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NL5,1000 Watt,Fox Farm, Picture Show :0)



Thank you!

Thank you!

Thats awesom bro!!
Looks Killer! How many plants in there?
They look wicked for 28 days in!
For the moment all my plants are roughly different sizes. Only 5 are in the room right now. Due ta building the set up,etc etc, I had ta do it this way . I am just trying ta get them flowered out & start my new strain Blueberry x NL. Being a legal Patient where I am, I have a 12 plant count and certian limits that I make sure ta follow very strictly. So with an unfinished room & needing my meds ASAP I did what I had ta & Grew while I was building the set up. I definatly dont recomend this Idea it was rather a pain in the ass lol. I can fit alot more Smaller,Trained plants in this room which is where I am going with it. Once everything is going properly. I hope to be running in sets of 2 reaching a total of 9 in the room at any one time.:tiphat:
You have a very nice setup. I'm also a big fan of NL5. Are you running an original NL5 cut or from seed? If from seed, which company does it come from? The plants look healthy and strong, good job.


Thank you

Thank you

You have a very nice setup. I'm also a big fan of NL5. Are you running an original NL5 cut or from seed? If from seed, which company does it come from? The plants look healthy and strong, good job.
I am running it from clone & my friend has the origional mother from seed. They are from High Grade Seeds.:tiphat:



30 Days Flowering


love machine
ICMag Donor
they should give you arm size cola, :D

i ran NL before and yield is quite nice
looking good there pastor


Sorry red my norml camera is crapping out on me im prob going ta have ta switch to the vid cam to snap shots for awhile. About the same quality though just a bit different ta use & I havent used it alot lol.


Final Picture for this thread sorry guys had ta harvest it a bit early. but turned out nicely.


Hi Red! I got a little iover 2 oz from the Big gal Dried & cured but I was rather Picky with trimming cause I made a bunch of BB Hash. :) I have the Ice-O-Lator Top loading washing machine 3 bag 55 gallon set. Basicly I just trimed the crap out of em heheh.

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