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NFL 2019-2020


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
this just in!


Horse-toothed Jackass
Maybe the people that own the chinese restaurant also own an asian massage parlor and u can get a happy ending there, with the same girl if she happens to work both places. It's unlikely but possible.

What's a normal liver enzyme level, less than 100? If it's really 1400 that's incredible, no wonder ur in agony. It could be something more than alcoholism, could be a blocked duct or vein. Are they bringing u in for further tests? At the very least they should give u pain meds. Probably not a good idea given ur addiction history, but if the pain is chronic and real, what choice do u have?

We tried looking for the aldi crab cakes a couple weeks ago, couldnt find any in the frozen section, maybe it never came around here or was sold out. I hope u can still find them, Pops, they sounded good.
Good tip on the home made tartar sauce, add a little spice to it, i usually just add S&P, maybe some onion or garlic powder, and minced pickles and lemon juice, but a little spice would be good as well. Can never have enough flavor.

Yeah, the first MNF game will be on both ABC and ESPN, there's another one in the first month also on ABC and a couple in the last month on ABC, all the others will be espn.

Yeah Shiva, do u have an nfl team? I know Buzz is a big proponent of Miami. They will be a fun team this year. Last year they scored 70 pts (10 td's) in one game. When that offense is hitting against a bad defense it's like men playing against boys.

Hey Padawan, did not notice he didnt spill his beer until u mentioned it, he did tank some punches pretty well, i supposed the booze helped with that. Maybe he used to be drinking buddies with john elway, i hear that guy could put a few (dozen) back.

All jokes aside, it's refreshing to finally have a QB who's mobile, can read a defense, alter the play at the line, makes quick decisions and is accurate. It's his rookie year so he's going to have some ups and downs.

It's Michael McCorkle (Mac) Jones so he's probably Irish, not scottish, despite his nickname.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user

We need a ruling on this one, @shiva82 .

im glad you are taking notes
the jags are riding the dream boat t.law

so now the girl who works in the chinese restaurant has a second job at the rub and tug, whats next she drives for uber in her free time
and shes supposed to make time for @shithawk420
that sux that they dident have the crab cakes! you checked where they had like the frozen seafood? i just went yesterday and they still had them so i bough three bags! but the box was running out and im afraid when this box is empty there go the crab cakes
/im freakin hooked on these things
"...they only have them for a limited time!", has even become a joke between me and the ex when we talk, and i am sure to grab an extra bag for her
but i noticed that about a couple things, where once they sell out of it, its gone
i would like to hear @superx tarters sauce recipe f, i bet its the craic
it usually takes a few years for a rookie to learn the pro game and i hope c.wills does well and they give him a chance to learn and grow
he looks like he has all the skills you want in a next gen mobile qb
i have a friend who was also talking up bo nix and we will see what he can do at mile high
as far as the youts' i like cj in hou and we will see how much love they can milk out of jordan in gb
/maybe he works at a chinese restaurant in his off hours?!

yeah man, so would normal enzyme levels be?
seriously man, how much are you drinking every day? i thought you were cutting back on the booze
get off those weird mushies too man, those can be good for you; you dont take a lot of ibuprofen do you?
hang in there hawk, you will fly high again one day
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Well-known member
Sounds like we are going down the Anglo Norman route with Mac and Mc, or someone has strayed of the indica path 😆 Irish Gaelic/Scottish Gaelic Mac means son, (not to be confused with the big mac) Mac has most certainly its roots in the Gaelic language as it does with Scottish Gaelic, im sure Cromwell will be turning in his grave 🤣

Hey pops, Tartare sauce you say? We use mayonnaise/capers/lemon juice and dill.. easy peasy.
Add the lemon juice at the end and keep tasting it for your preferred level of acidiness, I like it to be rather sharp on the tongue so I wouldn't hold back on the lemon juice, you will need to blend/mash the capers, if your not a fan of capers use pickled greens, Babba mentioned garlic, this would help with building the flavour profile, I don't use garlic my self, it does no harm to dable for taste profile, keep tasting as your preparing it and add accordingly (as you would with any dish)

Hey Buzz, good to see your on form man 👍

Hey Hawk ; we are all rooting for you from the sides man, do you smoke/vape the herb ? Maybe this can be a side step / distraction from the booze man, it sounds like your genuine in putting a halt to it.. Your still a young man with lots to look forward to, who knows what the future holds buddy..(you might end up marrying that asian girl)

Can you get those anti booze tablets over there? (Disulfiram) nasty side affects of them if you do drink while your on them. They helped a lass I know, she finally quit and turned into a raging coke head..


Well-known member
hey superx.no i cant handle thc anymore.gives me too much anxiety. ive been taking Naltrexone for the booze but it dont help too much. i need to take benzos but they stopped giving them to me so thats one reason why i drink. im just sick of all this. phsycally and mentally.had a doc appointment yesterday but i cancelled. im sick of all there bullshit.they dont help.im done with doctors.just gonna go cold turkey and say fukem. my blood levels are messed up too

im so pissed right now i need to calm down. thank you for the kind words everyone


Well-known member
hey superx.no i cant handle thc anymore.gives me too much anxiety. ive been taking Naltrexone for the booze but it dont help too much. i need to take benzos but they stopped giving them to me so thats one reason why i drink. im just sick of all this. phsycally and mentally.had a doc appointment yesterday but i cancelled. im sick of all there bullshit.they dont help.im done with doctors.just gonna go cold turkey and say fukem. my blood levels are messed up too

im so pissed right now i need to calm down. thank you for the kind words everyone
Take each day at a time Hawk, only you know what's best.. Definitely believe in a scenario like this, you have to take the bull by the horns. I have been down this road myself many moons ago, I practically had to rebuild after losing a lot of things close to me. It helped having friends around me at the time, but I also lost several friends in the process as I did with family members, thankfully lots of those bridges have been rebuilt.. Try instilling positive thoughts man, and stick with positive people, you can definitely beat this if you really want..

Try getting something over the counter at the pharmacist for the sickness for going cold turkey..
Aim for 3litres of water a day (2 minimum) as your going to be losing a lot of sweat, if you don't feel like holding down soild foods try making pots of home made soup... Expect your sugar craving levels to go through the roof, those contorted dreams at night are something else..

You gotta take one day at a time man..
The world might seem like a rather dark place to be at the moment, it won't always be like that...

aire a thabhairt


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
Sounds like we are going down the Anglo Norman route with Mac and Mc, or someone has strayed of the indica path 😆 Irish Gaelic/Scottish Gaelic Mac means son, (not to be confused with the big mac) Mac has most certainly its roots in the Gaelic language as it does with Scottish Gaelic, im sure Cromwell will be turning in his grave 🤣

Hey pops, Tartare sauce you say? We use mayonnaise/capers/lemon juice and dill.. easy peasy.
Add the lemon juice at the end and keep tasting it for your preferred level of acidiness, I like it to be rather sharp on the tongue so I wouldn't hold back on the lemon juice, you will need to blend/mash the capers, if your not a fan of capers use pickled greens, Babba mentioned garlic, this would help with building the flavour profile, I don't use garlic my self, it does no harm to dable for taste profile, keep tasting as your preparing it and add accordingly (as you would with any dish)

Hey Buzz, good to see your on form man 👍

Hey Hawk ; we are all rooting for you from the sides man, do you smoke/vape the herb ? Maybe this can be a side step / distraction from the booze man, it sounds like your genuine in putting a halt to it.. Your still a young man with lots to look forward to, who knows what the future holds buddy..(you might end up marrying that asian girl)

Can you get those anti booze tablets over there? (Disulfiram) nasty side affects of them if you do drink while your on them. They helped a lass I know, she finally quit and turned into a raging coke head..
my last name is a mc-name
but from the ancestory book i guess i have some scotch in me* and some fench
my mom is full blood taiwanese and is the first person in her family to live off the island
/a lot came to school in the states but went back
ahh! capers, thats a hawt taek! xman, ive never thought of that before
i like to use the dill pickles too for the fish sauce, plus a will give it a nice splash of the pickle juice to to bring it all together
thats awesome you could rebuild your bridges man! im still working on that but it is a two way street
some great thoughts on @shithawk and i hope he picks himself up
so you cant smoke weed because it causes anxiety, but the drinking fills you with rage and pain like a real physical pain where you cant move and shit like that, not the crying alone in the bathtub type pain like @Bababooey lives with
i think they do not give you the benzos because they dont want you to transition from one drug to another
like x mentioned a lot of times people clean up the booze only to fill the hole with something else
im not one to talk and im rooting for you man

* plus a little vodka!


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
mr McMac . i used to enjoy watching the giants play early morning uk time, live back in the late 80s early 90s era. harry carson i recall was decent
no likes in this thread but right on man!
i think the nfl is making a big push to try and expand into europe


Well-known member
my last name is a mc-name
but from the ancestory book i guess i have some scotch in me* and some fench
my mom is full blood taiwanese and is the first person in her family to live off the island
/a lot came to school in the states but went back
ahh! capers, thats a hawt taek! xman, ive never thought of that before
i like to use the dill pickles too for the fish sauce, plus a will give it a nice splash of the pickle juice to to bring it all together
thats awesome you could rebuild your bridges man! im still working on that but it is a two way street
some great thoughts on @shithawk and i hope he picks himself up
so you cant smoke weed because it causes anxiety, but the drinking fills you with rage and pain like a real physical pain where you cant move and shit like that, not the crying alone in the bathtub type pain like @Bababooey lives with
i think they do not give you the benzos because they dont want you to transition from one drug to another
like x mentioned a lot of times people clean up the booze only to fill the hole with something else
im not one to talk and im rooting for you man

* plus a little vodka!
For sure buddy the juice will certainly help to jazz it up.. I find the capers hold enough brine and tend to release this after the blending/ mashing process.

NFL is out there on a global scale man, it exceeds Europe.


Horse-toothed Jackass
So Gaelic language/customs span both Ireland and Scotland? That is interesting, i did not know that. So Mc and Mac are basically the same thing, but Mc is more common in Ireland? I guess there's a parallel universe where McDonald's would have been called MacDonald's...

I feel like these tartar sauce recipes would be more appropriate during Lent, which isnt for a few months, but fish is good to eat anytime, it's healthier than most meats although deep frying it makes it less so.
I do like the minced pickles because like superx said the brine adds acidity, and Pops made a good point that letting it sit overnight the flavors will combine better.
Checked out the aldi's again last night and yeah, no crab cakes. Maybe it's a regional thing? Theyre frozen so u think they could ship it anywhere but maybe living far from the ocean is a factor...

Hawk was doing pretty well on the booze intake for a few months, think a 30pack would last him a week. The benzos i feel were a poor substitute for booze, crushing and snorting them were ill-advised, and coming off them is a hard detox ime. But like superx said, with the right mindset you can come back from a dark road.
Doctors can be frustrating to deal with but im not sure what they can do re: your addiction that they havent already tried. I guess the first order of business is to get your liver enzymes under control.

Bears host the titans week 1, theyre favored by 4.5 and i might take that, im not sure how good the titans offense will be, will levis is a 2nd yr QB and they replaced King Henry with tony pollard from the cowboys. They have deandre hopkins at WR and signed former bengals WR tyler boyd. I suppose if their O-line is good theyll put up points but i see it as a bottom half offense for now.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
the bears v ten should be a fun game
like you said they are no the same team without king henry but have pollard (a perennial 1000yd rusher) and a 2nd year kid tajae spears who should see his share of touches
this should still be a run heavy team
i liked their defense in the past and we will see how they play this year, but for now im going to say its a +
not too up to speed on the bears, but im hoping you can fill me in
rams play the wee baby mcgoof on opening day (actually night!) and this should be a great game
det has an excellent up and coming offense plus their defense has some rising stars on it, i see them totally making the playoffs this year
rams have a lot of fire power on offense but the D is a ??? for now, but we will see how the new kids on the block play plus we have some new guys step it up last year so hopefully they continue on their road to success
that sucks they dont have the crab cakes, did you try asking somebody who worked in the store?
like you said, they are frozen and i dont see why they cant ship them anywhere in the us
i just got on this seafood/fish kick earlier in the summer and you gotta have the sauce!
i like the capers addition to the mix like @superx said and might buy some and check it out
yeah the nfl is popular around the world but they are really making a push into europe and latin america it seems with games in brazil, england and germany
i think its also popular in aus where they have an aussie football league, but its more like rugby than nfl
me geelong cats


Well-known member
sorry for making this a diary. i really do appreciate it guys. sometimes i go on a big bender and i dont stop drinking. im quiting for now. but i get manic sometimes and just wanna be obliterated. it sucks.i havent drank in a few days and im still messed up.i can feel it in my head.its hard to explain.

guess ill put my money on the bears. dont know much about the titans. hope i dont regret my words. i still dont trust the bears but i am hopeful
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Horse-toothed Jackass
I had pollard on one of my fantasy teams last year, he was better when he was the change up to Zeke, as the #1 RB he was kinda mediocre, didnt have as many big runs or big games.
Titans also have a new head coach, brian callahan who was Joe cool's Off Coor with the bengals. The previous HC, mike vrabel, was more of an old school "lets run the ball and play good defense" guy, who knows what the titans D will look like with an offensive coach in charge.

Speaking of the rams and titans D, rams traded their LB and signal caller, Ernest jones, to the titans cause they didnt want to pay him. Not sure if that's a net loss for the rams, it depends on who's going to fill his spot.

Im pretty sure aldi's doesnt keep a lot of inventory in the back, the store is the inventory, especially if it's frozen, but we could ask next time.

I see that after the opening TNF game between the ravens/chiefs, the next day Friday has an NFL game in Brazil between the packers/eagles. That's gotta be a first, right? I know the NFL has had games in mexico city for a while now but brazil is next level, i thought soccer was king down there.

No worries Hawk, everyone has their ups and downs, u more than most people i think. Ur messed up liver and coming off benzos is going to wreck u for a while, once u get those under control u should feel 90% normal again. Hopefully.

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