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Diary No Prayers Necessary – Growing The Church


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This is my 2nd grow of The Church from Green House Seeds. When I first started growing five years ago, something attracted me to this strain. Maybe it was due to the success of Arjan’s marketing – with his blatant self-promotion and his Strain Hunter vids on YT. Yes, I understand the controversy of his seed giveaways but he did take us to some really cool growing places around the world with the videos. Anyways, I bought a pack of seeds from our friends @The_Vault_Cannabis_Seeds and I grew out two of them in my second grow.

I started that grow as a sponsored grow on a site elsewhere and it went sideways. The LED light that I was supposed to review was too large, too inefficient and far, far too hot for my tent. It was already old technology but it was their premier model and I guess that is why they gave it to me with the unspoken agreement that they expected a good review for their dollars. With sky-rocketing air temps, the 90 liters of water circulating in my udwc was far too high, so I was feeding it frozen water bottles to try to get it under 70F. In fact, it was this grow that taught me that a full hydro system needed RO water and a chiller to run smoothly. While you may get away without them in a bucket grow, a full-on hydro system needs them or you will spin in circles forever chasing problems. It was an intense grow that just wasn’t working despite good health from the plants. I bit the bullet and sent the $2K light back, which killed the sponsored review and my relationship with the site. I had been chaffing against the autocratic owner already but this was a full hard stop and he banned me the next day. I resumed the grow with my smaller personal LED light (a Mars Hydro btw), but the calamity was not over yet. My system sprung a Uniseal leak while I was away for a week working a convention in Vegas. This was my second trip to LV since legalization and I stayed so baked that aside from our work at the convention hall, I didn’t set foot in a casino or even go on the strip. But then after more than 3 dozen trips to Vegas over 40 years, there wasn’t much new to see and the house that I rented had a great pool area and bar-b-que and I knew where the best butcher in town was. My idyll was shattered when my wife called in a panic with water just about spilling out of the tent’s door. I told her to quickly unplug all of the plumbing and bail. So, with the flood averted and the hydro system nearly empty, the roots of my 7 week old plants sipped the tiny bit of stale water left in the bins until I could get back. After five days, I returned and the next day I bought some cloth pots, some coco and perlite and I replanted the two plants – with their 12” of stiffened roots – and converted to coco mid-grow.

The stiff roots . . .


Proving the amazing resilience of the cannabis plant, they barely missed a beat and my grow maintenance plummeted to about 10% of what I had been doing. It certainly sold me on coco growing. In the end, I got 8 ½ oz from the two plants, so I was very pleased, especially considering the grow conditions. The smoke was very good – even though my cure kind of sucked since I was still learning - and I made some very nice bubble hash with the final few jars.

A few weeks before the chop . . .

first - Day 104.jpg

Shout out to @Ananas_Comosus for his outdoor Church grow that reminded me that I still had some seeds . . .

Next up . . . on with the grow . . .


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This is where I stand with the plants now. They are around week 4 and very well established with the over-achiever in the lower left. It has been miles ahead of the other two from the start. It popped 2 days before them etc etc.

Coco/perlite. 5 gallon cloth pots that drain into a 4x4 drain table and then into a plastic bucket. I hand water daily. A now-ancient Mars light with 2 x 2 strip wing lights all total around 700w.

Currently using CannaCoco nutes w cal/mag and weekly si.

I just fimmed the over-achiever today after this photo.



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The difference two days makes hehe. All three looking very nice and healthy though.

700W for these three plants? That's a lot.


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Agreed. But the Mars is a two step and I dim the strips via the adjustments on the driver. I keep the lights high and the output low when the plants are vegging.


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Thank you @exploziv

The challenge this grow is to contain it. I am aiming for 1 lb. I have hit 12 -13 oz with various strains so with some training it should be doable. I have about 50 in (125 cm) of height available before the tops singe.

All suggestions are welcome. :rasta:


pure dynamite
Get some binder clips (or just make holes in the pots to tie to) and some gardening wire and start hanging them sideways to the sides of the pot.. then once they start branching off you pull the branches down and so on.. Should be easy. Also don't give them too much light if you feel they are outgrowing the space. They will get way bigger in flower anyway!


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I should mention that I am not a grizzled old grower like many here; I am just grizzled and old. When I started growing, I leapt in with both feet and built a custom undercurrent dwc for my very first grow. Of course, now I realize what an ambitious idiot I was. I had never really gardened and I knew nothing about grow chemistry but I convinced myself that I could do it. Very predictably, chaos reigned - almost from the moment I turned it on with the little seedlings in their hydroton nests. But I stumbled through a grow a half before the shit really hit the fan as in my first post above. Since the switch to coco, it has been relatively clear sailing . . . once I learned about the coco, LED distance and cal/mag mystery triangle. Playing with pure hydro gave me a decent seat-of-the-pants education on growing, feed and I have IC Mag’s search feature for backup. And I retired just before the scourge of covid, which gives me time for daily tomfoolery. My records say I have grown 4 kilos of weed, which is somewhat of a Holy Shit! moment because I have surprising little of it left. I have lots of hash lumps though.

This is a seriously round-a-bout way of telling you why I have never really trained my plants. To date, I have let them grow naturally with a topping and a bit of defol. I liked watching the plant develop and it was always too late to train by the time I thought of it. This time I am determined to attempt a sea of colas.

It begins. They have been bent.


I feed daily at pH 5.8 – 5.9. Town water which runs around 330ppm. The Small Boy KDF85 filter clears the chloramines. Current feeding Canna Coco A+B, Canna Zym around ec 1.7 – 1.8. GH cal/mag. Weekly - potassium silicate.


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Well, I have been bending and stretching the plants to spread them out. I can see that this will be a long process. I have not broken anything yet - which is amazing considering my 10 thumbs. ;)
Here is the over-achiever looking rather frazzled this morning - but healthy. Night time temps dip to 19 - 20C. Day temp is 26C. They are starting to eat a bit more as the roots grow. Still around ec 1.8 and pH 5.9ish.

What about defol as you train? Should I clear the lower tier gradually?



Well-known member
I bought 2 packs of the original release church,still got 1,there is some nice plants in there,I keep meaning to run a few again.a friend ran a newer pack and the pheno I smoked/ seen was a nice plant.the doctor is another from ghs that u can find good to excellent plants in as well.not that I run or buy much ghs gear anymore,it's older packs iv got.be interested to see what u find.all the best,76


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be interested to see what u find.

Thanks. At this point, the 3 plants look pretty much identical - except one is more advanced. They have the same leaf size/width and tight noding. In my 1st Church growth, I had one larger plant and one that stayed about half the size - with only half the yield.


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Just at the end of week 6, they are chugging along nicely. Very tight node spacing and length makes stretching them interesting but I have exposed a lot of bud sites on all of the plants. Overall, they all very similar but the plant on the right has glossier leaves and one 1/2 variegated leaf.



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A boring picture.

I have been training them for 4 weeks now and they are all about 8 inches tall with lots of bud sites. So I flipped to 12/12 yesterday because it is time to move on a bit. I dropped the pH a bit as recommended by the late-Franco for this strain in a vid. I tried 5.5 yesterday but they showed a bit of leaf twist today so I backed off to 5.7 to see if they stay happy. Lights and ventilation have moved up a notch as well . Temps are mid-20s and rh is staying above 54%. Ec is stable at around 1.4.
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