lost in the fog
New member
Mexico. ? is jidoka going to back up anything he said ? this is very relevant to the rest of us talking to him like a person.

Once you make those decisions then it is canopy control and labor. I have trouble seeing more than 1-2 people/10,000 sq ft. I would be looking at a mgr/lead whatever you call them per 5-9 10K GHs
Do yourself a favor and look for people with mfg backgrounds for those jobs. Give them sops for the grow part. Do not hire anyone that claims to be a “grower”
So...this may be more than you want to say online...but is there money for the entire project or 1gh gotta pay for the next, etc
You gonna veg separately or in the flowering GHs? Organic with boosts for ec control or small coco/rockwool?
Once you make those decisions then it is canopy control and labor. I have trouble seeing more than 1-2 people/10,000 sq ft. I would be looking at a mgr/lead whatever you call them per 5-9 10K GHs
Do yourself a favor and look for people with mfg backgrounds for those jobs. Give them sops for the grow part. Do not hire anyone that claims to be a “grower”
Keep trimming and concentrates separate. Grow that as needed
Ideally you would start with enough ghs to harvest weekly to smooth out trim/concentrates
Truth. We do 120,000 sq ft and that requires about 20 people, 4 of which are leads with one gm.
Good info in here, without an unlimited budget I like the DIY steel green house build by crushingyuba, these are solid and cheep at only 1000$ for 20x100 it would be easy to build and stack as many as needed on a very low budget . Here in Humboldt things have gotten very industrial real fast. I have seen these built fast and cheep on freshly graded flat acres, at many newly permitted farms. At only 2000 sq ft each your project would require many. You could expect from 60-120 lbs yeild from each every 60 days. Most veg teens else where and replant 24 hours after each harvest, thats maxim efficiency .
Thank you for recommending my design! But at this scale, the design i shared is not the best. I have built gutter connected units but it's very different from what i shared in that thread. for something that scale, he is looking for gutter connected bays that use rack and pinion shade systems. Most are pretty similar mechanically. Forever flowering doesn't manufacture ANYTHING. They are just retail. I believe conleys still makes the FF greenhouses. Really on that scale, i would be checking out more commercial options then any of the guys you have contacted.
You should be looking for the right local construction company to build it. They will bring their own steel.
You can use a set of bays for veg and a larger set of bays for flower. It has to be done perpetually so you have a bay being harvested every week. This allows people to have dedicated 40 hr a week jobs so things run smooth. You have a guy that only harvests, a guy that only transplants. A guy that preps bud for a trim machine and a guy that touches up the bud after the machine. A guy that only prunes. In my experience, running chemish fertalizers through drip is going to be the easiest for this size. Amending organic soil on this scale Will complicate things a good bit. It's way more labor and problems to arise. Is doable though.
Icmag is not Really the place to get this type of info. Most of the people on here are hobby growers. I don't see any large growers on here at all. You are talking agriculture. I have learned allot from this forum about what a plant needs and nutrients. But i have not really gotten any valuable information about garden setup or infrastructure. For that i look to other types of agriculture and had to figure it out how to apply it to cannabis on my own.
Cannabis is just now getting to become agriculture. There are very few people doing this successfully at the moment. You say that cost isn't an issue, but i know allot of commercial Cannabis growers that just aren't recouping their investments, let alone turning a profit. I have had to drastically change what i do to make my overhead fit the current Cannabis market. The margins are damn slim.
Feel free to PM me. I can share with you some solutions.
When you get on this scale you want to run everything by standard operating procedure...not the opinion of a grower. For example, say you are topping at the third node but you get the idea that maybe the 5th node would fill the canopy better. You want to do a single table test
You want to base change on data not what someone thinks. Growers will constantly surprise you...you walk into a room and every fan leaf is gone cause that’s the internet hype. Then you gotta train somebody else.
You gotta focus on the metrics that make companies successful. Inventory turns, yield, productivity, quality and the touchy feely hr...moral, pride, turnover
IMO those are best served by evening the flow out so labor is the same every week. Harvest the same amount of plants. Plant the same amount of plants. Do the canopy work the same day weekly. And above all spray on foliar Friday ��.
Measure yield by weight/sq ft or weight/bed if all your beds are the same size
Anyways think about the metrics as you plan. Don’t create roadblocks right up front
Thank you for recommending my design! But at this scale, the design i shared is not the best. I have built gutter connected units but it's very different from what i shared in that thread. for something that scale, he is looking for gutter connected bays that use rack and pinion shade systems. Most are pretty similar mechanically. Forever flowering doesn't manufacture ANYTHING. They are just retail. I believe conleys still makes the FF greenhouses. Really on that scale, i would be checking out more commercial options then any of the guys you have contacted.
You should be looking for the right local construction company to build it. They will bring their own steel.
You can use a set of bays for veg and a larger set of bays for flower. It has to be done perpetually so you have a bay being harvested every week. This allows people to have dedicated 40 hr a week jobs so things run smooth. You have a guy that only harvests, a guy that only transplants. A guy that preps bud for a trim machine and a guy that touches up the bud after the machine. A guy that only prunes. In my experience, running chemish fertalizers through drip is going to be the easiest for this size. Amending organic soil on this scale Will complicate things a good bit. It's way more labor and problems to arise. Is doable though.
Icmag is not Really the place to get this type of info. Most of the people on here are hobby growers. I don't see any large growers on here at all. You are talking agriculture. I have learned allot from this forum about what a plant needs and nutrients. But i have not really gotten any valuable information about garden setup or infrastructure. For that i look to other types of agriculture and had to figure it out how to apply it to cannabis on my own.
Cannabis is just now getting to become agriculture. There are very few people doing this successfully at the moment. You say that cost isn't an issue, but i know allot of commercial Cannabis growers that just aren't recouping their investments, let alone turning a profit. I have had to drastically change what i do to make my overhead fit the current Cannabis market. The margins are damn slim.
Feel free to PM me. I can share with you some solutions.
Bro, you're going to have to go out and do some serious networking and legwork to get this off the ground. Lots of people have started a business on a shoestring simply because they knew what to do and what to avoid, your investors won't be throwing money at you when you have a defunct operation because you bought as much Gucci equipment and greenhouses as you could from the start and something went wrong. When your production breaks down the profit stops, if you can't afford to completely replace vital aspects of the business overnight then you're heading for disaster. You need to do everything from spare parts and employee interviews to spreadsheets that analyze your entire business. I'll tell you right now, nobody is gonna up and Elon Musk their way straight into farming, let alone medical farming. You're wasting your time asking questions on the internet, seriously, get real consultants. Not trying to rip your skirt, it's just good advice that you probably already know.