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Science just gave us another great reason to legalize pot


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
We’ve learned about a couple of good medical benefits to marijuana this year and now it seems there’s another one: Using medicinal marijuana makes it less likely that you’ll become hooked on painkillers. CNN reports that a new study published this in the JAMA Internal Medicine journal finds that states that have legalized medicinal marijuana have significantly fewer deaths from painkiller overdoses.

FROM EARLIER: Could pot be good for your heart?

In all, the study found that states that had legalized medical pot experienced around 1,700 fewer painkiller overdose deaths in 2010 than what would have happened if those states didn’t make medical marijuana legal and available.

“We found there was about a 25% lower rate of prescription painkiller overdose deaths on average after implementation of a medical marijuana law,” lead study author Dr. Marcus Bachhuber explained to CNN.

Bachhuber, who also works as a PCP at the Philadelphia Veterans Affairs Medical Center, said that his experience with treating chronic pain has shown that doctors need to have as many options at their disposal as possible, although he also allowed that “it’s important, of course, to weigh the risks and benefits of medical marijuana.”


this would come as no surprise to any of us here that have had to use prescribed opiates to manage pain when cannabis or mmj wasn't available. Since my accident in '04 I'd been put on a regiment of pain killers and anti-inflammatory drugs, ALL of them having adverse side effects to my general health.

Also, I was found to be 'narcotic sensitive' which means that the opiates were too powerful for my system to properly assimilate causing me to puke nearly every time I took them to deal with pain.

For opiates to have their desired effect they need to be in the body constantly, pain maintenance; not to be taken only as needed for times of extreme pain. Cannabis on the other hand can be either used regularly to deal with prolonged pain or used as needed during elevated levels of pain/discomfort.
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Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor
Nature's best medicine... or, rather, ONE of nature's best medicines. Big Pharma can't compete with the efficacy of cannabis on the conditions it treats best, but BP will do it's best to undermine the wonder plant with all it's money and political influence. Seems the truth about cannabis is finally getting out.


Well-known member
high fambz!

obviously it's two different "pair of shoes" one walks in...

even if you "overdose" on edibels you cant succumb to respiratory or cardiac depression/fall out as in the case of overdosed painkillers (opiates or opioides/analogs)

good to have some stats finally :)



if it smells like fish
I aint so shure weed kills the pain. it just allows my brain to forget about most of it lol....I also don't do well with opiates...I only take some now and then ...got about 100 laying around in case..overdosing on weed just makes you feel horrible or fall asleep. I cant ever smoke too much but I definitely can eat too much....


Active member
Speaking as a pain killer/erb junkie I have to chuckle at that one.When a motorcycle lands on yer head all the Jack Herrer or SSH in the world wont help that hurtin


Active member
ICMag Donor
High CBD strains like Harlequin work for pain. Most recreational strains aren't great for pain on their own, but they can make smaller doses of opiate painkillers more effective. Smaller doses of opiates are safer.