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Diary No Prayers Necessary – Growing The Church


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Thanks Franjan. I will add some more pics later. Finishing properly is my goal here but I do have an end of January hard stop looming. I have to clear out the grow area for room painting etc so I want them hanging in 3 1/2 weeks. They are slowing down on water/food uptake which is a good sign.

I discovered a substantial larf nest on the smallest plant yesterday that is seriously blocking airflow, so I have to do some emergency defol today to avoid any threat of budrot. I will dry the larf for the hash pile, which is probably where most of this grow will go anyway.


Non-growing Lurker
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View attachment 18760430

This is where I stand with the plants now. They are around week 4 and very well established with the over-achiever in the lower left. It has been miles ahead of the other two from the start. It popped 2 days before them etc etc.

Coco/perlite. 5 gallon cloth pots that drain into a 4x4 drain table and then into a plastic bucket. I hand water daily. A now-ancient Mars light with 2 x 2 strip wing lights all total around 700w.

Currently using CannaCoco nutes w cal/mag and weekly si.

I just fimmed the over-achiever today after this photo.

View attachment 18760432
Nice grow. Which seeds are you running?

I will be growing Piff next in my sativa tent, courtesy of PCF. OJD never came through, again.


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A few more picture of my bedraggled plants.

#2 is the closest to finishing. Maybe next week.


#3 fell over when I cleaned up the larf jungle so it is now tied up and it looks a lot happier. Another 10 days maybe?


And finally #1. The infamous over achiever. This is just one arm. It is maturing but it is taking its time.

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Well-known member
Lovely stuff mate
Grown many greenhouse seeds strains over the years and not been disappointed…. Didn’t like their rhino much.
Seems to be lots of dessert weed s1s on the site nowadays, but still a few classics.
May she smoke beautifully :tiphat:


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Here is a sucky phone cam shot of the overachiever. It is all one plant except for the cola in the bottom left. The stalks are all 1metre with the top half of that the chunky colas. Air flow is king now to keep the inner plant humidity low enough. RH 58% at the moment. Btw this is nearing the end of week 19 - the 10th of real flower.



Well-known member
Looking great!!

Harvested some a few days ago, and will chop the remaining 3 tomorrow. Very cool seeing yours express themselves almost identically. My over-achiever tried to take over the Tent. Pruned her entire top half and she still outperformed everyone else. I also had a few "Steeples" fall over. Tough plants.

Smoking some now to Honor yours.


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More Pix Please!!! 🙏🙏

Totally digging this thread btw. For some reason I've adopted this thread as my demo thread's sister thread. I feel a little less alone knowing someone else doing battle with Mr. Sativa. :)

Those fan leaves remind me of a BF's Tangerine Dream I once had. I don't think I ever finished her properly the few times I grew her out. Round week 14 the heads would fall off the trichs and I would say "good enough". Very creative, very "bright" smoke. Grew some monster colas with that one.

Best Wishes!
I agree this is a great thread!
Makes me feel grounded with the honesty, hubris, and humor, but especially the focus on forward momentum.
Really an outstanding example of adapting to conditions on the ground. Excellent job.


Active member

Thanks for the photos TBD. Question(s). Do you think lowering temps and cutting the time down could speed up with finishing and or help with the density of #1? What I mean is is at this point it's the only plant in the tent and as long as your light is generally hitting the plant's target DLI at lights on I can't see the manipulation of the plant's environment this way messing up the plant's growth and the extended lights off will probably help with density. But I've never grown this strain. So in your opinion and knowledge with this strain, would something like I'm talking about be a good strategy at this point? Or do you just gotta ride it out cowboy?



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I can’t cut temps – it is room temp – but I have cut the light to 11/13 and the feed to about 40%. I have only experienced this with Dr. Grinspoon before. It stalled in flower and after 2 months of very low activity with just a bit of fattening occurring, I finally harvested. It is super pot btw. I still have a jar of bubble hash that I dip into quite often.

But on subject, I came to the conclusion that when the plant hit height maximum – essentially bouncing off the lights – it stalled, wanting more whole plant light that it could not get – maybe because it was so bulky. I figure that the plant simply needed a bigger environment where more of it was exposed to the light. It would make an excellent outdoor plant but the height needed to be contained inside which required a minimal veg and small pot size etc and that has to be done at the start.

This excessive Church is not quite the same though. It is slowly maturing better than the Dr G ever did with stigmas turning etc. So, I still have hopes of bringing it home.

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