=/ I was thinking about getting a dB meter from radio shack - testing the dB and then returning it lol. With my door closed on the cab, you cant hear it from the next room over. However, I think its because the cab works as a muffler. Theres ducting from the hood to the fan, then more ducting from the fan to the filter. So when both doors are closed it's relatively quiet. I did a little research on auto exhaust mufflers as I thought it was going to be a serious problem, but it turned out to be just fine. However, I was thinking you could probably make a small tube like deal out of wood to kind of copy the design of an exhaust muffler. I was thinking of making one out of wood and just make kind of a rectangular box and have the muffler design on the inside - which basically just forces the air in different directions.
Here: It's kind of a lot of reading, but I think with some wood and some silicon and some patience, it can be done. I don't know how well it would work with just moving air, but it's logical to me.
Here: It's kind of a lot of reading, but I think with some wood and some silicon and some patience, it can be done. I don't know how well it would work with just moving air, but it's logical to me.