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New Caledonia Standard, Outdoor grow!


Well-known member
What a life my friend if only I had a bit of land away from prying eyes I would be in heaven like you ha ha.
As it is I'm only half way up the ladder ha ha.
Really interested in the New Caledonia and how the high is it should grow to its full potential in your capable hands and warm sun.

Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
Hi Tangwena ,Only half way up the ladder! and all those cobs! You've gone over the top of the ladder and are on another planet my friend.
Thank you for the kind words brother. Most days we feel blessed. Though in honesty, both Mrs del Monte and myself have seen some shit in our time. At one point Mrs DM, as a divorced mum of three, was doing 3 jobs a day to feed and clothe her kids!; her first husbannd was an evil lying bully, many times i thought he'd enjoy a free lesson in ippon kumite; but now he's just a sad fat lying slob with no friends. I think she deserves to sit on the beach at least twice a week and chew a little cob!.
As for me, I've always swam with the current AKA lazy (except for training!)
Maybe we'll have a small dose of mushrooms tomorrow, as well as the cob.

Yesterday Things got even better!, a good friend approached me and asked if i fancied doing a bit of indoors again. He lives in the middle of nowhere no visitors, has free electricity and water and two spare rooms that are at a constant temperture!. He also has a beautifull Doberman.
I've been wanting to have a little room again for some time as, i used to be quite good at it and loved i but had to squeeze it into working fulltime and everything that goes with the manic lifestyle.
There's also lots of land outside for me to grow a couple of trees! Think i'll sprout those free Bangi Haze seeds that i've got. It's a little late, but i'm sure that they'll still do well and give me a back up, should i get robbed.

dubi, From reading the description, despite my training, I expect her to start to get very tall before and durring flowering. I'm thinking that i'll top her to bring her down to size. I'm at 37N, when do you think is the lastest i can top her and expect her to recover before flowering begins? And if is it possible, to give me the same idea for my other girls; SMH, Panama, Goldern Tiger and Zamaldelicia? Thanks
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star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor
So, another week has flown by. The daytime temperatures have shot up over the last week and already today at 11.30am, we've got 31.5c; Today's going to be hot! I've had a lovely week, pottering in the flower/vegetable garden, we managed to get to the beach (totally wild and unspoiled and without tourists) twice, siesta every afternoon and an hour in the sun in the late afternoon. It's a hard life being retired! Today i have to clean our small pool! And tomorrow i have to feed my nieghbours donkeys!

As well as all the above, I've been out in the blazzing sun everyday training my young lady.

It looks like I'm probably going to have to remove the Agapanthus, either today or some point very soon. Yesterday evening i was out with my garden shears, removing more of the hedge to accommodate her rapid growth. She received her first light feeding 2 days ago.

Yesterday, whilst taking some time out from my busy schedule, i went up the mountain a little way to visit some friends, have coffee and a smoke. They are one of the two people that i gave one of my young plants to.
For two weeks they kept the plant in the pot and continued with the LST. Since it went into the ground it has not been trained and is now waist hieght and looking lovely. The internodile gap is a little larger than my plant. They are growing her alongside of two modern style hybrid plants, Something called Runtz and i forget the name of the other (probably because i have no interest in this modern bland shit that they pass off as cannabis nowadays!), (I grew up in the 70s in the UK. Weed was rare but when we got it, it was the real deal landrace sativas. We had a lot of good hash when i was a lad!). All 3 their plants are a very dark green. They are being grown on land where the horse shit is dumped. I'm wondering if that might be a little too strong and delay flowering?. Unfortunately i didn't take any pictures but will when i next visit. The difference between the New Caledonia and the hybrids is very striking.
Hopefully in the next week or two I'll get to visit the other friends who had the other plant and get some photos of her too. I'm quite excited about seeing her as they've let her go straight up after my initial training.



Curious Cannivore
Well you saw that neither of mine got very big... so with all the LST that you are doing I would think she will simply turn into a big bush. Maybe take a couple of cuts too if you are thinking of running some indoor girls...

Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
We still have many weeks of growing yet. From dubi reports and from her rate of growth, i think it's gonig to be a very tall bush and will probablly need some of the interior as well as the hieght removing. This is only my second year of growing outside in the ground. I did a few years of pots when we first got here but my real experience was gained from over 20yrs indoors: Hence the excietment.

How are you enjoying the smoke?

Iniatally, my friend wants to grow a quick flowering variaty, althougth it'll still be something Ace.

I only found out about it last night and have not yet come to any firm conclussions; I didn't sleep too good last night because of the excitment, or maybe it was the opium that he kept giving me. My initial thoughts are to do my own thing on his land with my Sativas and use indoors for some quicker crops plus having the bonus of starting of some Sats in pots and flowering outside out of season etc.
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Well-known member
Hi Tangwena ,Only half way up the ladder! and all those cobs! You've gone over the top of the ladder and are on another planet my friend.
Thank you for the kind words brother. Most days we feel blessed. Though in honesty, both Mrs del Monte and myself have seen some shit in our time. At one point Mrs DM, as a divorced mum of three, was doing 3 jobs a day to feed and clothe her kids!; her first husbannd was an evil lying bully, many times i thought he'd enjoy a free lesson in ippon kumite; but now he's just a sad fat lying slob with no friends. I think she deserves to sit on the beach at least twice a week and chew a little cob!.
As for me, I've always swam with the current AKA lazy (except for training!)
Maybe we'll have a small dose of mushrooms tomorrow, as well as the cob.

Yesterday Things got even better!, a good friend approached me and asked if i fancied doing a bit of indoors again. He lives in the middle of nowhere no visitors, has free electricity and water and two spare rooms that are at a constant temperture!. He also has a beautifull Doberman.
I've been wanting to have a little room again for some time as, i used to be quite good at it and loved i but had to squeeze it into working fulltime and everything that goes with the manic lifestyle.
There's also lots of land outside for me to grow a couple of trees! Think i'll sprout those free Bangi Haze seeds that i've got. It's a little late, but i'm sure that they'll still do well and give me a back up, should i get robbed.

dubi, From reading the description, despite my training, I expect her to start to get very tall before and durring flowering. I'm thinking that i'll top her to bring her down to size. I'm at 37N, when do you think is the lastest i can top her and expect her to recover before flowering begins? And if is it possible, to give me the same idea for my other girls; SMH, Panama, Goldern Tiger and Zamaldelicia? Thanks

Ha ha that post didn't make me feel any further up that ladder my friend you live a blessed life thats for sure. There is an old Chinese saying that if you wait beside the river long enough the bodies of your enemies will come floating past.
As in the case of your good wifes previous looser of a husband you did the right thing not introducing him to pain my friend he has achieved it all on his own ha ha.
Let me know if you do the double act with mushrooms and cob ha ha. I should think it will introduce you to another world ha ha.
Stay cool brother life is what you make it isn't it?


Curious Cannivore
I used to think quick flowering strains were a plus, but growing all these long flowering sativas has changed my outlook. I really enjoy nursing them along and am no longer in a hurry to see them finish. There are so many rewards along the way, and wonderful aromas to savor. French Touch Seeds had great description on their Reunion Island sativa, "For the farmer who is seeking a long love affair. " That's me today. :)

So yeah, this New Caledonia is excellent so far. I'm really interested to see how the second plant smokes once it has cured a bit. I need to give them a side by side report in a few weeks.

Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
Happy Sunday to all.
Another weeks flown by.

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So far the Agapanthus has surrived.
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This last week the temperature has shot up, 38.6c yesterday afternoon. All my ladies are getting through a lot of water. So far I've been only feeding sparsely but today i will give full strength as some of the lower leaves are a shade lighter than i would like. I noticed the other day that both this plant and my SMH were getting attacked by what looks like miniature grass hoppers or crickets, less than a centimeter in length. I gave all the plants a good spraying with potassium soap, neem and some Bacillus thuringiensis (lots of butterflies about now). It appears to have resolved the issue. I'm also adding powered Neem when i water them. 3 days ago i took quite a lot of thin spindly growth out of the plant. She's now at about the limits of her ground area and from now on she'll be allowed to grow upwards.

Ok, so this morning i visited my friends and had a little look in the garden. This week i remembered to take my camera. Unfortunately, the grower had decided to pull the plant over, so she's no longer as tall as she was. The other two plants in the picture, Gorilla (of some sort) foreground and Runtz behind have been topped. The lady grower is very excited by the NC; This is her first ever go with a pure Sat. Interestingly, Her pheno is nothing like as pungent as mine and is only showing 7 fingered leaves, where as mine has nine and is very smelly.
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Have a great week guys.

See you in a week with more pictures


...como el Son...
Esos pequeñisimos saltamontes...son casi blancos? Si son los mismos que aquí, van tornándose verdes brillante y creciendo hasta el tamaño de langostas... Haces bien en seguir regando con neem en polvo, pero recuerda que es también una fuente orgánica de N (7-3-1, creo...)
En cuanto a las mariposas, yo ya he visto hasta alguna pequeña oruga reptando por las hierbas de mi "perrera"...

Aqui también superaremos los 40 °C a la sombra (104 °F) esta semana... Este Junio pasado tan fresquito no era normal, cuando a finales de Mayo estábamos ya con las mismas temperaturas que ahora... Y yo puedo dar gracias de estar en la vertiente norte, porque el la sur, raro es la primera mitad de Julio que no superan los 44 ° C a la sombra ( y hasts algo mas de 47° C / 117 °F, los últimos veranos)... A partir de las 11 de la mañana, no hay sombra de encina libre en el campo, je, je...y hasta las hormigas van con sombrero Panamá y cantimplora.
Pero tu planta tiene una pinta excelente, eso si.
Saludos desde Sierra Morena!

Those tiny grasshoppers ... are they almost white? If they are the same as here, they will turn bright green and grow to the size of lobsters ...
You do well to continue watering with powdered neem, but remember that it is also an organic source of N (7-3-1, I think. ..) As for the butterflies, I have already seen even a small caterpillar crawling through the grasses of my "kennel" ...

Here we will also exceed 40 ° C in the shade (104 ° F) this week ... This past June so cool was not normal, when at the end of May we were already with the same temperatures as now ... And I can give thanks to be on the north slope, because the south, rare is the first half of July that do not exceed 44 ° C in the shade (and even more than 47 ° C / 117 ° F, the last summers) ... Starting at 11 in the morning, there is no free oak shade in the field, heh, heh ... and even the ants wear Panama hats and canteens. .

But your plant looks excellent, yes. Greetings from Sierra Morena!

Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
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The Neem seems to be helping but has not completely eradicted them.

This morning we has cloud till 1pm! I was able to do several jobs around the property.

Greetings from Sierra Nevada.

Hi TexasTea, I took your advice and have made cuttings of all my girl's, as well as starting an S1 Malawi and 3 Bagi Haze regulars. It'll be many months before we start indoors; The cuttings and seedlings will go outside at my friends location as a backup, should my main harvest get robbed.

Hi Tangwena, We didn't do the two combined (yet).

I like the chinese saying, and of course you are correct in what you say, Thanks
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Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
Happy Sunday to you all.

This week I've been in two minds as to wether to post any pic's as the plant looks a mess!

Yesterday afternoon i decieded to give her a good pruning in order to keep the size down; removing tops as well as lots of small shoots. The plant looks quite bare today but i believe that shell bounce back very quickly. After she starts to grow back, i'll put some pea netting over her, scrog style. lollipoping etc as she grows above the net.

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ACE Seeds Breeder
Hi Hombre del mont, hope you survived well the heat wave! Your latest post reminds me i must go to the hairdresser :)
I like to remove the lower small branches (chupones) from big outdoor plants, but i never defoliate so aggressively an outdoor plant.
Anyway, i like a lot the way you keep your outdoor sativa plants so bushy and low in height.


Curious Cannivore
Yeah it's cool how he keeps them so strictly trained. However, I see a potential problem...I know you're in an arid climate, but if you get some rains you will get a ton of dirt splashing your plants. Can be a real mess if they are in full flower, and so careful mulching will be important. ;)


Well-known member
Yeah it's cool how he keeps them so strictly trained. However, I see a potential problem...I know you're in an arid climate, but if you get some rains you will get a ton of dirt splashing your plants. Can be a real mess if they are in full flower, and so careful mulching will be important. ;)

I suspect once she starts stretching into flower the only way she;s growing is up the buds should be well clear of the soil by then.
I remember that one he posted in the shade house a true monster octopus style ha ha.

Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
Hi Chaps, thanks for the positive replies.
It's now 5 days since i did the serious pruning and already she's bouncing back; You'll have to wait till Sunday for pictures though!

At the moment all my plants look very close to the ground, but as they stretch I'll be doing quite a lot of lolloping and generally tiding up below. Hopefully all the bud's will be 40 cm above the soil.

Thankfully the last few days have been cooler, only 32 instead of 42!. The plants are getting through a lot of water at the moment. This evening i gave them all a spray of Bacillus thuringensis mixed with a little potassium soap. I also gave the NC a little food as some of the lower leaves were a little to light in colour. As a side note, my SMH has a big appetite in comparison,

Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
Happy Sunday to you all. It's another beautiful day here in The Sierra Nevada but it's hot!, just like yesterday and tomorrow will be!. I love it!

So this morning i thought i'd show you all what else i have growing besides the NC.

But first the NC. I've been giving her a light feed every second watering. I'm currently watering every 2nd day.
It's 8 days since i hacked the hell out of her and she's growing back nicely!


Next up is the Goldern Tiger, This was started 2 months after the NC and iniatally struggled to get going.
As you can see, she is being grown low to the ground and I'm using pea netting to control the shape.

This plant is a beast! Yesterday she had a serious pruning. All the tops removed and as many straggly bits as i could find were also removed; There will be many more that i've missed and they will be removed as i find them.


Started at the same time as the GT.

And last but not least

Super Malawi haze


Have a great week! see you next suday for an update.


Well-known member
Yeah all killer strains your going to be mighty high with those, come harvest they will be huge.

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