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NFL 2019-2020

G.O. Joe

Well-known member
Good to see you Joe. you making any money on the bets lately?

I haven't put money down since April 8th - I can go 5 months without losing. Hopefully you're enjoying everything that Iowa has to offer outside of jail and hospitals.

how about mia or det? because we know the rams will be ok w/o a.don
this online betting thing sounds kind of fishy?!
dont tell me you dont like fried clams?

Around here it's as alien as Miami winning a playoff game.

Having a center who's never been one in the NFL is no cause for Ramses optimism.

It's hard to imagine Detroit doing anything other than regressing. It's like KC employees getting arrested.


In my empire of dirt
@G.O. Joe
i like the add of jonah jackson to the rams o'line, like you said it all starts up front
we will see how you new kid does at C, but they have this way of cultivating talent and getting the most out of guys
im taking the over on det,(what is their over under this yea for wins)
i think goof has found a system he can work in and i like where they are going
i like the fish, plus you know tua is looking for that big $$$$ contract
i still think kc are the favorite in the afc, plus they have tay tay as the 12th man!

they dont have that deal at the location near me, why can i have nice things?!
the large started at $22 and that was something lame like dble pepperoni
for those prices i will go to the ny style joint thats near me and get a real pizza
why can i have nice things?!
my old tag was nice, it had a blue face and was a nice heavy watch

what craic'in with you @superx ?!?
that sounds like a fun time and its good you stayed sober!
pool and steaks and nice baked potato, yes please
hope you and the lad had fun, the good thing about being the designated driver this time is you can always pass the keys off to someone else next time you go out


Horse-toothed Jackass
Are making knives pretty easy, then? I guess maybe the handle is the hard part, if you have a good piece of steel.
4 inch trunks, you could use those vines for firewood if u had to, Buzz. And it makes a nice dry white wine? Dont mind how dry it is, that just boosts the abv.

So ur saying the SE USA has some damn good native wine grapes, Hawk? Maybe that should be the new Napa valley. But instead of pairing it with cheese and crackers u can pair it with southern food and BBQ.

Yeah Gojoe, if i feel sympathy for the sports books, and i dont, but if i did, it'd be over the taxes they pay. But i guess thats just on profit, so if they have a losing month i guess they wont have to pay tax that month.

So GJ, i should inverse my betting strategy (assuming it was even profitable) in the playoffs or every few months? That's not bad advice, always gotta keep em guessing.
Cause i started to notice square bets hitting more in the nba playoffs, iirc. Or at least the lines got a lot tighter, imo, if that makes sense.

Speaking of watches, ive been watching videos on The Timepiece Gentleman, a scam artist who was arrested last year for bilking 5M from customers in his luxury watch consignment business. Have u heard about that, Hawk? I guess there's a lot of small time dealers in this industry, so you got some shady folks. Like u said, Hawk, there's a limited supply of the truly high end pieces so it's like this whole informal market of dealers and sellers and owners, and trust is key when dealing with 6 or even 7 figure watches. Can dealers really make good $$ slinging high end watches? I think the risk of getting robbed or burglarized or scammed and having to insure that risk would be quite expensive.

I might be crazy but i actually think the jets will be pretty good, assuming rodgers is healthy all year. I know the achilles tear is a hard injury for athletes to come back from, but he's used to throwing off-platform so if his arm strength is still good i think he'll put up #'s. Plus anything is better than zach wilson at QB, never seen a guy with so much arm talent struggle to complete an 8 yd pass, and ive watched fields and trubisky the last few years.

Watching a match at a pub and then doing a crawl sounds like a heck of a lot of fun, Supx, been ages since ive dont that, would have been more fun if you were drinking but i guess it's for the best, better for your liver as well.
Speaking of drinking im all out of beer and wine, will have to stock up soon, they actually dont sell Bass pale ale anymore in the states so if i want to make black n tans at home i'll have to use an ipa or something. I will improvise.
So 'craic' is irish slang for a good time, but it's pronounced 'crack'? Cause good crack means something entirely different in the US. Hawk could tell you.

I dont think DB goes to Kelly's Roast Beef (despite the name theyre known for their fried seafood) that often but ur right, he does need to eat less if he wants to get below, say, 225lbs. That would be about 16 stone for
u imperialists.

Maybe GJ and Pops make good points, best to just walk away from betting when ur up and dont chase action for its own sake, know ur limits and avoid sports that you dont follow closely. Did i mention ive actually had some success betting on the wnba (mostly caitlin clark and the indiana fever) this year? Yes im a degenerate.

Im going to disagree with GJ again and think Detroit will actually be good again this year, now granted the packers and bears should be better but i see no weaknesses in that team. Even Jared Goff has been pretty good most of the time, he's still limited athletically but so long as he doesnt have to scramble and improvise on the run he's solid.

The bears struggled at the center position last year so it's never good if that's a weak link in your protection, im with Pops tho and think rams are a probably playoff team again this season. My only concern for them is they have no long term plan at QB after stafford, but he's 'only' 36 so could have 3-5 yrs left of high level play.
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The Vermonster

Active member
About the Bears and Lions, it's going to be an interesting season. The Lions have shown they can be strong contenders, building on their successes and showcasing a well-rounded team.

As for the Bears, it's been a bit disappointing to watch them struggle, especially with issues at the center position. It's frustrating because a weak center affects the whole offense. But there's still hope for the future since they could turn things around


In my empire of dirt
yeah, ive never thought of the se as a hot spot for wine, but they do know their liquor
i would like to hear more about this! are there many vineyards near you
they often offer free tours and tastings if you drop in

are you serious, they dont sell bass anymore? in the us
/that would suck
i used to love that in black and tans or just straight out of the bottle
a nice mellow flavor, perfect for a hot day
next time i go the the store im going to have to look
why would you feel sorry for the sports book? they make their money and im seeing adds for them more and more
/just wait till football kicks off
listen to @G.O. Joe and see if things change? he seems to know his way around
i dont bet on sports anymore outside the friendly wager, but just like investing, when you see the sweet action you jump on it and go big

so its up in the air re:det
/welcome @The Vermonster

i think det has put together a decent team at skill positions and if goof can play at the same level he did last season i could see them land a spot in the playoffs
the bears are an unknown until we actually see them play with their shiny new qb, but i think they could be at a turning point
the rams are still all right with a good mix of young and odl tallent, but like @Bababooey said, $tafford is getting older by the minute and there really isnt a back up plan in place for when he leaves the game

im not a fan of the hut much anymore and with the prices, i will spend the extra $5 to go to the ny pizza place
htey used to be pretty good and i loved their pan pizza


In my empire of dirt
your chicago bears starting lineup
bear lineup.jpg

G.O. Joe

Well-known member
So GJ, i should inverse my betting strategy (assuming it was even profitable) in the playoffs or every few months?

Angles which work for most of the season may become unreliable at best at the end, for any combination of reasons - this absolutely does not mean do the opposite. It's not clear that attention and experience results in sharper lines. NBA is sharp all season - it's scary how often the closing ATS is within 2 pts of the result.

Keep drinking that Jets kool aid everyone - money in the bank for someone else.


Horse-toothed Jackass
Hey Vermonster, are u a fan of an nfc north team? Cody whitehair was a pretty good center for the bears in 2018-2019 but fell off hard the last couple years. The whole O-line has struggled the last few years but played better towards the end of last season; whitehair followed OC luke getsy to the raiders so maybe they'll be pretty good this season, hopefully.

I thought i read something about bass not being imported into the US but turns out theyre still here but it's not as widespread as it used to be, i think i can get them at some of the smaller liquor stores around here. Let me know if u can still find it, pops.
If not i think any decent pale ale or even ipa would do in a pinch, an IPA would be more bitter but i dont mind.

Yeah the sportsbook are definitely spending major bucks on ads and bettor acquisition (sign up bonuses etc), i am starting to get sick of seeing kevin hard and his draftkings ad like 10x during every football game.

Cant believe goof got 53M/yr from detroit. I admit he's been locked in ever since he got traded but u gotta think at some point that spell fades and cinderella will turn back into a pumpkin.

I think i saw something about this, it's a bachelor party who decided to all dress up like ditka? Dont know why that brown dude in the back isnt wearing his sunglasses tho. And there's not one other non-white dude in this party? Did he grow up in Iowa?

I think I get what ur trying to say, GJ. This stuff is as much art as science.
I fully admit the jets wont do much if anything during the playoffs, but i do think their regular season will end up better than u think. But it would be just like the Jets to give their fans some much needed hope during the season only to get the rug pulled from under them at the end.


In my empire of dirt
i will look for it, i liked bass because it wasnt over hopped but still had a crispness to it
yeah those are teh ads, giving me "up to a bazillion dollars"* to fund an account and start betting

i guess goof is worth all the money to det and the are going all in on him
next up is tua and he should set a new mark

there is no disappointment without hope
-pop rocks
embrace the suck!

*terms and conditions apply


Well-known member
I couldnt tell you anything about the grapes down there baba except ive seen them growing naturally alot. My neighbor had muscadine grapes growing on his little fence. dont remember if they were good. I dont even know for sure where the wine came from except from an old truck driver. It was unbelievably thick and sweet. like the best grape juice ive ever had. Dont even remember if i got a buzz.

I assume dealers make money on watches. i assume there is lots of shady dealers. Im not familiar with them but some of them irk me the wrong way. Theres some shady ass guys on YT and its like a reality show. i couldnt stand them and they are definitely shady as fuck. dont know wtf they are but i would never deal with them. Seems like lots of unsavory characters in the watch game. I just appreciate how amazingly complex watch movements can be and in some situations can be a vital part of a wardrobe. Now im getting older im tired of dressing like a slob. I never had clothes that fit growing up. You should see some of these funny fake watches. i just saw a fake Rolex where instead of numbers they have sex positions. i dont know where to get one but ill try to find a pic

I think the Lions will do well these season. You already know i got no high expectations for the Bears. if they do well great. Not gonna hold my breath though. Gonna be interesting to see how Rodgers does if he plays

Dont know if ive ever had Bass beer. Its an Ale?Maybe if i see it ill get a 6 pack or something. They stopped importing it? i wouldnt be surprised. We have so many fucking different beers nowadays its kinda ridiculous. I could really go for a ST.Pauli Girl or Becks or Grolsch right about now. Think i like my skuny beers the most. I dont know i like them all. I just love beer. getting tired of drinking nasty ass Natural Ice
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Well-known member
4 inch trunks, you could use those vines for firewood if u had to, Buzz.
Yes I could do that if I had to. Chances are much better than good that the grape vines will not become firewood.

I found a site listing Florida Wineries and noticed the one far down south on the peninsula.

This one is in the Redlands where our mango and avocado grove was. Check out the wines they offer. Fruit juices take the place of grapes apparently. One offering is an avocado/guava mix. That sounds weird to me.

I'm waiting to see how both Trevor Lawrence and Tua look this year. Both teams worked on their offensive lines in the draft. Injuries last year had both QBs running around for their lives.

Go Lions too.


Horse-toothed Jackass
I have a feeling miami will let this season play out and if tua leads them to a playoff win they'll give him 60M/yr. You have to wonder about his long term health tho, his concussion issues seem to be behind him but he's not a big guy and the hits can add up, he did have a serious hip injury his last game in college. But like Buzz said Miami (and Jax) are beefing up their lines so maybe it wont be a concern.

A thick and sweet wine? Hmm, not sure that will go over well with the wine and cheese crowd, maybe it'll be more popular with the mad dog 20/20 crowd. U ever drink mad dog, hawk? Do they still sell it? Maybe i can get the woman to buy me some lol.

Yeah the grey market (dealers who arent official dealers of a big manufacturer like rolex) seems pretty shady. Not sure the margins are all that high either, despite the high value nature of their product. During the pandemic when watch prices were going sky high yeah $$ was easy to be made but nowadays i think it's back to normal? I knew a guy who was into watches and cars and back in 2021 he said he made some good $$ flipping a few watches and a car or two.
There was this writer, gregg easterbrook, who used to write an nfl column for espn back like 20 yrs ago, he said that if u ever meet a 'money manager' or 'investment advisor' who looks super-rich, drives a ferrari, wears fancy suits and a 250K watch and has a multi million dollar house, he said u need to run as far away from that guy as possible cause odds are he's pulling a madoff, using his client's $$ to fund his lifestyle, and using new customer $ to pay back old customers. Kinda like some watch grifters.

That watch is a trip, Hawk. What's the 8 o'clock position? Looks like a 69.

Lions made the nfc championship game last season so making the playoffs again wont be hard for them.

Bass is a pale ale, but not an india pale ale so not as happy, like Pops said. Now that i think about it u dont want an IPA in a black n tan, the extra hoppiness/bitterness might overwhelm the smoothness/chocolate coffee notes of the guinness. Actually, u mentioned st pauli girl and that's a pale lager so taste wise it might be on par with a pale ale, just a little lighter in color.

Tropical fruit wines sound like they would be quite tasty, Buzz. They have a pineapple wine, an avocado wine, a starfruit one. Wouldnt mind trying those out for $23/bottle but looks like they dont ship to IL. They do ship to CA so maybe Pops can try it out for the thread.
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In my empire of dirt
i dont really drink wines @Bababooey
it has something to do with tannins and pops getting a headache, but maybe it would be different if it were made with a fruit other than grapes
star fruit kick ass! when i was a kid my grandpa (ah-gong in mandarin) had star fruit trees and i would eat the shit out of those
i agree that mia is kind of dragging their feet on tua and i think this is the year to lock him in
like you said, he had injury concerns early on, but i guess his new training program is paying off
if they are going to be a contender, its tua under center
so there is a new thing where ebay is requiring people who sell certain items like jewlery to submit it for testing and verification before it can be sold to weed out some of the fakes
there are tons of fakes, from jem stones to watches to high end luxury goods
it takes an experienced eye to spot them, but im sure they can pass to the casual observer
im the opposite and as ive aged i dress wore and wores
my friends say i dress like a beach bum, shorts and non descript shirts, half the time i dotn even wear shoes when i go to the store, just a pair of white sox and slides
i used to dress nice and still have the clothes, i should make more of an effort
i also have nice colognes, i used to like to smell good too
i dont even recognise half those positions but it says officially certified, so you know its legit
you guys grew avocados? a good tree takes years before you produce, but when they do you have avocados a plenty
im a fan of mangos too but have never grown one
yeah avocado mango/guava sounds weird to me too, but who knows
maybe spash some clear stuff into a glass of ice and add a drop of this weird wine and you might have something tasty
/results may vary

so the meal plan for today is sandwiches!
i was thinking of sandwiches yesterday, which led to to realise i dont have any chips in the house
im heading out to sprouts and grabbing a bag of salt and vinegar chips, plus a bunch of yogurt covered raisins
/yes, this is what i think about in my free time
but they also have kick ass deli sandwiches fresh made in the store
im thinking im getting a turkey on some kind of roll, or maybe a ciabatta bread
with lots of fresh green stuff on top, plus the oil/ vinegar and mayo


Well-known member
you guys grew avocados? a good tree takes years before you produce, but when they do you have avocados a plenty
im a fan of mangos too but have never grown one
Yes, my grandfather planted 10 acres with a mix of mangoes and avocados. The trees were mature and producing very well when our family moved from Miami to Homestead after Grampa died. My favorite way to eat avocados is to cut them in half lengthwise and fill the divot left by the seed with lime juice and salt and pepper. Oh so good and buttery!

I loved and hated the mangoes. The flavor was wonderful, but when it came time to harvest the grove it sucked. When mangoes are fresh picked from the tree the stem end will spew a sticky sap. Mangoes are in the same family as poison ivy and the sap can raise a rash that looks and feels just like poison ivy. My brothers and sisters were very sensitive to the sap and they got a pass on harvest. The sap did not affect me. Guess who got to spend many summers picking mangoes.


Well-known member
Awe fuck it's hot.went to Freddy's for the first time.its not bad but Culvers is better.i got the Pretzel bacon bbq steak burger and my mom got the chicken club.the beer isn't bad but it's too damn hot to drink stuff like this.isnt Freddy's a Chicago thing?

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA


Well-known member
Looks like a decent burger hawk. its a ss that a smash style burger? I've never had one.
yeah its a smash burger. Youve never had one!??! WTF you been man?! They are easy to make at home. especially if you had a little griddle. you gotta get on that smash time son. i like them more than most burgers. also it looks like the edges are fried beer cheese.


Well-known member
he is such a POS/ absolute scum. and hes still trying to ruin football and sports. and society. i hope he gets his ass beat or legs broken big time. BTW they dont know their rights.
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