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New Mission Revealed : Bogs Sour Bubble BX1



Allright folks ,

Some of you have been prepped , knowing I've been working on other projects , other than my Blue Sonja deal . Some folks have asked what's up Steele's sleeve , but without completing tha grow and assessing what we're working with , we weren't willing to reveal what exactly was goin' on at "Tha Grind House" . This current mission will be of interest to a select group of peeps , in regards to Bog's work . We purchased this pack of seeds , tha last time Bog's stock went up fer auction . We picked up tha Sour Bubble BX1 with tha sole reason of producing 1IX BX1 seed for SBay folks as well as provide cuts and meds to local clubs . We decided on tha purchase of tha BX1 knowing that we would have a wider range of phenos to select from , as opposed to tha BX3 . This mission of ours holds a special place in our hearts , as Bog personally helped me , as well as many others , quit smoking almost 3 yrs ago ; he truly is a right dude .

More info to come ; Here's tha first installment of pics

A seeded side cola from Plant #1

Plant #2

Plant #3

Plant #9



Nice tribute!!

Ol' BOG was good to me too........
Gave me LOTS of seeds to work with sometime!!
Miss him and his fist sized buds always.....
Keep a searchin for that moma!


Nice work Steel. The work is definitely in some capable hands. Best of luck with all of your r & d. I'm hoping the best for you in all you do. I'm still pissed that the blue sonja bx, blue sonja x bubba beans you gave me were stolen before I could really work with them. Really excited to see how this project turns out. Take it easy.

krome :rasta:


Very, very nice. Those plants filled out pretty good. Are you using 1000 watt lights on those plants?

SB BX2 & BX3 did have some different variations in plants. All were very cool though. I hope you found the type plant you were looking for. They look classic, maybe leaning heavy on the bubblegum side.

Check out this wild variation in BX3. About 3 oz's of solid bud under those huge leaves in that little shorty.



BC , good to have ya .
Lougrew , good to stop by . We won't be searchin' through "our" beans , as we are just goin' to reproduce Sour Bubble 1IX x BX1 seed for Sbay consumers lookin' fer Bog genetics .
Krome , killer to "see" ya . Laughs how I didn't know that was you fer tha longest . LOL .
The Tester , yes these girls did real well , considering all tha reports of low yield . Can't say that's tha case , 'least with us . But yeep , they were lit with 1000 watt candles .
Just harvested , so we'll see what we're left with here , after tha dry , but just throwin tha seeded nugs in bags , they weighed in heavy .

Stay safe an' grow hard


Active member
Jus crossed some BX3 with Red Eyed Bride.........

Jus crossed some BX3 with Red Eyed Bride.........

Got 3 in very early veg. I think I'll call it Sour Eyed Bride! :chin:
Here's a shot of the parent stock on dads side

The other is a bud from the mom (not bad considering a nasty mite infection :badday: )
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i did a sb4 run and made all the women prego from head to toe...also i crossed a gdp with some sb4 pollen....i like what i see here wwith the sb1's....look to be better yeilders that is for sure...keep up the great work


Active member
how them buds drying, they looking good?

i know youve done a test smoke allready so let us know how it is mang.

some dry bud pics would be GGGGGRRRREEEAAAATTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

STAY SAFE ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,DWTC


All right folks ,
we've had some dry time , and plenty of samples . People are really hot on this shit . We are gonna assume that this was a Bubba Kush , BogBubble cross as they have a HEAVY taste an' aroma way to close to Bubba to deny . 3 different phenos found in tha pack .

Tha cross showed 3 outta tha 5 females Bubba dominant , all tasty with rich , coffee , chocolate excellence and a sweet bubble gum finish . 2 of tha females in this phenotype were stocky and branchier , while 1 was taller . All 3 bearing tha distictive "Crown" , Bubba's structure is known for . These girls potency was consistant throughout

Our main interest however , has been plant#9 or what we will refer to as our "DMT" pheno . She looks consistant with pics of tha Bubble Gum pheno , however , virtually no bubble gum transfers over in taste . Anyone who has smoked tha hallucinagen , will instantly be overcome by tha chemical stench and never forget it's smell . This girl , on and off tha plant , holds on to that palate . She yeilds tha least of tha bunch , but packs tha tastiest wallop , with a nug structure similar to styrofoam . A plant anyone would be proud of .

DWTC , these pics are fer you my friend :

Tha 3rd pheno encountered was shit canned , having an unattractive structure and less than appealing smell akin to "milk weed" .

3 similar males have been saved for seed production . More info to come

Thanks fer tha interest ,



Active member
very frosty indeed my friend, those look steller. my mouth is watering as i type. coffee,chocolate, and sweet bubblegum sounds so tasty.

so you didn't get any sour phenotypes?

thanx for the pics they deff look tasty,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,stay safe,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,dwtc


DWTC , 3 girls from 1 pheno were Bubba dominant , however , if you've smoked DMT , you'll find it chemically sour to an extant . I have a real hard time trying to describe tha stench but as I find tha words to best describe her , they'll be posted . Gonna have'ta get another members opinion fer tha record .



can't wait til the seed release steele! Are you planning on releasing backcrosses of both phenotypes or are you just gonna pick one?


Mixed bag baby , mixed bag . Keep tha vastness of phenos within tha BX1 , ya know ?
3 males make up our BX1 1IX with 3 females of 1 pheno and tha DMT pheno , totaling 4 females .



Active member
looks good, steel!

looks good, steel!

very nice plants!!

BOG was good to a lot of us...the advice he gave me was valuable beyond measure...

taught me to be stealthy...

thanks, bog. :wave:


Active member
steel savage said:
DWTC , 3 girls from 1 pheno were Bubba dominant , however , if you've smoked DMT , you'll find it chemically sour to an extant . I have a real hard time trying to describe tha stench but as I find tha words to best describe her , they'll be posted . Gonna have'ta get another members opinion fer tha record .


thanx for the reply. sorry to say i haven't smoked the DMT(what is it?), but i have grown and smoked the SDIBL, very sour fuelly smell and taste, if that compares any.

gave my SBBX3 to a friend to help out on a project!!!!!!!! been wanting to taste that everysince i got em :badday: one day i will!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

let us no when they hit SB i wouldn't mind getting a pack or two :wave:

stay safe,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,dwtc

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