This, All In, .... x 1,000,000
If you are dating a pig's ex , let alone a pig's ex and mother if his kids he WILL check you right out and fuck you over in any way possible on the slightest excuse and if there is'nt one, he will make one up
Even if you GTFO right now, expect trouble and prepare for it
Read, or re read the Art of War, find out everything you can about your enemy, it might prove crucial
I wish you luck, stay safe
I think this fool went to jail he hasn't responded to anyone's response lol
#Should'veKnown #FuckDaPolice
To add to this right here comment..
I haven't met a cop yet that isnt a criminal either.
convince her to might need the memories later.....yeehaw
OP is one time
when your disposing of a half lb cause you pissed her off and she pulls the "my ex is a cop" card you will probably be wishing you had taken some of the above advice.
That being said, when i met my wife 16 yrs ago she ran a charity for the RCMP and had a RCMP for a boss who ended up guarding our PM....
Married 12 yrs now...sometime you gotta take a chance
I've been seeing this woman recently who has a father and brother who are both cops, and her ex is also a cop. He's sort of in the picture as they have a son together, who he gets one weekend a month.
We've smoked herb together at a concert, but only what was being passed around by others as I didn't bring any with me, but she has no idea I grow and aside from toking up at the concert with her is not aware that I smoke.
Frankly I'm torn. We get along well...but the fact that she has cops in the family has me freaked out. Not growing is not an option for me at the time either...
Imo havin the cops on your side is a bonus, if things go sour id expect some invasion of your rights more than you would expect Only dangerous if you break her heart. Beware a woman with a broken heart.... cops r close knit, brotherhood types. Not bad people, just doing their job most the time...