I have a neighbor that moved a few months ago but they've been sneaking into my yard and hiding Direct Energy Devices to beam on me, weather its a microwave, laser, ultra sonic waves Im not sure, I just know they can direct it to any part of my body, they've made my feet swollen huge and toes red and burned, they put it on my heart and make my pulse go way up, some of my blood pressure readings were upto 180/140 with pulse of like 140 and this is resting. and I dont have high blood prressure normally. I need to find a way to find these devices I know there in my yard being remotely controlled by them and they can see me with this device, maybe its millimeter wave, Ive been reading alot but cant narrow it down, I know it can travel through tinfoil and I cant find a way to sheild myself from the beam. All the info I find about direct energy devices are for military and dont know how someone could get something like this. I know this might be a little vague but I really need ideas and help with this.