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NFL 2019-2020


Well-known member
i know it dont look very good but its got fried chorizo,pablono pepper,onion garlic kale roasted tomatoes and a whole bunch other stuff. its almost too complex. i put a bay leaf in there too. wasnt much chorizo though. think 8oz


Horse-toothed Jackass
I know most big companies in american had diversity equity inclusion programs but i think some of them are being phased out. I supposed having more diverse video game characters is easier to do since theyre all fictional beings anyway. You'll know theyve gone too far if they make Link from Zelda a lesbian woman:

Yeah, the zuppa toscana soup. And ur right, it's supposed to have some cream in it. Did u have any milk? It's a poor substitute for cream but if u use less water and more milk it might be close.

Thats cool u have the drinking still under control. Once ur health gets better u wont want to go back to drinking as much, i think.

Im trying to imagine what it would be like to have bees flying in and out of my anus, Pops, and i have to admit, that sounds like an interesting feeling. Not sure what i'd do during bowel movements tho.

Doesnt like 7% of the susan g komen breast cancer money go to actual research, the rest is marketing and employees?
Who's this Koni guy? A ugandan warlord? And he lived in san diego? Or the people who made that film lived in SD? U got a link to his meltdown?
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Well-known member
ive read stories about the troubles in ireland
no one wants to live with a boot on their neck

so what do you like to order when you go out? i dont really drink when i go out much anymore
you know the saying one is too many and 12 is never enough; plus it gets spendy
i do like a beer with friends from time to time and usually get something heavy
san diego has a strong brew scene focusing on hoppy ipa and craft brews
hahah the ex is part belgian and she would drink warm/ room temp beers
YUK! i like my bears cold and bitter
/just like my women
Laughing my balls of at Babbas name suggestion 😄 the craft micro brewery's naming of ipa's can be difficult to keep up with as they constantly keep changing them.

Hey pops,
It's not that often I get to socialise, usually down to a accumulation of different sorts, get-togethers in the city means having to stay there for the night at a friend's house, (as the commute back is out of the question) sessions would also carry over until the sun comes up. I also find hangovers difficult to shake off the older I get.

When I was going out at nights or weekends stout is usually my tipple, sometimes I might hit the whiskey if its a long session as the black stuff can become quite heavy after several of them. Not sure if you guys get Bulmers/magners cider over there? these can be nice on a hot summers day sitting in a beer garden with a bit of ice. I like vodka as well, unfortunately vodka doesn't like me.. Nowadays its very rare I get to go out, every odd weekend myself and the good woman will have a whiskey or 2 just to unwind. I'm happy to suck on the vape the majority of times...

Hawk that stew looks like a fine dish, there's eating and drinking in that bowl.
Smoked paprika/plain paprika might add a bit of depth and richness to it, a wedge of crusty bread to mop up the juices...Made up some creamy chicken tarragon earlier, sauce was simple nothing fancy (chicken stock, white wine, Greek yoghurt, garlic and lemon juice and black pepper) served it with spaghetti.
Buzz caught my attention the other day with avocados and the preparation of them adding lemon to the centre of it, sounded amazing as did your productive youth of harvesting mangos.
Avocados here are usually a hit and miss and all to often or under ripe, when purchasing them I would store them in brown paper bags and leave them on the window sill to ripen for a few days. Every body in the house likes them. I would mash them up with lemon juice, Seasalt, and black pepper, then spread it over toasted sourdough with poached or scrambled eggs onthe side.. super healthy.


In my empire of dirt
I know most big companies in american had diversity equity inclusion programs but i think some of them are being phased out. I supposed having more diverse video game characters is easier to do since theyre all fictional beings anyway. You'll know theyve gone too far if they make Link from Zelda a lesbian woman:

Yeah, the zuppa toscana soup. And ur right, it's supposed to have some cream in it. Did u have any milk? It's a poor substitute for cream but if u use less water and more milk it might be close.

Thats cool u have the drinking still under control. Once ur health gets better u wont want to go back to drinking as much, i think.

Im trying to imagine what it would be like to have bees flying in and out of my anus, Pops, and i have to admit, that sounds like an interesting feeling. Not sure what'd i do during bowel movements tho.

Doesnt like 7% of the susan g komen breast cancer money go to actual research, the rest is marketing and employees?
Who's this Koni guy? A ugandan warlord? And he lived in san diego? Or the people who made that film lived in SD? U got a link to his meltdown?

hahahh they tried scrubbing a lot of the vids, but TMZ FTW:

i dont know if they had this in your area but this was a thing here, yeah that koni
/f'n shit heads
i will ahve to look into that susan komen thing, but it sounds about right
my mom and her friends wanted to do the walk and it cost them a ton of money
i respect cartmans authority and we can always add a chick in there and make her gay, but with the possibility of her being bi so it gets the mens vote
Laughing my balls of at Babbas name suggestion 😄 the craft micro brewery's naming of ipa's can be difficult to keep up with as they constantly keep changing them.

Hey pops,
It's not that often I get to socialise, usually down to a accumulation of different sorts, get-togethers in the city means having to stay there for the night at a friend's house, (as the commute back is out of the question) sessions would also carry over until the sun comes up. I also find hangovers difficult to shake off the older I get.

When I was going out at nights or weekends stout is usually my tipple, sometimes I might hit the whiskey if its a long session as the black stuff can become quite heavy after several of them. Not sure if you guys get Bulmers/magners cider over there? these can be nice on a hot summers day sitting in a beer garden with a bit of ice. I like vodka as well, unfortunately vodka doesn't like me.. Nowadays its very rare I get to go out, every odd weekend myself and the good woman will have a whiskey or 2 just to unwind. I'm happy to suck on the vape the majority of times...

Hawk that stew looks like a fine dish, there's eating and drinking in that bowl.
Smoked paprika/plain paprika might add a bit of depth and richness to it, a wedge of crusty bread to mop up the juices...Made up some creamy chicken tarragon earlier, sauce was simple nothing fancy (chicken stock, white wine, Greek yoghurt, garlic and lemon juice and black pepper) served it with spaghetti.
Buzz caught my attention the other day with avocados and the preparation of them adding lemon to the centre of it, sounded amazing as did your productive youth of harvesting mangos.
Avocados here are usually a hit and miss and all to often or under ripe, when purchasing them I would store them in brown paper bags and leave them on the window sill to ripen for a few days. Every body in the house likes them. I would mash them up with lemon juice, Seasalt, and black pepper, then spread it over toasted sourdough with poached or scrambled eggs onthe side.. super healthy.
avocado are delicious! and i like them fresh or mashed up with stuff in it
its fun to go out and i got into the ciders at one point
refreshing and light, a perfect drink for a nice summers evening
but its the vodka that gets me
its nice to be around people and i like going out every now and then


Horse-toothed Jackass
“Bloody English. Think they own everything. Ireland is a completely different island! Stay on your side of the sea. Bastards.”
That will be my toast before every English Bastard I drink from now on.
The guinness in a bottle was pretty good, but I didn’t finish it (only needed half to make the drink) and put the cap back on and back in the fridge. I made another English Bastard the next day and the guinness suffered, kinda shyte like Superx mentioned. So this just means everytime I drink an EB I’ll have to have 2 of them.

Seems like a fairly decent amount of cannabis users use it to stay away from harder drugs (alcohol, narcotics, etc). It has comparatively few/benign physical side effects, especially compared to booze/drugs.
Would it be better to not use cannabis as well? Probably, but as long as u don’t let it affect ur life/plans too much it shouldn’t be harmful.

Yeah Hawk, start using more smoked paprika, u heathen. Have u used ur kettle grill as a smoker yet?
How’d u cook the chicken in the tarragon, Superx? Pan fried? Oven baked?
Oh snap, Superx is into avocado toast. Supposedly the millenials in the US don’t have savings because they’ve spent all their disposable income on starbucks lattes and avocado toast. And doordash.

Lol, that dude was walking around naked on a busy street in broad daylight, talking nonsense? Sounds he took one too many xanax.
But fer real, only times ive blacked out in my life were on xanax. One time came to with my shorts on but no underwear. Still wonder what happened.

We have ciders here but im not sure how popular they are, angry orchard is probably the best known brand.


In my empire of dirt
“Bloody English. Think they own everything. Ireland is a completely different island! Stay on your side of the sea. Bastards.”
That will be my toast before every English Bastard I drink from now on.
The guinness in a bottle was pretty good, but I didn’t finish it (only needed half to make the drink) and put the cap back on and back in the fridge. I made another English Bastard the next day and the guinness suffered, kinda shyte like Superx mentioned. So this just means everytime I drink an EB I’ll have to have 2 of them.

Seems like a fairly decent amount of cannabis users use it to stay away from harder drugs (alcohol, narcotics, etc). It has comparatively few/benign physical side effects, especially compared to booze/drugs.
Would it be better to not use cannabis as well? Probably, but as long as u don’t let it affect ur life/plans too much it shouldn’t be harmful.

Yeah Hawk, start using more smoked paprika, u heathen. Have u used ur kettle grill as a smoker yet?
How’d u cook the chicken in the tarragon, Superx? Pan fried? Oven baked?
Oh snap, Superx is into avocado toast. Supposedly the millenials in the US don’t have savings because they’ve spent all their disposable income on starbucks lattes and avocado toast. And doordash.

Lol, that dude was walking around naked on a busy street in broad daylight, talking nonsense? Sounds he took one too many xanax.
But fer real, only times ive blacked out in my life were on xanax. One time came to with my shorts on but no underwear. Still wonder what happened.

We have ciders here but im not sure how popular they are, angry orchard is probably the best known brand.
" One time came to with my shorts on but no underwear. Still wonder what happened."
lets just say it was a magic night for both of us and leave it at that
angry orchard makes a decent cider, there was also this brand called cripsen
it was less sweet but good
i think the proper way to drink and english bastard would be to mix the drink and then chug the remaining guinness and of course you are going to make two
plus fry up something, i dont care what but just fry it up and be to put some potatoes in that grease
tomorrow is the $5 friday so im getting the chicken deal plus a bag of the tater wedges
plus! im in the mood for cheesy taters and might have to get down
/can of cheese sauce sounds about right
plus im getting ...
/i have pics just for you @buzzmobile

lets finish this week ff strong, its a short week next week here in the states
/4rth of july holiday
MERICA! f'yeah


Well-known member
i have pics just for you @buzzmobile

you got any oldschool bug repelent recipes buzz?
American Beautyberry/French Mulberry leaves can be crushed and rubbed on the skin to repel mosquitos.

Folks will wear Bounce dryer sheets under a hat to keep the gnats away from their face. It works as long as you can accept the "look".

Elemental sulfur dust in a sock applied on shoes, socks, pant leg openings will repel ticks'

Dick gnats, Buzz? Ive seen ass gnats, buzzing around a dogs anus, never really seen them around the dog’s peen.
It's a suthern thang, you English Bastard drinkin' wild man. Come on down and we can wear Bounce dryer sheets under our

hahaha if its not poison sap its dick gnats ?!

swarming around your anus
Not my anus. Uranus has 13 rings and 28 small moons. Leave my anus alone. You have your own special one and that's enough.
Buzz caught my attention the other day with avocados and the preparation of them adding lemon to the centre of it


I understand your aversion to limes, but they are a fruit not a limey.

Pass the Jameson,please.


Well-known member
@shithawk420 , it's knife time.

Two on the top left are knives MamaD's Pop made. Hers is at the top. He did the bead work too.



I got a skinner with carnelian cabochons set in the stag handles.


The other knife Pop made is the filet knife. He was not happy with the way it turned out but I like it a lot. The blade is made from an old file.


The Morakniv in the plastic sheath is Swedish steel and a really tough work knife. You can find this style on Amazon for under $25.

There are a couple of Boker knives. The lock back is from a division of Boker in China. It's a little cheesy but the blade holds a very sharp edge.
The pen knife is Boker US and it goes with me pretty much everywhere my pocket goes.



Next up is a Gerber from Taiwan. @pop_rocks Mom sent it to me. I have used this knife to break down an old mattress. Serrated blade is vicious.


Well-known member
Ah it was lime that’s interesting, one Jameson coming up Sir.. All out of ice I’m afraid..

Dublin is going to be hectic this weekend between Taylor swift playing a 3 night concert, longitude festival also kicks off as does the quarter finals… Will more than likely spend my evening sitting under one of the sycamore trees sipping on a sweet one. Only myself and the good woman for company, the girls are hitting the city to let their hair down and have a dance..


Well-known member
The other side of the Gerber from Taiwan.

And then there is ol' Sarge. Sarge accompanies me when I crawl into the holly hedge in search of smilax vines. The gut hook is deadly and the vines shrivel when they see it coming. It will also chop down chinaberry, water oak, wild cherry, and assorted saplings. Only problem with Sarge is the amount of sweat and blood that appears on me when he is around



Well-known member
All out of ice I’m afraid..

Will more than likely spend my evening sitting under one of the sycamore trees sipping on a sweet one.
Not a problem. I am a neat sipper.

I planted two sycamores to shade a spot where my Dad set up a double wide home at the bottom of our field after Mom died. One has grown well and spreading the other has lagged and is more spear shaped. The better looking of the two is more prominent.
Dad is long passed but the trees are a reminder.


D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Have not heard any football news heard something about Drake Maye maybe getting a wide receiver that was from North Carolina. I think the Patriots are going to suck this year. I'm going to try and make a game though.


Horse-toothed Jackass
Ah that was u then, Pops? Did u also shave my balls? Cause i noticed they were unnaturally smooth also when i came to.

Yeah Hawk that's probably why cider isnt all that popular, people here dont want their beer tasting like fruit. Maybe if they sold a cider with a high abv and not too much carbonation it would be more popular.

Sounds like Buzz knows all the home remedies to keep the bugs away. Do they actually work pretty well? I just use Off bug spray (DEET) to keep the skeeters away but i dont like the smell or the stickiness it leaves. Then again rubbing crushed leaves, putting sulfur in my shoes and dryer sheets near my face sounds like a hassle as well...

That's a nice collection of knives, Buzz. I like the first one, with the horn handle with a protrusion sticking out the side, it can stick out from between your fingers so you can hold it very stable. The filet knife made from an old file looks very functional too, do u use it to clean all ur fish you catch?
That machete with the backwards facing hook looks very functional as well, easy to pull and cut vines and saplings like u said.
How often do you sharpen these knives?

It might be an interesting season, DB, have u ever attended a patriots game? Sad to say ive never attended a Bears game, i much prefer watching at home.
Bill B. has a 23 year old girlfriend now, Buzz, his 'old' girlfriend (haha) was a looker too, for her age, think theyve been together almost 15 years before breaking up recently, she was in her 40s and the body was tight when they first hooked up, she started to sag a bit when she got close to 60 but that's to be expected. She's in better shape than Bill that's for sure.

In NFL news, former nfl WR Antonio Brown declared bankruptcy. Given his bizarre behavior the last few years, not that shocking. But also current Raiders Head coach Antonio Pierce's wife declared bankruptcy, it's related to some loans that her husband guaranteed for some car dealerships, i guess they defaulted and theyre coming after him and his wife is trying to protect some of their assets.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Ah that was u then, Pops? Did u also shave my balls? Cause i noticed they were unnaturally smooth also.

Yeah that's probably why cider isnt all that popular, people here dont want their beer tasting like fruit. Maybe if they sold a cider with a high abv and not too much carbonation it would be more popular.

Sounds like Buzz knows all the home remedies to keep the bugs away. Do they actually work pretty well? I just use Off bug spray (DEET) to keep the skeeters away but i dont like the smell or the stickiness it leaves. Then again rubbing crushed leaves, putting sulfur in my shoes and dryer sheets near my face sounds like a hassle as well...

That's a nice collection of knives, Buzz. I like the first one, with the horn handle with a protrusion sticking out the side, it can stick out from between your fingers so you can hold it very stable. The filet knife made from an old file looks very functional too, do u use it to clean all ur fish you catch?
That machete with the backwards facing hook looks very functional as well, easy to pull and cut vines and saplings like u said.
How often do you sharpen these knives?

It might be an interesting season, DB, have u ever attended a patriots game? Sad to say ive never attended a Bears game, i much prefer watching at home.
Bill B. has a 23 year old girlfriend now, Buzz, his 'old' girlfriend (haha) was a looker too, for her age, think theyve been together almost 15 years before breaking up recently, she was in her 40s and the body was tight when they first hooked up, she started to sag a bit when she got close to 60 but that's to be expected.

In NFL news, former nfl WR Antonio Brown declared bankruptcy. Given his bizarre behavior the last few years, not that shocking. But also current Raiders Head coach Antonio Pierce's wife declared bankruptcy, it's related to some loans that her husband guaranteed for some car dealerships, i guess they defaulted and theyre coming after him and his wife is trying to protect some of their assets.
You have to make it to Soldiers Field someday man. I've been to Gillette Stadium a number of times but never got to see the Patriots play. This year I'll go. Maybe a game in November. I'll be there for Metallica in about 35 days. Schedule looks tough towards end of season...Bills twice in December or something like that.


Horse-toothed Jackass
I used to watch some college games live but overall didnt enjoy the experience, it was either too hot or too cold or my team sucked, etc. It's not the worst idea tho to attend a bears game before they build a new stadium, so maybe this year i'll see if i can muster up the will.

For some reason i think the nfl scheduled a lot of divisional matchups later in the year, bears are the same too, the last few years they opened up the season with the packers but this year theyre not facing the pack until mid season.


In my empire of dirt
those knifes look awesome @buzzmobile
i easpecially like the ones with the antler handles
he made those himself! those are treasures man
the gerber looks decent and i like to go with the serrated lower portion of the blade
its not a knife im going to baton through a log but you can saw through a pretty good stick with it
that filet knife looks like its perfect for what its meant to do
nice collection
so as i said ive been getting into the shit lately and decided to crack the next jar of old weed

such a bold logo and look at the alligators! pops loves alligators
/i dont
black triangle, i used to grow this back in the day and it was a hard hitting indica with a strong taste
this was a frsh jar so i actually heard the air crack when i opened it
as you can see its faded with age and only has a little of that gas left in it, but it still smokes ok
ive never seen this french mulberry, but my mom has a mulberry tree
it grows berry fruit the size of your thumb and tastes like pure sweetness
do people eat the french variety?
Ah it was lime that’s interesting, one Jameson coming up Sir.. All out of ice I’m afraid..

Dublin is going to be hectic this weekend between Taylor swift playing a 3 night concert, longitude festival also kicks off as does the quarter finals… Will more than likely spend my evening sitting under one of the sycamore trees sipping on a sweet one. Only myself and the good woman for company, the girls are hitting the city to let their hair down and have a dance..
sounds like a date night!
the kids are out of the house and its just the two of you
a nice dinner and a little sip sounds like the perfect summers evening
enjoy my friend!
jamisons all around!!

when i drank the hard cider i wasnt looking for a beer taste, its was more like a soda pop with kick
ive attended a few chargers games and i agree man, the best seat for nfl is on the coutch at home
its super expensive and even with the best seats you can only see half the game most of the time
ab turned into a piece of shit, ripping people off left and right , just because he was famous
i dont know if he has anymore football left in him and i can only wish him well in his next move
so i woke up craving meatloaf, but its just me now so im not going to make this huge meatloaf just to throw half of it out
when i went to the store to get those $5 chicken tenders and potato wedges
/and some cheddar cheese sauce!
they also had this meat loaf dinner thing, $10 for just the loaf, but for $14 it came with green beans and mashed potatoes
i decided to try it
plus the little filipino girl at the deli was so sweet and helpful!
she made it a point to choose the best pieces of chicken and the fatest wedges of potato
when i asked if they had any fresh made meatloaf she walked me over to the spot and showed me what they had
i told her she rocked
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Well-known member
Not a problem. I am a neat sipper.

I planted two sycamores to shade a spot where my Dad set up a double wide home at the bottom of our field after Mom died. One has grown well and spreading the other has lagged and is more spear shaped. The better looking of the two is more prominent.
Dad is long passed but the trees are a reminder.

Lovely touch buzz, that remembrance tree will be there for future generations as well...
Really nice collection of knives, the stag handles are a nice touch, nice bit of craftsman ship and skills.
The Serated one looks lethal..

Sarge is taking no prisoners..

Tabhair aire..