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atomizing haze essence
purple oth is definitely relaxing... green oth is not. I didnt say all colombians are so narcotic like haze A, which is extremely stony.

haze from Tom is electric, ig you get green citric thai pheno... grow it and you will see...


atomizing haze essence
madmac ohz s1 was very nld ..had sedation...more potent than OT hz..less happy but I stlll enjoy it..

I have never said I dont enjoy colombian dom haze. the point is that some idiots confuse people and say about colombian that it is thai and vice versa. while it is clear what is what..


Well-known member
I have never said I dont enjoy colombian dom haze. the point is that some idiots confuse people and say about colombian that it is thai and vice versa. while it is clear what is what..

[I just quietly wondered if you knew which haze went where..]


Well-known member
purple oth is definitely relaxing... green oth is not. I didnt say all colombians are so narcotic like haze A, which is extremely stony.

haze from Tom is electric, ig you get green citric thai pheno... grow it and you will see...

I didn’t say you said anything ..just said what I grew was like for me

thanks the the tom haze update..encouraging


ICMag Donor
it is lemony/piney wood spicy thai pheno of Nhz, no frankies in it, not narcotic effect like colombian dominant haze A... and heavy thai positronics males mixed in.. thats what it is exactly... very thai dom.. not like A haze at all
Whatever it is it’s absolutely killer it’s my favorite I don’t know what to call it ..lm not qualified to call it other than that it’s “good“ …I did pass some on to a ICMAG friend of mine I hope he will chime in here soon


ICMag Donor
Lot of Haze
Last edited:

Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
Sorry for the delay...I've been HIGH 😂

First I have to say this is some perfectly grown, dried and cured cannabis. Flower Power has a green arm not just thumb. The other strains were exceptional as well.

There were multiple branches of Haze given to me and I have sampled them all. It's too soon to do a full review of each but I'll get there.

This stuff is very fragrant. The whole house if just done in opening the bag. The flower is coated in resin for a NLD plant and sticky beyond words. Breaking up a piece releases more intoxicating aromas of sage, incense, savory herbs, and dill.

This branch pictured is my favorite so far. The effect is incredible and immediate. It doesn't seem to have any noticable WLD in the effect. Within a minute you feel the head change, then the little tweak of happiness and the smile starts to grow. Another hit doubles the effect. After the third hit out of my clean glass bowl I am slightly pie eyed, smiling like a lunatic, and looking for something fun to do. Perfectly high af. It is just an incredible effect. If the world only had this flower to smoke it would be a significantly different place.

I did smoke a gram and a half joint to the fingers and was mowing my property. I swear I could feel every screw in that machine doing its thing lol. I was catching things out the corner of my eye, the whole thing, man I was blasted soaring.

The flavor, it's just beyond words so far. So much going on. All the aromas come through with some added lemon rind buried deep in there and once in awhile a little sweetness. It leaves the room smelling like high quality cannabis, church, and maybe hardwood smoke?

Props FP, you did an amazing job on these plants and I feel truly blessed to sample them, thank you!!

Better pics and descriptions coming..


Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
No, thank you man!!!!!

Just for reference in case folks may think I have a low tolerance or smoke hay...lol

I smoke a good ounce and a half a week and here is some of what's on hand that I have, not really touched very much because the Haze blows it away in every category except maybe the bag appeal to the kids.

A bowl of Platinum Do-si-do will straight dummy you. Excellent cannabis. The Haze will completely erase it like you never smoked. Truly potent cannabis.

Other killer Flower Power herbs..



atomizing haze essence
Whatever it is it’s absolutely killer it’s my favorite I don’t know what to call it ..lm not qualified to call it other than that it’s “good“ …I did pass some on to a ICMAG friend of mine I hope he will chime in here soon

there are too many fuckers around haze... not good people... we all know where that stink comes from...

similar pheno of Nhz were selected by Red from Legends Seeds, he crossed it with dj short blueberry or he got pollen from DJ. it was called johny blaze. he found it in greenhouse seeds... people reported thai phenos of johny blaze too...

but again I have to stress that even it was the best NHz pheno I had, it was not even close to good sample of toms haze. that is true miracle... thanks to Tom we have it.. unfortunately some didnt understand the nature of it and watered it down.. fortunately Tom made proper reproduction. I got 100 seeds from him.

I still have beans of this cross. but will not share it anymore. only shitty reactions of suckers I have to deal with, due this cross. not good... and we all know where the bad vibes come from... I can make list of them. but it is not necessary. it is enough to say that name, which stinks like shit, and all these fuckers will appear and act like haze lovers while only thing they ever smoked was some afghanhaze...

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