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NO more drugs for foreigners in the south of holland since 1st of may


its incredible how they are willing to risk their successful drug policy on this weedpass. i wonder how long the dutch public will be happy with having street dealers offering all kinds of drugs to passers by again. it will be most interesting to see what happens to the first place that gets busted for breaking the rules?

the crazy thing is the 2000 member limit! how can a coffee shop survive with 2000 customers? the dutch locals don't spend money on drinks and food in those places, most just get their stuff and go. the coffee shops will no longer be the gold mines they are now, in fact i can see many of them going out of business under the new intolerance policy.

i wonder how trustworthy the poll was that says the Duch public mostly likes the weed pass? wouldn't surprise me at all if it was a dodgy poll to help get this accepted. we all know you can't trust mainstream media.

Anything I do find regarding articles on the weedpass is pretty much on the engative effect from street dealers and the avialability of all drugs overall not going down but the quality defnitely has. It would be good to get more input from Dutch resident members with news but it may just be that there isn't much to say other than the coffeeshops in the affected areas have closed and its gone back to if you grow or know a dude your doing ok but if your relying on the street dealers your f'd.

I would agree there is no way the local trade only will in anyway support a coffeeshop as they are developing to be at present with meals etc... If they do carry on it will be a basic room the equivalent of a sawdust on the floor bar as I can't see locals paying the 2.50 euro every 30mins via drinks for the priviledgbe to sit in a coffeeshop.


Registered Non-Conformist
In the Days of yore, there seemed to be quite a lot of Hard Drug Dealers on the street in AMS. It will go back to that sort of vibe. No way the Dutch are gonna warm to that - feeling unsafe in the streets of what is usually a very Civilized Village.

If illustrations of aggressive Street Dealing are already being observed and reported, once enough outcry or Crimes against Tourists occur, "They" will once again allow Sales in Shops for all, or come up with some other plan.
is it still easy to get dope in A'dam "on the black market" like will people offer you it in the street?
also is it now 100% impossible to get any cannabis as a tourist in holland?


Well-known member
screw all that, ... i mean come on, even if the weed pass thing is inacted, the shops still buy on the black market, quality control is still not possible, etc...



Registered Non-Conformist
Last trip over, a friend I met on these pages hooked me up with a rather well known Marijuana Provider. Once I got past the test of being offered absolute junk (and turning it down), I got a good amount of Strong Hi-Q SSH at a lower rate than any c'shop could offer.

Also, He provided me with some excellent hash... For the remainder of my 2+ weeks, I only bought novelties from a couple shops, and mostly hash.

That particular dealer would prob cost a lot more if I was not allowed in c'shops. And Street Dealers are not as nice as Busty Budtenders.

My Gut says, that I do not really wanna experience an AMS without C'shop access.... But, I DO love the City, so would prob return again regardless, in conjunction with another destination. I dig the people, although the weather doesn;t help.

Losing to the Germans in Futbol as I type... Bummer..


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
I don't think any government on any continent will ever learn the simple fact that humans want drugs and will get them one way or the other plain and simple.

My guess is once a few of these tourists are found robbed and dead in an alley all for trying to score a PLANT this will soon change back to the way it was.

I'm betting the US government had something to do with this but that part is a simple guess.

Be Well
Mr Wags

lost in a sea

trust me they really do know people want drugs,, its just what drugs do they want people to have,,

they love people taking coke and steroids and shit like that, but real entheogens, the plant teachers, are a serious threat to the poison they are spooning people non stop..

and everything is a drug anyway, just think of the effect of all those billions of cups of coffee the populace drink every day,,

the money changers had something to do with this, like everything.


Registered Non-Conformist
trust me they really do know people want drugs,, its just what drugs do they want people to have,,

they love people taking coke and steroids and shit like that, but real entheogens, the plant teachers, are a serious threat to the poison they are spooning people non stop..

and everything is a drug anyway, just think of the effect of all those billions of cups of coffee the populace drink every day,,

the money changers had something to do with this, like everything.

Lotsa Smart Peeps on these forums... Although I am dreaming, the Politicians would be well-served to ask some of Us what we think..


Would it not be easier to demand our governments heed the will of the people? And let the Dutch deal with their government


yeah modern western governments are becoming more and more authoritarian. they just hide it with more and more rules and regulations. they are always making more rules to help them consolidate power even more and to be able to do what they want despite the will of the people. in a real democracy you'd be able to go out and kick your gov out if they pass a law or start a war the majority don't want.


Registered Non-Conformist
I have seen how negotiations work in the Nederlands... Nothing is perfect, but at least people come to a Table to discuss the scenario. Sometimes, Authority Figures actually compromise...

USA Gov't doesn't listen to its' People on any level.. UNLESS it means they are going to lose their jobs. Then they pay attention. The system, however, is so leveraged that it only happens rarely that Gov't responds at all to the Peoples' Wishes. Presidential Elections appear to be completely out of the hands of the People.

Truly, Compromise in any interaction is considered Weakness. Stubbornness takes over as the tool in a Binary Political System of 2 parties. Obviously, not a winning plan.

The more Apathetic and Disenfranchised a Populace gets because Power begets Power, the less they care about trying to make things change. It seems all a Foregone Conclusion so why bother...? Just keep watching TV, and drinking alcohol until the Grave... Comfortably Numb.

Not sure where this will all end, for The Dutch and the "Cannabis Tolerance" Idea, but it always seemed to me that it is the Oldsters mostly who advocate these changes. I have seen them nodding their head in disgust at people smoking, and voicing their disapproval under their breath.

They have been trying to get this passed for years, am I correct..?
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actually you'd be very surprised at how much less police and general regulations you have now in those places compared to say Britain and the US. you can travel to china and walk through customs like 50 years ago. no one is drooling to get their mits on your junk.

but no my initial statement was more about what they are becoming compared to what they were before.

seems a sad day when the bastion of liberty is being compared with china.


Well-known member
dont think the dutch will tolerate this new law. everyone seems to forget that they did the coffeeshop thing for years when it was not tolerated by police, they allready obtain their weed by under the counter means as it is illegal for them to buy. the dutch seem less likely to roll over defeated than say the uk, my country, and more likely to say fuck you.
also the we will have to wait untill the september elections to see whether or not the new government will continue with this.


Andinismo Hierbatero
actually you'd be very surprised at how much less police and general regulations you have now in those places compared to say Britain and the US. you can travel to china and walk through customs like 50 years ago. no one is drooling to get their mits on your junk.

but no my initial statement was more about what they are becoming compared to what they were before.

seems a sad day when the bastion of liberty is being compared with china.

to what they were before when though?

for example, before there were no states that approved/recognized medical cannabis use?


while i think cannabis should be legal it's not my one and only way of measuring the amount of freedom i have.

depending how old you are, you will not believe how much life in the US cities has changed in the last 30 years. if you were not at least 10 30 years ago you will have no idea what i'm talking about. but there have been literally thousands of new laws and regulations passed just in the last 10 years. from what length your garden grass can be, to what size your toilet is, from having the right to do as you please and being able to tell any cop to mind his business to today when you just look at the cop the wrong way when he barks at you you get tazered and your ass kicked, innocent or not, better not talk back to a god in uniform. entrapment used to be illegal, now the country is full of so called informants that go around spying on the community to see who might have a cannabis plant in their garden. if you are even allowed a garden, many municipalities have forbidden vegi gardens, and if your lucky and still can have a garden, better read the new food laws, just give 1 tomato to your neighbor and your busted. to make this post a bit shorter i'll just end with this; there is not one aspect of life that hasn't been infringed upon in the last 30 years. either for political correctness, or to save the children. or more recently to save the planet.

there was a time in the USA when your home really was your castle. you could live your whole life in a house and never once see an official of any kind even near your property. today they want to come in for tax assessments, fire alarm checks and soon co2 meter calibration checks and other ecco assessments of your house, at your expense. they want to see if your lawn is cut to the right length, if not get ready for mad fines per day it isn't cut.


Andinismo Hierbatero
gaius, I can agree with you up to a point.

it just rubs me the wrong way to hear/read the term 'western world' as if it were some kind of evil creeping upon us all... had it not been for the ancient Greeks, where would we be now?