yeah thats a tad bit over priced lol
Lol dude many people have already made hydraulic presses. Ringo made one like a month ago or more. I've made several starting like 3 months ago. If you troll around on ig enough you'll find all sorts or presses. Rest assured we arnt the only ones doing this stuff. I try to remain open to the idea that any day someone is going to come out with a sweet press utilizing concepts no on has even dreamed about yet. There's always hidden little pockets and I feel that the main point of this thread is to make a larger less hidden pocket that everyone can share and discuss ideas.
Whatever your doing just make sure the frame can withstand the force.
Idk what your up to but keep in mind silicone is very flexible. If your using it for a seal or gasket of sorts, keep the flexibility in mind.
There's a company that sells kits to mold your own silicone. Is food grade silicone that comes in bulk and you can make your own molds and shape it as you wish. It's actually really easy to mold silicone. I know a lot of people who make organite and have made some extremely cool molds of their own. Sweetest one I've seen yet was a skull. Idk the company though but I'm sure you can easily Google it if you havnt already, hope this isn't a bunch of crap you already knew lol!
plates aren't where its at for production I don't think. something you mentioned in another post is a better tactic I think sunfire. some type of cylindrical heated tubular press, that doesn't allow the medium to spread as it is compressed...
6x2 is 12 square inches. 4700÷12 = 391.66 psi.
I don't have any hard evidence for this but I feel like square would better, round prefferably. I started out with 9x2 and 1x4.5 but then went to squares and rectangles like 2x2 and 4x5. Can you get smaller plates to do smaller filter bundles and play with the different pressures? Would be cool if lots of people did this with different press designs and we could compare the results.
Cold rolled mild steel 1 inch thick is the best for the money. Cold rolled has cleaner surface and corners and is stronger, made for machinery. 1 inch thick flat bar is easily acquired in whatever width and length you'd like from a local metals supplier.
GanjaPharma mentioned the induction plate. I got one, it works well but is for sure unreliable as far as accurate temps.are.concerned. Idk if it'd be better to just get a regular hot plate. I used to heat plates on a stove top with a pool of water sitting on top of the plates. As soon as the water boils off you are around 220 for a smaller pool and maybe up to 230 with a larger pool. This worked fast and great and was easy and took no electricity. The induction plate is nice cause you don't have to hover over it waiting to do your press. You just let the plates sit on the surface until you are ready. You can also test/calibrate different power levels with the water pool/puddles.
this is a little bit different types of presses, both of them. while i like what Todd and crew had going on with the reverse plate press, it does leave many safety concerns open.
my thoughts with the silicone actually need the pliability for directional movement of the oil. im working with a few people from indusrty areas i would have never thought to look, they approached me on bho blasting and i brought this up they went nuts with ideas, so next week i will be trying out the first press idea. with a few different mediums ie drysift, cured nug, and live nug.
Todd and crew???
Yeah it was island mountain. And Hezekiah was one of the property owners and had 1000 plants. He's a huge hypocrite and has been chased out of many counties prior to this. He also backs a bill that's all about stopping the "environmental damages" of growing herb. They want to bring in fish and game, forestry, fire, and other departments to further police us. I saw the news coverage and pics of his huge hoops and the papers say it was a huge environmental disaster. They were operating illegally in 2014 and until late April this year. The only reason they payed the taxes to the secretary of state and re-upped their license was because I was blasting him on Facebook and shutting down all the lies he was trying to sell. I'm so glad we were never involved with him. The BOS would love to accuse us of being in bed with "cartel style" growers. Not trying to rag on your leader, bit this is all the truth, ive done a lot of research on the issue and i disagree with hezekiah. We can fight the county, and we can win! Huge multi county federal appeals case will launch this winter. Maybe you can help bring in some northern counties?
Yeah the seals thing sound like bullshit. If the ram and seals can handle the pressure without heated plates, it should handle it with heated plates. 150 - 250F isn't that much heat as far as a nylon or ptfe seal is concerned, especially at the other end of the shaft. Lots of false profits and bullshit in this industry. I really like the pics of the "gurus" shitty little gardens. I bet you and your neighbors crush way nicer gardens then most of the big names on instagram. And you gonna be stoked to not spend 4G for your press.
go for 1 inch thick colled rolled flat bar. Mild steel is fine you don't need a high carbon content for the small size of plates we use. I like the 1 inch thick cause it will hold more heat as opposed to 3/4 inch plates I was using before. I think GanjaPharma said he was using .5 inch plates. I guess it depends on your style. I do rather larger presses, at low temps it can seriously take minutes to get it all out. This is why I now realize I need self heated plates.