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NFL 2019-2020


Horse-toothed Jackass
I think i did bet against the colts to cover, they were +2.5 dogs against the steelers so that won. Dogs have been winning a lot the past 2 weeks, think they went 8-5 yesterday. If u had been able to selectively pick against bad teams, like patriots, then you could have gone 9-4.

Have u ever tried micro-dosing, Superx? I hear the young kids like to do that nowadays, it enables them to still remain functional yet expand their minds as well, help them think outside of the box, so to speak.

You live near a mountain? I only saw some gently rolling hills in your landscapes, living near a hike-able mountain would be very nice, get some exercise, enjoy nature and the view, and also yeah enjoy some hallucinogens.

Do u like ur steak blue like this?
blue-steak v1.jpg

That's a bit too rare for me but i could eat that and still enjoy it, i think. What about u, Hawk? Too rare for your blood?

Ah u were an old school Rams, before they moved to st louis. Ive heard of roman gabriel, he was one of the first Filipino-american players I believe. Maybe the only one, not sure. And ive heard of the fearsome foursome as well but that name was applied to other dominant D-lines of that age. Did the rams win any championships during that time, or came close?

With 99 plants u could grow some monster trees. Was the farming physically harder than the concrete/masonry work or less so? I'd imagine trimming season was a grind. I can feel my carpal tunnel acting up just thinking about trimming endless lbs of outdoor...

Is that bolts on neck pic recent? Im surprised the scar is still that visible, but it's only been 6 yrs so makes sense. As i get older i think my skin doesnt regenerate as fast as it used to so scars linger longer than when i was younger.

Id have to force my mouth open like this in order to fit it in sideways, Superx, and even that's not wide enough. Speaking of which, have you ever seen anyone eat a burrito starting in the middle first? The woman does that sometimes, to avoid all the tortilla at the ends. Like a criminal, she doesnt believe society's rules apply to her.

Hey Kevinn, the bears have the panthers, jaguars, a bye, then the 'skins game around Halloween (Oct 27).
What do u think of Jayden Daniels? Is he another RG3, but with pocket passing skills? I hope he has better health than RG3, truly, he seems easily the best of the 2024 QB class so far.

I never try to carry more than $1-200 on me, but that must have been a scene, Bigsur, you injured in the truck and your girlfriend trying to gather all the loose bills. A passerby might have wondered if it was some sort of mob hit gone wrong.

That's an interesting game, Buzz, try to pick up sticks without disturbing the others. Like Jenga, only more primitive.

Got 2 MNF games on tonite, one on ABC one on espn, Tenn at Miami and Seattle at Detroit. Not sure i want to see Will Levis fumble around vs 'been on the team 1 week' Snoop Huntley but it might be entertaining, Sea/Det should be decent tho...


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
@Bababooey the LA Rams only made the playoffs twice from 1956 to 1972….horrible..1067 and 1969 they made the playoffs…

I cannot think of any harder work than finishing concrete

Working in the garden was pleasure and fun and I can stop and take a break whenever I wanted to

Not so with concrete… when that shit starts to set up one better get up and get after it…. if not, they may be running a 90 lb jackhammer the next day…

I suffered with Fisker’s Deranged Syndrome a few years and then I finally got some of those spinning salad bowl trimmers and three people , we could go through 10-20 pounds a day

I will bet it was 15 to 25 vehicles and 30 minutes later before a trucker finally pulled over to check on us…

Roman Ildonzo Gabriel Jr.(August 5, 1940 – April 20, 2024) was an American professional football player who was a quarterback in the National Football League (NFL). He played college football for the NC State Wolfpack, twice earning first-team All-American honors. Gabriel was the second overall pick in the 1962 NFL draft and played for the Los Angeles Rams for 11 seasons then five years for the Philadelphia Eagles. He was notable for being the first NFL quarterback of Filipino-American descent, as well as winning the NFL Most Valuable Player (MVP) award in 1969.[1]


Well-known member
In my opinion Jayden Daniels s far superior to RG3 in every way. And they did not have to bankrupt the franchise to get him. What a difference a mobile quarterback makes. The defense is always guessing and makes the linemens' job easier . Too bad we did not have some more quality receivers.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
thats one way to kick start your heart!, plus chicks dig scars
im not a liverwurst eater normally, but for some reason i have this craving for the stuff; it was pretty good spread on crackers
i think the bahn mi sandwiches i get ( a type of vietnamese sandwich) has like a pate spread on it and it brings all the flavor, so i might try and spread some on bread next time i make sandwiches
i wonder is the money is still out there
i used to love to off road
ive rolled before down some pretty steep stuff and i am here to say, seatbelts save lives
a full trip in the spin cycle for what seemed like forever; i heard a disembodied voice cry out "oh shit" (that was me)
the truck came to a rest upside down and i ended up suspended from the ceiling
the radio was still blaring so i tuned it off and had the presence of mind to put my hand above my head before i released the seatbelt

im going to have to remember some of those baby fart moves , maybe i should join a yoga class and show off my skills
i remember those wham-o frisbees and the other ones where it was just the outside edges, like a hollowed out circle
i thought i could throw but i have a friend who is into the frisbee golf, its ok fun and they have a variety of disks depending on the target but this guy can send em
fins play tonight against an 0-3 tits team, im looking forward to the show

hey @shithawk420
im glad your mom liked the steak
dude, my sister is like that, where she wont eat meat if there is any pink and she dosent like to eat meat on the bone!
i love her so i will always make her that one steak, or trim up mer meat or pull the ribs off the bone for her
unless you are going to a certain flavor i just put s/p on my steaks
i went through a phase where i was putting all kinds of seasonings on my meat but now im pretty basic

yeah man, i love to star gaze
camping season is kicking off and i love camping in the mountains and desert
clear skies where there are a million stars and not a sounds to be heard except for nature
i am a big fan of halloween, i dont really dress up but i love the idea
the girl used to go all and the mrs used to put on a show
now its just me and a big bowl of candy

is that the weiner pic ive been waiting for? why do you hurt me so
first i have to watch your mids qb pull a win against the rams and then you post a sad burnt footlong hot dog with only mustard as a topping?
/cant afford the extra .50c for chopped onions?
pops has all the onion
kitten pimp.jpeg

/you should have bought the f'machine
the liverwurst thing was a craving, i know its kind of out there
but man was it good spread on crackers
/perfect game day food
i thought the crab cakes were gone too as i had just eaten the last ones the other day
but they came back!
i picked up a couple packs and the nex time in there im going to grab a couple more
that and another log of that liverwurst stuff

im just going to click post now! ive had this window open for over an hour
/yeah im goofing off in the background


Well-known member
theres was some pink in the center.i didnt know what i was doing.i thought the steak police were gonna bust me any second.should of told her to go out to eat with my brother but hes a whiney pussy so whatever.steak wasnt bad.black angus from Aldi.about $18.used way to much rosemary

my buddy is a lucky spoiled fuck baba.back in the 80s he robbed like 14 families and tied them up.only got 15 years straight.iwould of gave him life.hes a good guy now and learned his lesson but still.the ass whooping i gave him was only part of it.at least hes an ok guy but pisses me off the shit he still does.throws away perfectly good food people buy him away just cause he drinks and not eat.bums like him got to go.and this is DuPage.cant believe they allow this shit

only thing we used frisbees for was rolling weed.you guys remember those frisbees with weed pipes in the middle and you would take tokes passing it back and forth?