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Nomaad Presents- Greenhouse:2010


Active member
I'm going to do a 13 week strain in my greenhouse. The Cough (SSSC). My two all time favs are the Cough and Neville's haze. I once had a 16 week Neville's pheno in the tropics that was bomb.


The snow is melting off my green house as it hits it because its 74*F inside. I'm gonna have a whole lot of water this year. I think I may put more beds out! How's the weather down there dude? How's your heater working..any pics of the set up?


Big Sur has an extended growing season as well, think that is part of the reason they got famous. Super long fully ripe sativas. The herb normally wasn't dense but gooey tasty and strong. Great place to visit, camp, hike, search for rastas and elves that live in caves and forts and still have original BSH and SSB strains.:jump:
i was forced indoors 3 years ago i miss big huggable plants, but on the other end when i miss warm temperate weather and tired of rain i go in my closet. big sur is nice and man can you smell it as you cruise down highway 1.
down around palmsrings, idyllwild it was really nice i thought it would get to hott and dry but but the heat didnt really bother them like it does indoors and the summer monsoon add a nice bit of humidity.

on your trip are you going to grab any landrace sativas from the area? that would be sweet.
any cuts for the event? been looking for a good haze.


Active member
Heater is causing me some hassles, but I should have it worked out by tomorrow. I took pics with the new camera last night, but they didn't come out great. I'll have some time to play around with it this weekend. Today is a road day.


Active member
my wife and kids are in NY with my family... not sure if i miss them, or i'm just jealous of all the proper pizza and bagels they are eating. Its the only place on earth where you can get those things. I know.. I know... lots of people think that it ain't true, but i will go to my grave a snob of new york (and I mean the metro area of NY only...including parts of north jersey and maybe even a spot or two in south CT, but I am not testifying to that last bit) pizza.

yeah. heater is working now but not really up to the task. I am able to keep her in the mid 50's thru the snowy night... I am pretty happy with that... we'll see what happens when it gets warmed up with some sun... with just a few interludes of sun, the heat is now close to 70. Hopefully, mid 60's can be maintained at night. I am looking for radiant heating pads that would go under each plant and be heated by hot water... If I can't find them, I'll make something up... probably not going to happen for this season.

these look interesting: http://www.radiantroots.com/


Active member
i just looked at my double tray electric heat mat from hydrofarm that I used to use when I cloned into Oasis cuvebs. Its only 45w. I could run a LOT of them in the greenie... I wonder if they will do the trick on 10 gallon pots. I could go grab a bunch of the 4 tray joints and lay em in there...


Why don't you just hook up a Modine? I did and my greenie is 72 when its 30 outside.

Any time I need amendments I get em from PVFS.

You should start ranching your own worms.


Active member
trying to work with a more efficient heater. top down heating fights the laws of nature. I know its unimportant to you, but consumption and conservation of resources is important to me. i

doesn't matter much... the sun comes out tomorrow. plants are doing very well in there now... should be explosive when the sun comes out.

I'm looking for a local wormfarm.. PV is a bit far for truckloads... Again: For reasons of conscience, I prefer to source things as locally as possible... I am working on a worm composter, just because nobody around here ever turns the kitchen compost and I am fucking sick of it. So I am going to build one that just processes the kitchen and garden waste... but I have no plans to get commercial on it.


Once you read up on some different designs youll see how easy it is to produce yards and yards of castings. if you're gettin more worms than your composter can hold just grab a handful of them and throw them on to your beds and mulch over the top with straw and water down and they will fluff your bed and help to process organic materials add so much beneficial microorganisms etc., If your kitchen can't keep up throwing them rinsed mixed fiber coir works really well

On the plus side the Modine burns propane...:D It also has really sweet vents that you can angle all which way and I will have massive circulation in there.


I just bought a seedling mat, our temps are too low too, especially in the RV.

They also make heating cables and I came across one trick the other day of burying christmas rope lights in a shallow tray of gravel and then setting flats on that. Haven't tried it though. :)

I was walking through to the bathroom at my favorite middle eastern restaurant today and spied a huge Modine sitting collecting dust. It's a new business so maybe they could use some cash? How much do those usually run anyway and do they suck down propane quickly? Come to think of it, it may be a natural gas unit since it was in town. I wonder if they make conversion kits.

We are trying to get approved to put up a greenhouse this year too so I'm watching your progress with great interest. :) Our frost-free season is way too short (like 90-100 days) but I'm at 36 degrees so we've got tons of sun. We also get random hail and snowstorms in July sometimes, not to mention 50 mph winds. But on the positive side it's really dry here and we don't have too many bugs/diseases/pests! :)

I've got to get some worms started too. :)



Active member
Is that a front 242 avatar?! man... i love that pre-techno industrial... one of their albums was seminal for me.... it was either called Moldavia or had a cut called Moldavia on it. That album and Ministry's "The Mind is a Terrible Thing to Taste" were a big part of my later high school years.

the idea of xmas lights in gravel is cool. might try that out as I have a big pile of gravel might try that sometime with 4x8 hydro trays and 10 gallon smarties. temps in there are fine... 50 at night and 65-70 on a rainy day like today. The humidity is hiher than I would like it to be... lots of rainwater seeping into the gravel floor... I need to put in a drainage ditch before Autumn. It will dry out hardcore over the next few days, but at night the humidity creeps up above 60. When I add the CO2 generator, donated by a fellow ICMagger who forgot to leave me the power adapter, it will also cause elevated humidity.

Humidity... mainly I worry about PM. The Pineapple Cough is known to be prone to it... I'm not really in love with the methods of combatting PM that change pH.. had some terrible alkaline burns last year from badly dissolved pottassium bicarb... Don;t want to go thru that again.... I guess I could get an atomozer... I'd like one anyway... but in any case, I;d like to avoid using those potentially caustic remedies. I think I am going to try a product called Oxidate... http://www.biosafesystems.com/product_oxidate.asp

Apparently, u can use it up to the moment before harvest and there is zero trace on the buds and it is highly effective against PM and Botrytis...


I have Oxidate...it's best used for cleaning. If you want to stop PM..some $5 Bonide brand micronized sulfur foliar spray will stop that shit. You NEVER want to spray buds...EVER..with any thing...


Yep, that's the Front 242 Headhunter single artwork. I've been listening to them forever, though I think I started right before Up Evil came out. I still like it all.

My favorite 242 album is Mixed by Fear. It's quite rare, actually, though I have it in MP3 (copied from my buddy who turned me on to them. He had the real album).

I was into Ministry too, and of course NIN, Meat Beat Manifesto, Plastikman, Future Sound of London, then Underworld, Orbital, the Orb, etc. I was always more into electronic music in my teenage years.

Nomaad, have you considered a de-humidifier with a drain to waste kit? That may be just the ticket and with the hose you wouldn't have to drain it ever day. You might even recycle your water. :)

We picked up a 70-pint Soleus and it's nice.



New member
Nomad props on everything, I like ur style def got this journal subscribed! been meaning to ask, im in market 4 smartpots, where did you get the custom sized 200s... I noticed u said they were shorter and wider, not the 24"X50" that is retail. Did u get them in the 707 and do u remember approx. what u paid?

also have u seen or heard anything about the new Root Pots made by Auroura (same company as roots organic soil), they are similar to smarties....
