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New Caledonia Standard, Outdoor grow!

Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
Here's a couple of photo's (not mine) of one of the NC's that i gave away. It's still in the original pot and compost from when i gave it them. It's had no food at all ad has not been prunned either since i passed her on.

WhatsApp Image 2021-07-23 at 14.09.00.jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2021-07-23 at 14.09.31.jpeg

She's looking very hungry, so i've advissed a light feeding or transplanting/repotting.

Hopefully on Saturday i'll be visiting my friends who have the other gifted plant and i'll get some more shot's of her also.

See you all Sunday for the update!


Well-known member
Here's a couple of photo's (not mine) of one of the NC's that i gave away. It's still in the original pot and compost from when i gave it them. It's had no food at all ad has not been prunned either since i passed her on.

She's looking very hungry, so i've advissed a light feeding or transplanting/repotting.

Hopefully on Saturday i'll be visiting my friends who have the other gifted plant and i'll get some more shot's of her also.

See you all Sunday for the update!

Can your friend transplant to the ground soil? Looks like there's some room to the right. I find that plants grown in the ground can handle neglect much better.

Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
Can your friend transplant to the ground soil? Looks like there's some room to the right. I find that plants grown in the ground can handle neglect much better.

That's what i'd be inclined to do.We're going up to thier house tomorrow, so i will try and persuade them to stick her in the ground.

i was up at the other friend's house this morning and took some more pictures of her NC. I'll post them tomorrow when i post my weekly update. Too bloody hot to do anything today. 40c!
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ACE Seeds Breeder
Muchas gracias Hombre del mont enjoying each and every update ;) yeah i agree with Azure about your friends' NC plant, she really needs a transplant, better plant her directly in the soil.

Have a great weekend! :)

Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
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Happy Sunnday to all. It's been a hot week here; most day's the temperature has been in the upper 30's and twice it's hit 40!. Today is a pleasant 32 and i've been able to do a few jobs outside. The plant above is not NC but Panama; Somehow during the uploading i've managed to get the pictures messed up.

Yesterday I went up to visit the one of the couples that i gave a plant too.

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NC in the foreground, Runtz at the rear and Gorrilla to the right. these plants have recieved no extra food at all. The area where they are being grown has had horse shit dumped on it for several years.

This lunchtime we visited the other couple whom i gave a plant to.
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She's looking very hungry but i am assurred that she will be transplated into a bath tub later today. I did try and suggest that she'd be better off in the ground. The lady who is growing her is Dutch and has been brought up on Dutch genetics; I'm really looking forward to her trying some real MJ!. We did have a very nice lunch though and came away with a sack full of apples and many jars of homemade pickles and chutneys! very nice.

Now for my girls

First up is the NC

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I like to sit here in the late afternoon taking a bit of sun. My NC really smells, whereas both of my friend's don't; I've just been outside and done a stem rub and i'm getting Basil and Cat Piss!

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It's now 2 weeks since i took a lot of the tops out and she has rcovered nicely.
She contiues to get watered every 2nd day and fed every fourth day with 1/2 stregth grow food. In the last few days i've noticed that a couple of my plants have appeared to stretch a bit, although it seems a little early?
After dinner tonight i'm inteding to put a net over her to give her more stability and allow me to better space the tops apart. I'm expecting this girl to stretch a lot so i'll probably end up putting a second net higher up as she stretches. Eventually most of the growth below the screen will be removed.

On the otherside of my chair is this lady SMH
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This plant really slike her food. She's on the same schedule as the NC but instead of half strength food she gets 1.5 x full strength and even then she's only just green. This plant is quite smelly too; stem rub gives a Moroccan Hash and Pine. This plant seems to be starting to stretch also.

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On the same schedule as the others and is recieving 3/4 strength food.

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It's only a week since i topped her and removed the stragly bits but already it looks like she's not been cut at all. This is going to a big plant. (The Basil and the Marrigolds need a waterig)

And last but not least is the Goldern Tiger.
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Appologies for the quality of some of the photos and for any spelling mistakes. Im too hot and to hungry to care. Tonight we have Potatas Pobre, curtesy of a huge bag of green peppers brought round this moring by one of our lovely Spanish niegbours. I Love Spain!!
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Calle Minogue

Brother of the COB
Much appreciated that you are sharing your work here! I love Spain too :)

I am working on 52latitude unfortunately I can’t grow girls like you.


Well-known member
Yes lovely updates and local colour stories makes it all seem so real. All those plants are going to produce big time I'm sure, they are loving the sun and who can blame them.

Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
Much appreciated that you are sharing your work here! I love Spain too :)

I am working on 52latitude unfortunately I can’t grow girls like you.

52N! that sounds cold. Thanks for the kind words.

So yesterday evening after my Potatas Pobre (very nice indeed!), i decieded to put the net over her.


I shall pull the tops under and through the netting in a attempt to keep all the tops at an equal hieght; Much like a scrog.

As she grows upwards and stretches, then a second net will be installed higher up (we have serious winds here and they can really do some damage, hopefully the net will provide some stability.) . Eventually all the growth below the current net willbe gone. well, that's the plan anyway.

Have a great week folks, try not to work to hard.


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Calle Minogue

Brother of the COB
Yeah it is north but we have some nice Strain for our climate as well. This season I have a lot of interesting genetic running.

Can’t wait to see your trained monsters start to flower :)
Do you plan some crosses or something else?

Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
Hi Calle Minogue, i used to live in the UK at a simalar latitude and used to grow indoors for many years. Since moving to Spain 8yrs ago i've been growing outside but this is only my second year of growing in soil. I learnt a lot last year (especially about catapillars, lol!) and have already learnt a lot again this year. I guess as a grower, the older you get the more you learn.
Last year i did SMH and Goldern Tiger and both produced well, but this years plant's are already doing better. i'm very excited to see them come into flower.

Sadly i won't be doing any breeding; i dont have a lot of places were i can put plants that are away from public view/smell. I'm hoping that towards the winter to start a little indoor project, then hopefully i can start to do some. Although when i look through Ace's catalogue, there are so many that i'd like to try, i wonder if i'll ever find the time.

This morning i drove into the village and was struck by how many different grows i smelt just driving up our camino! I was greeted at my local Teteria like a returning member of the family. As we sat there eating our tostada, several friends drove by shouting greetings, the owner came out with our coffee and a gratis plate of homemade chocalate bonbons. I smoked a big spliff and felt very contented and at peace with the world.
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Well-known member
Damn man that sounds like paradise. I loved Southern Spain when I visited there a few years ago very like Western Australia.
Next time I need to tour further north the farthest I got was Madrid loved it as well, though I dont normally like cities Madrid is different.


Well-known member
Hi Calle Minogue, i used to live in the UK at a simalar latitude and used to grow indoors for many years. Since moving to Spain 8yrs ago i've been growing outside but this is only my second year of growing in soil. I learnt a lot last year (especially about catapillars, lol!) and have already learnt a lot again this year. I guess as a grower, the older you get the more you learn.
Last year i did SMH and Goldern Tiger and both produced well, but this years plant's are already doing better. i'm very excited to see them come into flower.

Sadly i won't be doing any breeding; i dont have a lot of places were i can put plants that are away from public view/smell. I'm hoping that towards the winter to start a little indoor project, then hopefully i can start to do some. Although when i look through Ace's catalogue, there are so many that i'd like to try, i wonder if i'll ever find the time.

This morning i drove into the village and was struck by how many different grows i smelt just driving up our camino! I was greeted at my local Teteria like a returning member of the family. As we sat there eating our tostada, several friends drove by shouting greetings, the owner came out with our coffee and a gratis plate of homemade chocalate bonbons. I smoked a big spliff and felt very contented and at peace with the world.

Thank you for sharing some of the positivity and peace you have found. I know it kind of cheesy, but hearing people talk about happy times always makes me happy. It sounds like you have a great community of friends and good people there.

Calle Minogue

Brother of the COB
High men,

thanks for your words and the details. From my point of view your plants looking perfect this year. I also try to Scrog 2 plants but I have an invasion of snails und they eating all night long :biglaugh: fortunately we haven’t problems with caterpillar. But I have a big problem with foggy nights in autumn. So I guess you know this climate if you lived in the UK before.

I like the way you trained your plants. I do it with 2 small Apollo Durban IBL this Season in a 10l pot. So it’s really cute :p

So it’s not legal to grow at you site ? But you have social clubs or something like this right ?

Yes ACE and some other breeder doing really great stuff not only Pollenchucker. At the moment I haven’t order seeds for long time. I am happy that I haven’t the feeling to run behind every hype. I have the plan to be complete independent. This year I will make a lots of crosses and I will choose 3 to makes F 2 next season. Afghan xBubblegum I will make this year F2.
i also grow Ultra Early Love F6 but it was not mine work ;)

Yeah I know what you mean, I have this feeling with every walk outside and my wife always tell me it’s just a normal flower with similar smell :)

Yesterday I killed 4 Nepali Males and put the heads in a glass of water. 1 Female out of 5 beans. But lots of pollen now. On Friday I go for 15 days on a journey so I have lots of topics to clarify and prepare. Fortunately my dad will watering all plants but I can’t use him for collecting the pollen and so on.

Friday I will pollinate my Delahaze x Ultra early Love. It is still in flower :)

many greetings

Calle Minogue


...como el Son...
It is only "legal" (consented) if it is self-consumption and if it cannot be seen or smelled by strangers. If the crop can be seen or smelled outside your property (we are not speaking about be seen from the air), anyone who is disturbed by this can report you, and the police will remove the plants.
Besides this the issue of preventing theft, of course ...

PD: Teterias de Granada:

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Curious Cannivore
Calle, Try a copper ring around the stem to deter the snails. I use pieces of copper flashing to make 3 inch tall collars for some of my garden plants and it really helps.


Well-known member
This is a wonderful thread and I’m enjoying it very much. Wishing you all the very best for the following few months Hombre del mont and some fantastic autumn weather.

Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
This is a wonderful thread and I’m enjoying it very much. Wishing you all the very best for the following few months Hombre del mont and some fantastic autumn weather.

40degsouth, i appreciate your kind words. Generally our Autumn weather is good, but it does get very windy. We live in a valley and when it blows, it really blows. We might get storms at the end of September but after that it should stay good until December.
So, yesterday morning before it got stupidly hot, i was out in the garden with the girls doing a bit of maintenance, ie cutting out straggly weak branches and repositioning tops, to keep things nice and equal. TBH, there wasn't a lot of work required on the NC.
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It's 17.30hrs currently and it's hot. everything in the garden is showing signs of heat stress. Once it cools down a bit, I'll be out with the watering can. I'm still watering every 2nd day and feeding with 3/4 strength food every 4th. Today is a water only day for all the girls. I should add, that on the wter only days i'm adding 1g of powdered Neem per Lt of water; it seems to be working well as i have black fly on nearby orange trees and grasshoppers are everywhere but so far all my Marias of insect free and growing nicely, ( Thank you Monturno for your good advice). Tonight i'm intending to up the amount of water she gets. She's been drinking 20lt every 2 days but due to the excessive heat she struggles to go 48hrs without water.

On a different note.
Today is friday, so as usual for us at this time of year, Mrs Del Monte and i got up early and headed down to the beach. We like to be on the beach for about 10am, before it gets too busy.

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This beach is about 35minutes drive from our place in the mountains, and despite being just outside of a holiday town, is completely deserted. 2 km down the coast the umbrellas are almost touching each other! There are no bars, no toilets, showers etc, and we have to walk a little way carrying our provisions. Sometimes we see Dolphins but not for a couple of years. We do this twice a week during the good weather and have done since moving to this Wonderful country 8yrs ago.
¡Viva España!


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