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NO more drugs for foreigners in the south of holland since 1st of may


See the world through a puff of smoke
The people in the government are just puppets for the big banks, multinationals, pharmaceuticals and it is handy that the DEA gives training sessions how to start a drug war.With a very conservative government it is very easy to start such a drug war, first by propaganda, second by slowly changing the law to change the country in sort of Goelag.George Orwell in creation.:moon:

Keep on growing :)
This discussion is actually getting really good. Kudos for the last two pages people!
I believe in america trying to stirr up shit for their own benefit (or the benefit of a few morgans and rothshilds and cheneys), but im not sure if they have so much to do with the Change in nl drug policy.
It all changed abruptlx with de wilders. And the guy isnt the president, so i dont see how he gets into talks with relevant americans.
But in any case it is strange, how the events suddenly overcame the netherlands within the past 3 years. But germany has been pissed at the shops ever since they existed, so again i dont know why this is all happening now.
Therefore to me the most simple reason is the most likely:
De wilders told the people that their country is broke because they were too liberal. And a main symbol of this liberalism is their cannabis policy. Therefore in order to rid themselves of liberal "weakness" they must rid themselves of the tolerance policy.
Im just guessipng, but thats what it seems to be to me.


As the Belgians tolerate personal possession of 3 grams instead of protesting with smoke outs in Maastricht and Tilburg etc... people should consider having mass smoke outs in Brussels. It would even seem good retribution if those in the southern provinces actually started crossing over into Belgium to score from their street dealers if that is the only option available rather than using street dealers in the Netherlands.

Send them the message shut the coffeeshops and they will start using the street dealers in their countries and increasing the amount of them.


High Grade Specialist
USA has nothing to do with this.
Neighbouring EU countries have been putting pressure on NL for years, claiming they are responsible for drug trafficking and whatnot.
Especially germany! Because nowadays lots of weed sold in coffeeshops actually gets produced in german grow-ops and then transported to the coffee shops ... to be then smuggled back again into germany and sold on the blackmarket LOL. The beauty of capitalism.

There have been rumours going around that a system like this would be put into place for AT LEAST 10 years. But the shops always stayed open. It would be really weird to see it put into effect now, then again i dont care about netherlands anymore. I was in Amsterdam 3 years ago and the place has turned too shit, horribly overpriced and the weed wasnt that great either.

Oh and to say you should go to NL for things except weed or hookers is just laughable, if you take those two away this country has virtually nothing to offer to tourists.


Active member
sorry Kush Master, but i cannot agree with your last sentence, the place has changed like every other city around the world in the last few years, maybe for worse, but Holland is a great country and weed and hookers are really not the only two things why people would visit there, the architectural wonders of great cathedrals, old houses, canals, beautiful flat countryside full of tulips, great museums and historical places like Anne Frank's house, the open liberal beautiful people living there and i could go on and on...
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Active member
Don't forget that the Perceptually Totalitarian US Government already attempted this.... Luckily it got blocked by the Senate/Congress.

U.S. Drug Policy Would Be Imposed Globally By New House Bill

"Under this bill, if a young couple plans a wedding in Amsterdam, and as part of the wedding, they plan to buy the bridal party some marijuana, they would be subject to prosecution," .....

Full Article @ http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/10/06/us-drug-policy-war-congress_n_998993.html

House of Reps Link @ http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.uscongress/legislation.112hr313

"The House Judiciary Committee passed a bill yesterday that would make it a federal crime for U.S. residents to discuss or plan activities on foreign soil that, if carried out in the U.S., would violate the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) -- even if the planned activities are legal in the countries where they're carried out. H.R. 313, the "Drug Trafficking Safe Harbor Elimination Act of 2011," is sponsored by Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Texas), and allows prosecutors to bring conspiracy charges against anyone who discusses, plans or advises someone else to engage in any activity that violates the CSA, the massive federal law that prohibits drugs like marijuana and strictly regulates prescription medication."

01/18/2011 Introduced in House
12/12/2011 Reported (Amended) by the Committee on Judiciary. H. Rept. 112-324, Part I.
12/12/2011 Committee on Energy and Commerce discharged.
12/13/2011 Passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill, as amended Agreed to by voice vote.
12/14/2011 Referred to Senate committee: Received in the Senate and Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.



"While Congress has an interest in combating major, international drug trafficking, H.R. 313 is not the solution. The scope of this bill is an excessive response to the Lopez-Vanegas case, which involved large-scale cocaine shipments. Federal drug conspiracy laws are already subject to abuse and impose extreme penalties. H.R. 313, however, exacerbates current law by criminalizing arrangements made in the United States for drug transactions that take place completely outside this country, some of which may not even be illegal in the countries where they occur.

For the forgoing reasons, we respectfully dissent. "


what ever the reasons are for many tourists to go, they mostly end up going to a coffee shop for a smoke while they are there visiting the sites.

but believe you me, there are a large amount of tourists that do go to Amsterdam for the coffee shops, including the laid back attitude of the people.

i am still hopping they will not actually implement the weed pass in AMS. if they do, it will be mainly for ideological anti cannabis reasons, but i'm sure the local US dea agent, stationed in Holland will have been trying to get the Dutch to go in this direction since the 70s. same with the diplomats that visit Holland for what ever reasons, they will also always be there saying how great it would be if the Dutch stopped their coffee shop sales of cannabis.
Good to see that the last few posts have put this thread back on track. It was turning into a thread about america rather than Holland. To say that america has influenced this is stupid it is all because of the tourists. In the South because the roads were filled with cars. In Amsterdam because of the poor behaviour of some tourists. Most of which are Brits as much as it embarrasses me to type it. But they treat it as another cheap holiday destination to get pissed like another malaga etc and then abuse the drugs like they abuse alcohol back home.


excited to try and squeeze another trip over to the good ol 'dam
lived there for just under a year back in 94-95 good times

got the fingers crossed they dont follow thru with it


Registered Non-Conformist
"" the open liberal beautiful people living there and I could go on and on ""

I would agree with that statement, and the whole post above... The People in The Netherlands are not perfect - no one is..

But, to go there from Wild-West Rural NorCal is a Great thing to do..

Amsterdam is civilized and fun. Very similar to San Francisco, which is a great City, as well - with a great Music Scene.. Both very expensive Places. It;s 'cause they are popular..!

But, in AMS... Mostly Low-Key graceful people regardless of nationality, who know how to carry themselves in a Social Situation. A low "Douchebag" factor... And Trains, not tailgaiting Crazies in Roaring Full-size raised-up Pickup Trucks.....

People get-along well.

I like to fly in and out of Amsterdam, spending a few days somewhere else in the middle of the trip on the Atlantic or Med, good weather and nice vistas.. Spain - first choice, Portugal, a Greek Island, etc. whatever is a good bargain. I usually check at the Airport before I go into AMS upon arrival, what charters are happening, and make a plan from there.

After one goes to AMS a few times,. it sort of becomes a second home... Although, the same can be said of any place that one likes...

Last Trip, Cannabis Cup a few years ago... I ended up being connected by a Local Friend to another - where I got some great SSH at a lower price.

And I will return, because I know that good hasj, and Pretty Women will always be available. C'shop or no.


As it stands at present I would expect the weedpass to be implemented nationawide in the Netherlands. This may change as the government that forced it through has collapsed I believe and they are currently expecting elections for a new goverment. This doesn't mean that the policy will change as even a cannabis tolerant government might see it as an opportunity to meet demands from EU neighbours as well as honouring commitments made at the UN level, while being able to blame it on the last government.

Currently I have other commitments which will take priority over the next few months but I am hoping to get my holidays at the same time as the HT Cup simply because it could possibly be the last one held as no other country has the tolerance for recreational use to allow such a cup to proceed.


here in Portland Oregon USA we ran across a budget problem, schools would be shut down early, and that was only the start of the problem. Someone suggested the $100 for a card be doubled, which is not a bad idea at all. The budget was then balanced, because of us card holders kids get to go to school for a whole year, and then many other things.

Behold the power of marijuana

Times they do change, and it seems very clearly that the times have already changed. Amsterdam is a thing of the past, no one I know wants to travel there in the last few years. It is now only worth the crime and art.

Czech and western USA all the way

not all but a lot of the good breeders in Amsterdam came from the US anyways, time to bring our long lost soldiers home, with arms held wide open


what ever you say about the bud in Holland, it's the only place in the world that allowed just any one off the street to enter an establishment, have some food and drink while getting stoned all in the open with no need to fear even a cop who might see you. that feeling is unique. it's not just about being able to get the bud, or how fine the bud is, although the better the bud and hash the better obviously. but it's the fearless way you can treat smoking as just another activity that trumps everywhere else imo. you might have places like that for med card holders in the states too now, but what normal human being wants to go through the tsa just to spend large sums of money visiting. as a toker you might not even be let enter the US anyway nowadays.


Spot on with the comments Gaiusmarius anyone visiting the US over the last decade etc... and ongoing has to apply for permission to fly into the states before even going and that doesn't even gaurantee that their immigration will let you through, these checks include a declaration of any convictions. Also as ObamG'dDamitImentionedChange has now thrown his support behind the war on drugs I doubt any real change will happen there either, although I still find it very hypocritical that the US Pres goes around the world demanding other coutnries keep the status quo on cannabis all the time he can't even get the internal states themselves to adhere to it.

However though it would be good if any of the memebrs that use any thread to promote how much better the US bud and outlook towards cannabis is could even point to one state where a tourist could get of a plane go to a restaraunt to grab some breaky followed by a fat spliff and coffee on the premises and without having to find a street dealer to purchase schwag from. Its an apples and oranges argument and it would be a lot more genuine if these members just accepted their state does not have the tolerance of the Netherlands or actually prove that they do instead of the lame claim the bud is better when that is not even the point being discussed.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Spot on with the comments Gaiusmarius anyone visiting the US over the last decade etc... and ongoing has to apply for permission to fly into the states before even going and that doesn't even gaurantee that their immigration will let you through, these checks include a declaration of any convictions. Also as ObamG'dDamitImentionedChange has now thrown his support behind the war on drugs I doubt any real change will happen there either, although I still find it very hypocritical that the US Pres goes around the world demanding other coutnries keep the status quo on cannabis all the time he can't even get the internal states themselves to adhere to it.

However though it would be good if any of the memebrs that use any thread to promote how much better the US bud and outlook towards cannabis is could even point to one state where a tourist could get of a plane go to a restaraunt to grab some breaky followed by a fat spliff and coffee on the premises and without having to find a street dealer to purchase schwag from. Its an apples and oranges argument and it would be a lot more genuine if these members just accepted their state does not have the tolerance of the Netherlands or actually prove that they do instead of the lame claim the bud is better when that is not even the point being discussed.

You are exactly right so don't be waiting for someone to tell you about such a place. At best a foreigner would have to find a doctor willing to prescribe, and get some sort of temporary approval from the state (a med card) and even then I don't think any of the dispensaries allow smoking on the premesis. Perhaps in the future but that future appears a long way off at present.

As for the thing you mentioned about the states vs federal government. That's a long standing sore point with most if not all states. The Federal Government is supposed to, whenever possible, allow the states to govern themselves. I'd say Obama probably earned more points on that score when he said the DEA wouldn't pursue med users in compliance with State Laws, then he did from marijuana users for what appeared to be a softening of US Drug Policy.


Active member
what ever you say about the bud in Holland, it's the only place in the world that allowed just any one off the street to enter an establishment, have some food and drink while getting stoned all in the open with no need to fear even a cop who might see you. that feeling is unique. it's not just about being able to get the bud, or how fine the bud is, although the better the bud and hash the better obviously. but it's the fearless way you can treat smoking as just another activity that trumps everywhere else imo. you might have places like that for med card holders in the states too now, but what normal human being wants to go through the tsa just to spend large sums of money visiting. as a toker you might not even be let enter the US anyway nowadays.

Couldn't agree more. Also the convience and the lack of criminality is such a joy. After living in a country without coffeeshops for the past 4 years, I can say from experience that the system of prohibition is dangerous, stupid, and unfunctional. Also from my pov the amount of time that you waste to find a guy that knows a guy that has a number that might get you some quality herb is immense. And in the end there are more drugs and more danger on the street. In my area its easier to find cocaine than it is to find decent quality hash and you can forget bout any decent weed.


Totally agree with you although I have seen posts that may reflect Obama is beginning to let the DEA go back to harrassing dispenseries in the states. Pretty sure I have seen some dispenseries in Collarado or Cali on the TV that have a room for patients to medicate in and that would seem sensible. On another forum based in Canada I have seen that even service outlets like restaurants sometimes set aside a space for med users to medicate which is all good if you ask me.

LOL Don't worry I won't waste time waiting it just sometimes bugs me the usual quippy comments like the bud is better here etc... when what really is tru is that if you get a good growers headstash its a lot better than what you can commercially purchase. I have also read a lot of complaints about dispensery bud where it has been tumbled etc... in order to make money of the hash as well as the bud. I also see a bit red whenever the usual its all the DEA ruling the world complaints, I do think more could be done to highlight the point you mention about states usualy being left to run their own affairs as the world audience tends to focus only on federal policy. In this respect it didn't really help that much here in the UK when recently a commision was set-up to take submissions on the current misuse of drugs policy only for Obama to come out fully in support of current UN level agreements regarding total prohibition. Journo's aren't the best at getting out info they don't really want to but when question sessions are available at these types of speeches it would be good if some actually went at him from the perspective of the seperate policies enforced by both state and ffederal US law.

have to agree with yourself also fake valium and herion is much more plentiful in supply throughout Scotland and quality bud is basically what you get in the dam or people claim they are smoking at home when in the dam. Haven't seen any physical evidence of good quality grown and cured bud unless its grown by the person smoking it, but never for sale although dissapoitment is common when you actually see what the supposedly immense bud from the guy who knows a guy actually looks like.


sorry Kush Master, but i cannot agree with your last sentence, the place has changed like every other city around the world in the last few years, maybe for worse, but Holland is a great country and weed and hookers are really not the only two things why people would visit there, the architectural wonders of great cathedrals, old houses, canals, beautiful flat countryside full of tulips, great museums and historical places like Anne Frank's house, the open liberal beautiful people living there and i could go on and on...
OK, but your list would be better with weed and hookers..just sayin

lost in a sea

bah the rest of europe is far far more picturesque and interesting,, i would never have gone there if it wasnt for the ganja..

especially not to see where anne frank hid,, no offence to anyone that thinks she was important to history..

america is controlled by the old boy network that has owned it since day one,, and that cabal already owned and controlled europe way way before 1776..