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Nepal Annapurna


4 seedlings up. unfortunately a few hours inattention resulted in the rest of the seeds getting too hot in the sun.

Time for a heating mat.

Excited to watch grow, this is the first time I've grown herb with the intention of producing seed.
I thought it worth noting, we've had high temps over 105d f (40 c) for the last week, often with wind and relative humidity below 30%. The Nepal Annapurna seedlings do not seem phased by the extreme heat. I do move them to the shade around 11am to noon. They get full sun for a few hours and close to noon.

My earlier season plants are in various stages of flowering and the leaves have changed appearance due to the heat, they've lost some of their shine. Unfortunate, as one plant is only a week of two from being ready, I fear the heat will probably impact quality a bit, and I've delayed flushing ,with the intense heat stress. Most of these are container plants, which are more affected by the heat, than the ones in the ground.


ACE Seeds Breeder
Hi Benoit,

Thanks for the reminder :) The seedling from the cross with Nepal Mist as mother should have a more vigorous start than the one from the pure Nepalese Annapurna as mother. The size and vigor of a seed is mostly determined by the mother, and pure wild Nepaleses are well known for producing smaller seeds with a slower germination and not so vigorous seedling stage.

It's actually one of each (NA x NM and NM x NA) :). Just clarifying if you didn't understood it that way. The cross with Nepal Mist as mom seems to be faster to germinate and more vigorous as well. Or maybe I just fucked up, who knows... :p


ACE Seeds Breeder
Hi Serrated Margin,

No need to scarify the seds neither use a heating mat if you are germinating them in warm room summer temperatures.
In fact, wild Nepaleses germinate with quite cold nights in spring in their place of origin. Hope the remaining seedlings thrive in your hot outdoor conditions.


Well-known member
Indeed, Nepal Mist x Nepal Annapurna has already a clone in the mother room and is in the flower room alongside Purple Honduras Haze. Finger crossed :). Golden Tiger 3 should follow soon (cut in progress). As for Nepal Annapurna x Nepal Mist, I should be able to make a cut in a week or so.

Hi Benoit,

Thanks for the reminder :) The seedling from the cross with Nepal Mist as mother should have a more vigorous start than the one from the pure Nepalese Annapurna as mother. The size and vigor of a seed is mostly determined by the mother, and pure wild Nepaleses are well known for producing smaller seeds with a slower germination and not so vigorous seedling stage.
Nepal Annapurna seedling progress. One seedling, the least vigorous has a lot of color in its stem. Another seedling is much more vigorous than it's comrades. Visible in the background of the first photo is some amaranth I started to keep them company.





Well-known member
And Nepal Mist x Nepal Annapurna is female as well. Geez, feel very lucky this time. 3 females out of 4 seeds this latest selection run :)

So after Purple Honduras Haze, Golden Tiger 3 and Nepal Mist x Nepal Annapurna, only Nepal Annapurna x Nepal Mist is still pending. Lets hope it's a female as well :)
The plants were ready to transplant with roots just to the bottom of the containers, so they went into the ground as a late addition to my garden. Growth has slowed with all the smoke in the air, it's often so smoky that there are no shadows cast from the sun. Have had to rinse ash off of everything in my garden several times.

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The lights on my Annapurna seedlings have just been switched to 12/12. By an elaborate and completely automatic system the duration of darkness will be gradually increased over the coming months. Additionally the temperature of my grow room will be slowly reduced at night to promote fall colors.

Happy Solistice all!


At least one of the 4 plants is female for sure, I suspect the others are too, but it's too early for me to tell about the 3 others. Will try to take some better photos when I have a chance. The digital magnifier is very hard to aim and hold steady. I'm hoping to get at least one male, as I would like to produce seed.






New member
Hi Dubi and fellow growers,

I'm looking to get a nepalese sativa! To grow outdoors in the tropics. Would you please share some advice on a seedline that would bring a clean&uplifting spiritual effect?
A reduced flowering time, increased yield and the 'worked aspect' of the plant would also be really nice, but only if it's got the clear and aware headspace that I'm really looking for.

I'm choosing between the:

Nepal Mist
Nepal Annapurna x Nepal Mist F2
Nepal Mist F2 x Nepal Annapurna
Nepal Annapurna

I'll probably cross them with my other outdoor tropical sativas, to bring a line of softened psychoactivity and increased lucidity.

Thank you!

(PS First post under this account and I'm so excited where this is going :) Irie vibes
Photos taken on the solstice. I'll post some current pictures this weekend to give an idea of growth rate. Given the day length I'm pretty impressed how fast they are growing. If I was growing these earlier in the season I would definitely have to train or prune to keep in check. Also, in the past few days the leaves have stretched and are quite narrow and elegant.

The color in the second picture is off, they all are about the same healthy green color.
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ACE Seeds Breeder
Thanks for the updates Serrated Margin :) This is fairly a very new release, so i'm eager to see growers starting to grow and experience this line.

Glad you already found a female, hopefully you will find more. Wild highland pure Nepaleses like this Annapurna sativa usually start to flower in late August in latitudes between 30-40ºN when planted in spring, ripening on the first half of November. Since yours were planted late and are still young/not fully matured they will take longer to react to flowering and most probably will finish in December.


Well-known member
My Nepal Annapurna x Nepal Mist turned out to be a male. Can’t really complain, out of 4 standard seeds (5 if we count the vanished one) of 4 different strains, I got 3 females.

Funny thing is he had really short internodal space compared to her cousin. I sowed another already, hoping I can get a female soon to compare with Nepal Mist x Nepal Annapurna next grow.


ACE Seeds Breeder
Welcome RedAnts :)

Thanks for your interest. If you want a very Nepalese experience, yet more tamed, better yielding and more potent then Nepal Mist would be the best choice, although it's more variable because it is a F3 semi stabilized hybrid.

Pure Nepalese Annapurna would be the right choice if you want to experience the pristine Nepalese sativa effects in it's purest essence and in case you want pure and more stable landrace genetics for breeding without any influence of modern western genetics.

The Annapurna crosses with Nepal Mist are somewhat in the middle, 75 % Nepalese crosses containing 2 different Nepalese landraces, one from Kathmandu (late 90s) and the other from Annapurna (around 2010), and a touch of old Kali Mist from Nepal Mist.


Well-known member
Hey Dubi
I think you are the one who knows Anwser:
Can i finish a pure equatorial Plant easyer if i start them like very early in January , February indoors? Can i shift the Harvest Date to the earlyer?? Wanna grow Thai at 45North


Well-known member
Way faster to break shell this time, sowed it last Wednesday evening and it was up this afternoon :)

Finger crossed for a female... Maybe I keep the male to inbred one generation sometime later, I still have a father plant.


Looking forward to it Benoit ;)


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