it and it's should be at your local FredMyers...
Is that 4 FULL droppers (like what comes in the bottle?/) AND this is what you would use for veg, right???
Sorry its a stoner question and just want to make sure cuz the bottle says 7 DROPS per gallon thanks!!!.... PAX
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Active member
tejashidrow said:
You said..

Is that 4 FULL droppers (like what comes in the bottle?/) AND this is what you would use for veg, right???
Sorry its a stoner question and just want to make sure cuz the bottle says 7 DROPS per gallon thanks!!!.... PAX

If my superthrive memory serves me, it is potent stuff, stick to half of what it says on the bottle and work your way up. Thats usually a good estimate.


Just Call me Urkle!!
yea fill the dropper that comes with the Shultz 10-15-10 bottle 4 times but only 4 drops of Superthrive it says 7 drops for regular houseplants on the Shultz and I got my technique from DrBud and it hasn't done me wrong yet I started out with the 7 drops a gallon when I first got my clones like the first 2 weeks but my leaves looked dry and dull then I went up to the 4 dropper fulls of Shultz 10-15-10 and the 4 drops of Superthrive and my girls got fatter and shiny looking all pretty and happy!!!

Mr. Tony

Active member
Just transplanted into Black Gold all organic soil with Canadian Sphagnum Peat Moss, Compost, Earthworm castings, Forest humus, Perlite, and Pumice. super airy and light soil, the plants should thrive in it. Used 2 liter pop bottles.

Edit: Thundurkel, I love your new avatar.
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New member
shultz 10-15-10: 4 dropers full
superthrive: 6 drops

but i also add about a tablespoon of fish fertilizer per gallon to water my ladies.

i believe thats what the dr. uses too. i've been using this ratio for veg and flower, no deficiences yet.

anyone else using fish fertilizer?


I used only fish emulsion during veg and my plants lacked N a lot when I got into flowering. I used LC#1 mix so I may try the shultz and superthrive mix along with my fish emulsion this run unless I can find some better nutes. Soil mix sounds good though man, mine took off once I switched em from the waterlogged soil.

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