Well after some evaluations by GMT - I have transplanted again. However, this time I just used plain old potting soil. Nothing fancy in it - no perlite or anything. No guano or worm castings. Just plain old potting soil. I'll keep on the same watering regime of plain pH 7 water and we'll see how they go.
where are you going to start going the 12/12 thing. dont let em get to big or there out grow your box as soon as mine get 8" i start the 12/12.. mine streched for 4 weeks all most out grew it.
Well man i'm really not sure. I don't know the sexes yet and I'm not about to try and scrog in a bunch of males lol. I still don't have any very good clone sites yet, but I think I might just do some soil clones and take 2 clones from each plant and start them in small soil containers and whichever plant of the two looks best in its pot will get to stay and the other i'll just cut it at the base. Then in say... 1 week from now I will pop into flower. I'm pretty confident I have at least 1-3 males out of 7 plants. I'm getting pretty antsy about starting them into flower though, but I don't want the crop compromised with evil sensi-male-ia lol. I also have an updated pic below:
I figure next week they should be out of shock and ready to take some clones. Perhaps I will just throw them into flower and go without the screen so male removal would be easy and if its not too late I might just put the screen in late or something.
Know what you mean I went thru the same thing. Out of 5 seeds one died 3 where females and one male... lucky I let the male flower and I saved the pollen which is a good thing, then I let the one female bloom in the flower room the other 2 female I had growing in soil in the bed room closet and I cloned all of them and the one female I harvested.. and was fixing to put the new clones in the box when I got hit hard by spider mites killed all my clones but one... all most kill the 2 female I had in the closet so I put them out side hoping they would recover and they did and turn out to been the potent pheno I was looking for… That’s where the pollen comes in at I used it to do a bud or two and lucky me I found 10 seeds the other day... and I thought that pheno was gone… yepper I am fixing to pollinate a few more buds next week so I will have a ton of seeds. In fact the grow I got going now is one of the moms I had and was not doing so well in the lien closet lol till I got her in the flower room and now she is loving it but this grow will be with out the scrog since she was to big when I put her in there. But she did her job giving clones … of which 2 clones from her I put out side a few weeks back and there doing fine and all ready flowering … so don’t trash the males lets them flower and save the pollen to make seeds they come in handy in case one has to shut down for a wile you still got them ,or use them to trade but that’s again the TOS here … but once you get your clones going and stick them in the rez watch out they grow like crazy that’s why I start my 12/12 then they get 8 “ tall that’s when they hit the scrog screen then I train under the screen for 3 week or so till they stop stretching then don’t have to worry about them over growing the box..
Well call me crazy. Tonight I took two clones from each plant. I'm using my old rapid rooter method which was very successful last time. I had just a little bit of liquid karma that I soaked the rapid rooters in a piture of ph7 water. Then I took the cuttings and didn't scar them, but cut them at 45° angles and dipped them in my power cloning gel. They're sitting under 18w of 18/6 warm floro tube in my humidity dome. I'll be keeping an eye on them. I did make the wick cloner too using perlite medium. I don't think I have it setup properly but we'll see what happens with that too.
Also, I put the rest of the plants into flower. I don't think I will have enough space for them as it is, but at least i'll know what to expect of the clones.
Today I'm going to work on the ScrOG screen. I just pulled the one off of the future hydro tub and the way I had it setup, I can just attach 1" PVC lengths and make legs so I don't have to have the tub there. I'll snap a couple pics when I cut the legs to size - it's a bit too tall right now.
well durban the sat sounds good, but its out of the budget right now will check into that when i find a job. Man hurry up i want to see some bud shot from da box. ohhhhh speaking of shots i need to go out side and get some pics of my babies.
LOL. Going as fast as they will let me! I guess it should all be ready mid-november. I post weekly updated pics. The next set will be on 9.18. Hopefully they're all showing sex by then and I can yank the males if there are more than one. I think I might keep one and let it go some and once it gets a good amount of sacks- chope it and let them go water clone only style so I can put them in a window sill to collect a bit of pollin and make a few seeds.
Well I Found out my timer on my clones was all jacked up so I have no idea how long the lights have been off/on... I just put it on 24hrs now so oh well.. The digital timer somehow had to programs running on the rest of the plants and it was probably switching back and forth from 18/6 to 12/12.. It's now only got the 12/12 programmed into it, so that was fixed two days ago - of course sex not showing yet..
LOL. Man there's nothing to look at yet. They just wont grow as fast as I tell them to. I'll post pics later on tonight. Hopefully the clones will start pokin some roots out. I think I'm more concerned about them than the flowering plants lol. This grow will be kind of mickey-mouseish since I'm putting the screen on late and I have no clue as to what sex my plants are yet. I want to know now!!
lol just teasing ya brouther... the grow i am doing now is with out the screen.. i am just letting them do there own thing.. we shall see how that turns out. ohhhhhhhhh the last grow i just did and i said it whent to long and and the high was sorth lived well she been curing in the jar for about 3 weeks now and just smoked one and dam its not bad a realy happy head high. ummmmmmmm how about adding some co 2 to that cab might be a good thing... i was thinking about doing that making a homre made rig to put in the box.. food for thought man looking forward to seeing your news pics
Thanks for the props man. Nice to have you here. I've been thinking about adding co2 for a while now. I saw these co2 tablets that you can put in aquariums which I was thinking could easily be put into the hydro tub, but I'll have to research that more.
i have heard of them as well and i am willing to bet there just a yest tablet wich if thats the case buy a pack of baker yest at the super market. right now i got to come up with a duct muffler cuz my gf looks like she will be moving back next week and the noise level is the only un steath thing about my box.. wish i could hear your vortex to compair sound levels. mines noise level comapired to a cheap ass 4 hp wet drv vac is about half of the vac noise level.