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NFL 2019-2020


Well-known member
no man. i never said that. just that i thought it was a female and i was trying to get a look at its face. i was more curious.i cant be atracted to something if i never see the face. knew i should of kept that one to myself.. Im just tired of seeing fat ugly chicks i thought i saw one that wasnt fat.

and are you serious baba? thats brainwashing and doctrinating 101. Hes teaching this kids to be rascist. and hes using shoes to do it. thats basically baiting and bribing them with stuff and hes getting paid by Nike to do it. Its clear as day. they are making something out of nothing.These people hate white people. shit they got white people hating white people.but whatever. guess i shouldnt have posted that

I need to start cooking and not going out to eat. got stuff here i gotta make but im tired. been up drinking all night. was gonna make ribs and burgers but im burgered out. guess ill put that premade burger meat from Hyvee back in the fridge. they are premade patties with cheese and bacon.could be decent. ive got chorizo i gotta make so i was gonna make chorizo and potato soup but i got no peppers.pantry tommorow might have them. that cheezeit thing looks ok i guess. i would eat it right now. my mom made these things called firecrackers. not the weed kind. i dont know what the fuck they are but shes got them in a bag and i guess they gotta sit for 24 hours? ill get picks when they are done.

had a big tornado warning yesterday. sirens and everything but im not worried about a tornado coming through Davenport. pretty slim


In my empire of dirt
dont they use those same nets to harvest avocados @buzzmobile
picking fruit or any produce is hard work and not for the faint of heart

angry aroused.jpg

thats a keeper right there
/weve all had that awkward boner for one reason or another
@shithawk420 what are fire crackers? it sounds good

that is crazy baba, a black and tan made with st paulies girls?
how did it taste? what next dropping tequila in your guiness
im going to leave this one for @superx to call, but this sounds like a crime against good beer!
star fruit arent anything like bread fruit, they are smaller and crisp and taste like weak apple but with a pear taste, if that makes sense
sprouts isnt bad, its kind of the more expensive version of vons, but they have good food and i hear if you shop smart its not that bad
yeah, the basic deli sandwich is like $6 and then you can upgrade
they are pretty good sized, i ate half when i got it and had the other half for later
im thinking next time i go im going to get the boars head again and see if i can get them to do the double meat for $1 more
/if they will i will ask if they could put ham on it!
i should have done more shopping while i ws there, but its not far from my home so i can always go back, we used to walk there back in the day, about a 15-20min walk
im kind of with hawk about the kaep thing, i thought this whole blm thing lost all its steam when it was EXPOSED as a big SCAM where the people behind it were pocketing millions and putting nothing back into the movement

there is this thing called respect in the world, a lot of kids need to learn that word, otherwise they are going to learn words like shitty life, poverty, jail or gunshot victim
but hey man, rep the hood and give me my free shit (kids love free stuff or anything they dont have to work for)
that cheese it tostada looks wild man! so its a big cheese it topped with taco bell toppings

look at @D. B. Doober in the old farts thread
/its actually kind of fun
but yuo arent an old fart, ar you trying to pick up chicks?
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Well-known member
Hey pops 👋 hope you guys are all keeping well 👍

What's this about black and tan? I'm familiar with the drink but have never encountered it or drank it.
It's something a tourist would be more inclined to order and not a local.

Guinness should be drank the way it comes out of the tap, I can understand somebody maybe feeling the need to mix it because the Guinness is shyte and not a good pint. In my case, if the establishment is known for serving shyte Guinness I would simply order something different. I knew a lass who would have a smidgen of blackcurrant in the bottom of the pint glass before the Guinness was poured on top, this would nutrilise any bitter taste. This was her take on it. It would be a holy sin in my eyes to mix Guinness 😆 I'm the same with whiskey I wouldnt mix that either, one ice cube sometimes 2 and down the hatch. If you get a good Guinness there is no need to mix it.. But people do have different tastes.

The black and tans when in Ireland committed awful atrocities on the nationalists through torture/ rape/and countless murders of innocent catholics. (Especially the eldery and most vulnerable of people)deep haterd towards them is not forgotten and never will be especially the older generation who witnessed there crimes. Obviously the drink gets its name from the different mix of Guinness and bass ( not sure if it's bass or smitwicks ) And might have no revelance to what I speak of above, the subject I guess is a bit of a taboo and depends how you want to look at it, one things for sure I won't be asking for a black and tan down at my local lol...Sorry for the ramble the black and tans bring it out in me lol 😉
Here you can get Guinness xtra cold on tap, I do enjoy it, my old man before he passed away couldn't stand it and would prefer the normal Guinness served at room temperature with a fine creamy head on top.


In my empire of dirt
ive read stories about the troubles in ireland
no one wants to live with a boot on their neck

so what do you like to order when you go out? i dont really drink when i go out much anymore
you know the saying one is too many and 12 is never enough; plus it gets spendy
i do like a beer with friends from time to time and usually get something heavy
san diego has a strong brew scene focusing on hoppy ipa and craft brews
hahah the ex is part belgian and she would drink warm/ room temp beers
YUK! i like my bears cold and bitter
/just like my women

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Hey pops 👋 hope you guys are all keeping well 👍

What's this about black and tan? I'm familiar with the drink but have never encountered it or drank it.
It's something a tourist would be more inclined to order and not a local.

Guinness should be drank the way it comes out of the tap, I can understand somebody maybe feeling the need to mix it because the Guinness is shyte and not a good pint. In my case, if the establishment is known for serving shyte Guinness I would simply order something different. I knew a lass who would have a smidgen of blackcurrant in the bottom of the pint glass before the Guinness was poured on top, this would nutrilise any bitter taste. This was her take on it. It would be a holy sin in my eyes to mix Guinness 😆 I'm the same with whiskey I wouldnt mix that either, one ice cube sometimes 2 and down the hatch. If you get a good Guinness there is no need to mix it.. But people do have different tastes.

The black and tans when in Ireland committed awful atrocities on the nationalists through torture/ rape/and countless murders of innocent catholics. (Especially the eldery and most vulnerable of people)deep haterd towards them is not forgotten and never will be especially the older generation who witnessed there crimes. Obviously the drink gets its name from the different mix of Guinness and bass ( not sure if it's bass or smitwicks ) And might have no revelance to what I speak of above, the subject I guess is a bit of a taboo and depends how you want to look at it, one things for sure I won't be asking for a black and tan down at my local lol...Sorry for the ramble the black and tans bring it out in me lol 😉
Here you can get Guinness xtra cold on tap, I do enjoy it, my old man before he passed away couldn't stand it and would prefer the normal Guinness served at room temperature with a fine creamy head on top.
I've supported Sinn Fein for like 20 years 👍


Well-known member
Im gonna agree with pops and superx. i couldnt mix Guiness with St. Pauli Girl cause i dont have money like that but i would definitely give it a try.

i tried one of those firecracker things my mom made and they are pretty good. guess my aunt told her about it. ill take pics butt from what i can tell its garlic powder and maybe onion powder and redpepper flakes. theres something else in there too. Ill have to ask her. They arent bad but cant be good for you


In my empire of dirt
but what is it? like a fried dough thing
yeah ive never heard of anyone mixing these two beers, if nothing else go two fisted and just drink them in turn
@Bababooey is a weirdo, but thats why i like him so much
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Well-known member
I think they are just saltines.just put them in a bag with spices,shake and let sit overnight. Not too spicy but strong tasting.they got a little kick.maybe she put a little oil in there too


Well-known member
wait whutt!
those are not just saltines anymore
i have crackers and i have spices
i need to know more hawk
do you have any cheese or a nice dip, that looks awesome!
Ill go get the recipe. thesse things would be awesome with somme salmon and cream cheese i think. they arent bad. i go get the recipe before i forget buddy


Well-known member
i dont have measurements but mix oil and ranch dressing seasoning,garlic powder,onion powder,redpepper flakes,ground black pepper and i think thats it. just keep tossing in a bag for 24 hours. think i would add smoked paprika too myself. Im getting really fucking pissed at my mom cause shes not suppossed to be eating this shit. She just said well i might gain weight! Unfucking beleivable. i know she isnt this stupid. shes just pickier than a second grader on meatloaf day in the cafeteria. adults who are sick have no right to be this picky


In my empire of dirt
so she isnt supposed to eat crackers?
it looks good and a nice sour cream dip would pair nicely
i like meatloaf! with the red sauce on top and some taters
man! now im in the mood for meatloaf and taters
i dont think i have any ground beef in the house but im heading out to the store on friday


Well-known member
she isnt supposed to eat lots of processed food cause of her kidney disease. i think there is MSG in the ranch seasoning. I like a good meatloaf too. i was just making a shitty analogy. im getting hungry too. didnt wake up until 9pm. think im gonna make some chorizo soup in the middle of the night


Well-known member
Not perfect.probably got some tweeking to do but made some chorizo potato kale soup.its not bad.wish I had a little cream. made this in our new dutch oven on the stove.those little chunks are probably onions and garlic. its got a little kick to it. added like a tablespoon of hot salsa while it was sauteing
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Well-known member
Did it attract a lot of flies too?
Flies were not too bad. It was the gnats, aka "dick gnats", because they fly around dog's dicks. The old joke is: "How do you get gnats away from your face?"
Unzip your trousers. Mosquitos were the other critters who participated in picker harassment.
dont they use those same nets to harvest avocados @buzzmobile
The same picker works on avocados. The avocados ripened later in the year starting in late Sep. - Nov. It was cooler then, no gnats, and no sap.
that's big college sports for ya
I know coaches will chase a job, but what pissed me off was his reply to the reporter who asked him about going to Texas after the CWS loss.

Guinness should be drank the way it comes out of the tap
From your mouth to God's ear as some would say.


Horse-toothed Jackass
I dont know Hawk, youve never been with a butterface before?

Sometimes, a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do, ya feel me?

You keep saying Kaepernick is teaching these kids to be racist, and maybe he is, but are there any clips of him teaching that to these kids? Im just saying i need a little more proof than some podcaster's rant.

U still got the drinking under control, Hawk? No more 2-3 day benders? Ive been drinking a bit more beer/wine myself but still just 1-2 drinks a day, not 5-6+.

I was about to say, those firecrackers sound good, like a fried (from being baked in oil) spicy ranch cracker.:
Think they would make nice topping for a salad, like croutons.

White people hating white people? Nothing sadder than a person who hates their own ethnicity.

Oh yeah, Pops, the BLM leaders were total grifters, buying million dollar houses using their own donations. Theyre probably not that different than most non profits, whose officers all make 6-7 figures.

The black n tan looked crappy but it tasted alright, the smoothness of the guinness on top, then towards the bottom u get the bitterness of the pale ale.
Ive heard of the black n tan abuses in ireland, Superx, no wonder it's not a drink u would see in ireland, any more than you'd see a drink in Israel named after the SS. From now on ill name it an "English Bastard". Does that work?

That kale chorizo potato looks pretty good, Hawk, is that just a variation on the olive garden kale potato sausage soup? I don’t see much chorizo in there, I guess it broke up and is at the bottom.

Dick gnats, Buzz? Ive seen ass gnats, buzzing around a dogs anus, never really seen them around the dog’s peen. Maybe we’ve got gnats with different tastes up north.
Around here the skeeters come out mostly at night, during the day and in the sun they tend to leave u alone. But I guess under all those tall trees and in the shade they can be fierce.

Fwiw the coach sorta apologized for how he spoke to the reporter the day before. In his words “all I could think about at that moment was about my players”. I guess he kept thinking about his players for a few hours after that until he officially took another job.
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Well-known member
All im gonna say is its clear they have an agenda. They even infiltrated video games. look up Sweet Baby Inc and how they are blackmailing video game producers to include their DEI bullchit or they slander and cancel and sue them. look it up. its sick

it was actually heavily inspired by the Olive Garden Tuskana soup but it was more complex than that. I did a lot.and it was ground chorizo. not logs. wasnt a lot of meat but the grease from the chorizo gave it the nice greasy flavor. not perfect. not bad. i love the new dutch oven. gonna do braised short ribs next i hope in it. now all i need is a fuking oven!


Well-known member
Yeah baba. i do have a much better handle on the drinking. i havent done more than a 3 day bender yet i dont think so anyways. im on my last beer. so i can either go to sleep and miss going to the pantry and getting some nice TP or i can hike up to the liquor store. Im on potentially day 3 of drinking. i plan to stop today regardless. Ive been doing ok. with the benders.real good. i dont wanna go to the LS cause i dont wanna see drug dealers. i hate walking up there. always something gonna happen.im not a drug addict by the way. im the liquor


In my empire of dirt
that loos like a good bowl of soup @shithawk420
dutch oven for the win! i have one and i used to make all kinds of things in it
rock that thing my man
im working on my drinking too and hope to get right one day
3 a dy is not bad at all man
i was ranting on it to a frind the other night and she said i cant just stop drinking
she said i have to cut back, not just quite

hahaha if its not poison sap its dick gnats ?!
whats next? do you have bees swarming around your anus
/that means their queen has taken up residence

a lot of these non profits are actually huge corporations
not just anyone can step in and run the show, but i hear you
i forgot the url, there is a website where you can see how they split up the money for these charitable entities
it was a surprise to see how little of each dollar donated actually goes to the causes in a lot of cases
/remember koni2012? that guy actually lived here in san deigo and had an epic meltdown caught on video
isreal should come up with a drink of its own, call it the suicide bomber
or the hamas hayride; f'hamas and i hope they get to have all the virgins in hell
/ devout muslims dont drink

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