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Nomaad Presents- Greenhouse:2010


Active member
I have Oxidate...it's best used for cleaning. If you want to stop PM..some $5 Bonide brand micronized sulfur foliar spray will stop that shit. You NEVER want to spray buds...EVER..with any thing...

Oxidate is also being used with great success in treating PM. The more I read about it, the more i like it.

I'm not advising anybody to soak their buds in anything... but with this particular product, you technically could and there would be zero residue in the resulting dried buds. absolutely none. unless you have a different interpretation of the chemical reaction at play here, I can see absolutely no problem using this product in flower if you have PM...

ThaTriangle: I do not remember what I paid for my smartpots. From what I understand, any dealer can call the smartpots rep and order the custom pots. I have not seen the Roots pots... I have seen some knockoff smarties and they were made of MUCH thinner material... smarties are quite rugged... I don;t think the knockoffs would last more than a season.

Beans: I am still a plastikman fan. almost went and saw Hawtin in Madrid for new year. his recent foray into the fashion industry, however, makes me kinda wanna kick him in the nuts.


Yeah.. I already own and have tried it... powdered sulfur works much better and if applied early at the fruit set, there won't be any issues at the end. Good luck this year.


Active member
Why does it always sound like you think the sum of your experience is the last word in ganja growing? Is that intentional?


I just have tried it and actually damaged plants with oxidate trying to stop PM as the label says you can do..JUST BEFORE harvest. I used an atomizer to apply it indoor and all i got was some mold. I believe if you do a search on this site you can see some plants burnt from it. They are not mine, but when I recommended Oxidate to a friend for his problem, he let me know his research turned up some burnt up plants so he never tried it. It is a good product and I do like to spray everything with it when there aren't any plants around...I hope you have good luck with it and come with a good dose to use it at that stops PM and doesn't hurt the ladies because I have my jug of it sittin in the corner!..OTOH it does sort of set it back BUT it doesn't stop it. Sulfur destroys it..and is much easier/friendlier to deal with in my experience... My 2 cents.


Cause I hate to out myself like that.

It also took a minute for me to write that post out!


I just bought a seedling mat, our temps are too low too, especially in the RV.

They also make heating cables and I came across one trick the other day of burying christmas rope lights in a shallow tray of gravel and then setting flats on that. Haven't tried it though. :)

I was walking through to the bathroom at my favorite middle eastern restaurant today and spied a huge Modine sitting collecting dust. It's a new business so maybe they could use some cash? How much do those usually run anyway and do they suck down propane quickly? Come to think of it, it may be a natural gas unit since it was in town. I wonder if they make conversion kits.

We are trying to get approved to put up a greenhouse this year too so I'm watching your progress with great interest. :) Our frost-free season is way too short (like 90-100 days) but I'm at 36 degrees so we've got tons of sun. We also get random hail and snowstorms in July sometimes, not to mention 50 mph winds. But on the positive side it's really dry here and we don't have too many bugs/diseases/pests! :)

I've got to get some worms started too. :)


I got a trick low profile unit that burns 48000 BTU for my 18x30 greenie. It gets VERY cold here. I use this structure for starting off. It goes to 68-70 at night and is 80 during the day if it is heavily cloudy thanks to the heater.. I paid $540 for the heater, $60 for the high altitude kit and it took $1000 to get my 288 gallon (what I ended up with since that's what they had close to the size i requested) set, installed, connected to my heater with sweet shut off valves and what nots, and full of gas. So all in all I'm in the same for my heater as it was to build the 18 x 30 hoopty. I should take the end wall off and make it 18 x 60.


Haha, I had no idea Richie was in the fashion world now. I don't even want to look. :)

I remember taking the Sheet One album cover and selling it to local newb's. In case anyone doesn't know, the CD cover was perforated to look like one giant sheet of acid complete with little Plastikmen on the tabs. Fucking awesome!

Yeah, I was 15, shouldn't have done it. :)



one of their albums was seminal for me.... it was either called Moldavia or had a cut called Moldavia on it.

Hi Nomaad-

That was the album Tyranny > For You. Brings back some great late 80s memories dancing at the Blue Crystal in New Orleans. I'd be happy to burn you a copy.

Nice work on the greenhouse!


Active member
yeah... that was it. for me it was a string of new wave clubs on long island that turned from new wave to industrial to techno over the course of my HS career.

when i get a minute here, i am going to dload a bunch of the old industrial.


Active member
not too long ago a kid showed up in el Honduragua with plastikman tabs from Holland. it was a fun blast from the past... but the L was not too good. i stuck to my secret stash of the LOVE and let the youngsters mess with the blotter shit.





im bout to do a medical coldframe/greenhouse in very north semi-coastal oregon, gonna be 30x64 and plan to do standard 150 smartpots because our seasons a little short here and its in my first yr budget..... could ya give me a few pointers? ladies are inside under 400's now getting ready. plan to go out early may....i will be posting the project no doubt and enjoy yours and a few others big plant scene!!

brix mix and calcium 25? whats the scoop?

2:3 roots/f.f. ocean forest fine?

12 cindy hybrids that do well up here plus 12 shiva sk.

worried about mold, would like to pull some size, and have great water, "no electricity"


Active member
I used a Roots/707 mix my first year... I was happy with the results... I think I am going to just do Ocean Forest this year with added perlite and some amendments. I would recommend adding perlite to your mix... especially with that Roots... its relatively heavy soil from my experience.

I am not familiar with Brix Mix or Calcium 25, so I cannot comment.

Mold and PM are always an issue up in OR... since you're inside a greenhouse a sulphur burner might do the trick... good ventilation is always important too... you'll do well to always have enough fan action to keep all the leaves moving juuuust a little bit... good airflow is the scourge of bad molds.

with 150 gallons of soil for each plant you will do well. I would say to make sure you have 10 foot spacing on the centers of your pots. if the plants are competing for space your yield will be affected. In your GH that means about 3x6 plants for a total of 18. You could cram more in there, but my personal opinion is that you will do better with 18 plants with plenty of room that with 24 that are cramped. With the right strain (no idea about yours), enough food, an efficient veg and a lot of love, you can probably count on 3 pounds per plant in that much soil. I know people who have pulled down considerably more.

Good luck.


Active member
nomaad, thank you very much for share this thread with us.
The greenhouse looks AWESOME. Best luck, the show is starting...:thank you::tiphat:

good vibes!


Active member
thanks, phatsesh... something about a bunch of ganja plants that really brings out the best in a room, eh?

Bit of advice... 10 gal smarties are probably not the best idea for this veg scene. I should have gone with hard plastic pots or smarties inside hard plastic pots... the soil mass of a 10 gal smartie makes it nearly impossible to move them, especially when wet, without doing damage to new root growth. The fives move about fine...

First big lesson of the season. The next plants that I pot up to 10's will be in hard containers... I am thinking of lining them with some lightweight landscaping fabric so they can be easily pulled out for transplant into their final pots...

I think I am 86ing the pineapple express. I just don't know shit about it. It seems vigorous in small pots, but the big mom I have is a bit of a strange plant. Anyhow... I will run a couple of them in smaller containers and keep a mom, just in case I am missing something.

I have a couple of trays of "Ogre" on the way.... Have high hopes for this strain. Has anybody grown it? Hashman was over last week and had heard of it... but there are possibly more that one strain out there with the same name... Any info on it wold be appreciated.

Oh... my homies just got a couple of pre-98 Bubba males... not sure how that works... another grower brought me a sample of some indoor Bubba (BFG) that blew my mind... it was an S1. Not sure if these males are the results of an S1. Anyhow... we now have a Bubba breeding project underway. Bubbablooey, anybody? Other friends of mine also have an LA Confidential male in a room. We're going to let him shag a bunch of different ladies this year. Would be sweet to grow a bunch of our own strains next year.

try comb

Active member
what made u decided to go with ffof, did u not like the results from the soils u tested? please elaborate.