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NFL 2019-2020


In my empire of dirt
Yes, my grandfather planted 10 acres with a mix of mangoes and avocados. The trees were mature and producing very well when our family moved from Miami to Homestead after Grampa died. My favorite way to eat avocados is to cut them in half lengthwise and fill the divot left by the seed with lime juice and salt and pepper. Oh so good and buttery!

I loved and hated the mangoes. The flavor was wonderful, but when it came time to harvest the grove it sucked. When mangoes are fresh picked from the tree the stem end will spew a sticky sap. Mangoes are in the same family as poison ivy and the sap can raise a rash that looks and feels just like poison ivy. My brothers and sisters were very sensitive to the sap and they got a pass on harvest. The sap did not affect me. Guess who got to spend many summers picking mangoes.
oh wow man, i did not know that about mangoes; ichy sap is not fun, are you sensitive to poison ivy?
my mom loves avocados, we usually just eat them plain but a pinch of s/p and a little lime sounds good
i bet it would be good with tajin seasoning
jax has pretty much gone all in on l.law with that big contract and we will see how he plays this year

fredys is pretty good and i like their super thin cut fries
ive never been to culvers, i dont even know if they have them here in california
they also sell cheese curds but i thought those were just ok, (maybe its something you need to eat fresh)
voodoo ranger is good, but ive never heard of the juice force style, did you try it yet?
the heat is on man and the past couple weeks have been unseasonably hot
today wasnt that bad and i went for a quick walk in the middle of the day
not a good move and i came home pouring sweat and feeling smoked
i ended up going to sprouts and getting a deli sandwich and a couple bags of chips (they were on sale two bags for $5)
i ended up springing for the boars head deli meat on my turkey sandwich and even with the bags of chips it still only came out to like $12
they did not have the yogurt covered raisins thoe! kind of bummed about that


Well-known member
We just had a big tornado warning here. think its done now. man it was fuking hot today. 95 with like 80% humidity. brutal. yeah that beer was pretty decent. It did have a fruity taste with strong hops. pretty good. it was like $3 with tax. they had a 9% ABV Voodoo Ranger but that was almost $4 with tax. figured this would do the job. it is good and is strong but doesnt taste like its 9.5%

Yeah never had Freddy's before and its alright wouldnt mind trying their Cali burger with a Turtle ice cream but probably wont go back anytime soon. hey cant beat a Boars head turkey sammy. Boars Head is consistently at the top for meats and cheese. bit pricey though

i had no idea mangoes are part of the poison ivy family. thats crazy. Learned something new. so the sap is useless? like not even worth licking your fingers?


In my empire of dirt
stay safe man, its good that that big tree is no longer a problem of falling
but you gotta do something about that shit in your front yard
$3 for that, it looks like the tall boy too so that not a bad deal!
how far is the freddys from your house, i would get that before most chains
i cant really drink shakes but i hear they have really good ones
f'yeah hawk! sometimes i like to treat myself!
plus the girl at the deli counter was so cute and helpful!
it turns out you have to fill out this ticket to order a sandwich, but im like im talking to you right now here is waht i want
so she fills it out for me but then also runs down the options
they had this boars head turkey and provolone sandwich that sounded good and it was only like $2 more than what i was getting so i said can ihave that just on different bread and with weird toppings on it, i like cucumbers and lots of pickles along with the regular stuff


Well-known member
cant beat turkey,provolone and all the fixins. i think i like pepper jack the most i think. i think it has the most flavor and a tiny kick.Oh did you say you dont like spicy? Boy i bet your mom feels ashamed around the other asian ladies! Her weak American son cant handle the spicy! Just kidding my man.. i could eat a cucumber sammy with dressing and onions myself. nice on a hot day.

Yeah i know i gotta do something but i dont money to haul that shit. Im gonna build a firepit soon i think. even if i burn one log a day it will get done sooner rather than later. honestly its not too bad. think there is about 20 or so decent sized logs. i should ask the neighbors to help but they are reclusive hermits. i havent talked to the woman but my mom thinks she is from Scotland? They seem nice enough at least


In my empire of dirt
that is a great idea hawk! bricks are cheap and you could just sit there and chill with your dog
the sandwich was good but they dident have the saly and vinegar chips, i ended up getting dill pickle, which is nowhere near as good
i can still eat spicy stuff, i just have to be careful
pepper jack is a good call
/it would bring a little kick! how do you like your pbjs?


Well-known member
LOL im good on the PB and J. Ive had enough in jail to last a life time. good for her. although i think i would of puts the plates somewhere lower. My brother and i had conversations like this. like would you rather have no legs and have arms or legs and no arms. Its an obvious one for us because we are huge gamers. i honestly 100% would be doing nothing but drinking and doing heroin and shit if i had no arms. its brutal. i have lots of respect for people like that young lady. good for her.

HOLY SHIT i just saw her other video! she actually drives a car!? I cant believe she has a license! i haven watched it yet but im doing it now! thats fucking crazy you should check it out if you havent


In my empire of dirt
yeah! she kick all the ass
/get it because she has no arms!
btu she seems really positve and upbeat and i could not help think i hope she is somewhere out there living her best life
/if not, call me! 😘
im def going back for these sandwiches again, even getting the nice meat it was a pretty good deal and i could get double meat for $1 more
they have other sandwiches too but nothing like a proper deli
but it you want the basics its a good deal and then you can wander around the store checking out the other stuff
/im kicking myself for not getting the bulk gummy peach rings


Well-known member
Gummy peach rings you say? i went to the pantry today and got a nice chunk of pecan pie.
Man, i wasnt sure if i was gonna mention this but im pretty fucking pissed. so i get to the pantry and sit down. i see what i thought was a young chick. like i never see young chicks. didnt see the face. then i heard the voice and my stomach dropped. its a fucking dude in a dress and a purse. looked like a fucking chick from behind. Im sick of this shit. i dont even think these people date. i think they are just lonely weirdos. i mean i legit feel bad for some of them. but fucking A they need to put a fucking warning label on them. i honestly feel sick. i guess its a me problem. God damnit i literally havent seen any decent young chicks here. just fatties with bull nose rings and blue hair. You are so fucking lucky dude. id be at the beach every fuking day picking up chicks. Iowa sucks. sorry. im from a 500 people town in a cornfield. still getting used to this culture shock


In my empire of dirt
hahahha, im hardly picking up chicks man
im just a social kind of guy and like to interact with people
i was bummed that they dident have the yogurt covered raisins
they has yogurt covered pretzels in the bulk bins and they had yogurt covered cranberries in the prepackaged stuff, but no raisins man
am i going to have to resort to the blackmarket to get these things ?
the peach rings are pretty good and have a nice chew plus all the peach flavor
hey man, they are just living their life, no harm no foul


Well-known member
i know but i was checking out a MAN! im gonna have a hard time sleeping dude.
Yeah i like those yogurt and chocalate covered pretzels. not a big fan of raisins. i was just talking to Moose about his wife putting raisins in his wine. its pretty fun over right now over in the random post thread. Moose said some naked guy with a sledghammer went to jail for trying to get his dog back! maybe this place is getting a little more lively


In my empire of dirt
i know but i was checking out a MAN! im gonna have a hard time sleeping dude.
Yeah i like those yogurt and chocalate covered pretzels. not a big fan of raisins. i was just talking to Moose about his wife putting raisins in his wine. its pretty fun over right now over in the random post thread. Moose said some naked guy with a sledghammer went to jail for trying to get his dog back! maybe this place is getting a little more lively
so thats where the cool guys are hanging out
i just like raisins
i was on the fence about the yogurt pretzels, but i dont really eat a lot of bread stuff


Well-known member
so thats where the cool guys are hanging out
i just like raisins
i was on the fence about the yogurt pretzels, but i dont really eat a lot of bread stuff
thats pretty much all my mom eats is bread. i keep telling her that store bought junk is bad for her.she really likes her bread and butter.


Well-known member
i had no idea mangoes are part of the poison ivy family. thats crazy. Learned something new. so the sap is useless? like not even worth licking your fingers?
The sap is what carries the irritant so licking your fingers would not be a good idea. When picking a mango by hand grab the fruit near the top and a quick rotation of the wrist snaps the hanging stem. When the stem snaps many times the stub at the top of the fruit sprayed sap like it was under pressure. The stuff went everywhere.

The mangoes high up in the tree came down with a pole picker. Ours had a long aluminum pole with a canvas bag at the end of it. There was a heavy gauge wire frame that held the bag open. The front of the wire frame was V-shaped and there were two blades on the legs of the 'V'. The object was to get the hanging mango in the bag and then a quick pull to slice the stem and the mango ends up in the bag. 3 mangoes in the bag was a full load. If the bag hit the ground it was a NO NO! Bruised mangoes don't ship. The sap would eventually run down the pole and down the arms. Throw in heat and humidity and summer vacation was not so much fun. It looked sorta like this.

are you sensitive to poison ivy?
Yes I am. There are spots around the edges of our field where it lurks.

I have to find two more knives, @shithawk420 . I think I know where they are but I have to do some digging to locate them. I have some mowing to do first.


Well-known member
Yeah ive seen those poles before. I dont know why i thought the sap might be non toxic or not useless. i guess thats just the waste not want not in me. In beekeeping nothing goes to waste. yeah i guess thats not very fun for a kid on vacation but at least you got to eat mangoes right? or was that mostly all for sale? pretty cool man. had a mango from the pantry last week. wasnt bad.


Well-known member
HAHA very funny doob. guess i had that one coming lol where you been anyway? seems like you been absent. maybe its just me. been up all night drinking.had a rough day. Tornadoes didnt touch down so thats good. been lots of tornadoes this year


Horse-toothed Jackass
I used to get a headache from red wines but turned out that was just a mild dog allergy and claritin cleared it up. Once i quit cigarettes my sinuses were ok and i ditched the claritin.
Is starfruit like a breadfruit? I think i can get something like that around here in the mexican groceries. Ive always wondered if i cook it it actually tastes like bread. Or as much as a fruit can taste/feel like bread.
Youve mentioned that sprouts store before, they have some locations in the midwest (kansas, missouri) but none in IL. Seems kind of like whole foods. So the sandwiches are like 6$? Are they pretty good sized?

Yeesh, mango picking sounds terrible, Buzz. Getting covered in sap during a hot humid day sounds like u need a 30 min shower afterwards to feel clean. Did it attract a lot of flies too? That would be the worst. And some of those florida flies are like jurassic sized and bite, dont they?

That Freddie's food looks good, Hawk, the pretzel bun burger looks like an $18 burger at a gastropub. Cant believe DB has never had a smashburger. IL has quite a few Freddie's locations but theyre all in rural areas.

That officer tatum channel seems interesting but also seems like clickbait, he argued that colin hates white people but never showed any clips of colin saying anything like that or teaching young black people that. If colin dislikes anyone it's police, and specifically aggressive policing that violates people's right to privacy and right against illegal seizure. These little seminars he holds specifically says he's trying to teach them their rights. Nothing about non black folks being the devil or whatever. The black power fist at the end was a little concerning but with no context or further detail it's more clickbait than anything else.

Is it just me or does that armless girl seem physically appealing? The feet are kinda too whack to be pretty but they're very dextrous...

Yeah I saw that the Tamu baseball coach left for Tx the day after his world series loss, that's big college sports for ya, always looking for greener grass, but also maybe the coach didnt like the Athletic director Tamu hired recently.

So Hawk found himself attracted to a trans woman? No shame in that my boy i too have found myself looking at a trans lady and thinking she's got a pretty hot body.


This is Hawk after watching some transexual porn:

angry aroused.jpg

So I went out and got some guinness bottles and St pauli girl bottles and tried making myself a black n tan last night, i think it made 2 distinct layers (poured the guinness over the back of a spoon) but hard to tell:


Also got the new cheezit tostada from taco bell, used a big cheeze it cracker for the base, it was alright, i guess it tasted like a real cheeze it...

cheeze it tostada.jpg
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