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Nectar of the Gods nutrients, anyone try them?


⛽🦨 Kinebud and Heirloom Preservationist! 🦨 ⛽
I personally would recommend Humboldt Nutrients. I've used a lot of nutes in my lifetime and HN kicks ass... That is just my opinion though... Ran out of what I had and switched to AN, like AN indoors. But 2016 outdoor season, Humboldt Nutrients is where I am going.


Well-known member
Results from the Gods

Results from the Gods

Here are a couple pics from my crappy phone camera. Went into flower on Jan 4. Pics from today.

NFTG nutrition.

as far as costs go:
Compared to purchasing commercial on the open market, the cost of nutrients
in my case is not an issue. Im growing for basically myself.
I could easily burn a oz every month. One month on the open market could easily cost more then the nutrients for a couple grows.

I have a few friends who are commercial growers and the financial
obstacles are huge and In business every cent counts. I wouldn't
compare my situation with anything like that. Especially now with so much new stuff coming out, and not wanting to get caught behind the curve.
I'm loving the NFTG line. I'm very impressed by the quality of the finished product. I now have my whole room on NFTG soils and nutrients. My plants have never been healthier and I'm just getting used to running a coco based medium versus a peat based one.

The plants are yielding about the same, but to be fair the botanicare ones were grown in peat moss. I'm sure NFTG will make a higher quality finished product, but I think using a coco base with botanicare would improve yield compared to a peat based mix and most likely yield more than NFTG.

The key I've found with NFTG is using very little water. I feed my plants a quart of water everyday in flower. They are big plants in 7 gallon pots. I also give a weekly "flush" with bonemeal (Herculean Harvest). This equates to using 2 gallons of water per plant per week. That's 6 quart feeds and one half gallon flush.

My tap water is fairly hard so I dropped the Demeter destiny and haven't noticed a difference. I replaced that with tritans trawl. I don't use mega morpheus either.

I use a total of 9 bottles now. That MM, GM, ZJ, HH, AA, AE, TT, BK and OU. I don't use the TT in veg.

It's really not that difficult to mix and only takes me a few more minutes per day than I was doing before. It's worth it for healthier plants and a better finished product IMO.

I'm still learning how to dial this line so I will update again.

I can say that NFTG grows great plants and has an amazing finished product. It certainly works well. It also yields well in the coco based soil, very similar to the yield I got with botanicare in peat.

I've emailed the owner a lot with questions and feedback and he has been really helpful. The line is a winner, you just have to decide if mixing all those bottles is worth your time. I would say it is, but the botanicare plants are very similar. The NFTG are a little louder in flavor and smell. They are just as dense and yield about the same. I can recommend giving it a shot if you're curious. It certainly works well.
just curious, how much do you drop on a nftg crop?

I should do better accounting, but I could figure it out. I harvest every week and just started using this around christmas so I don't have an exact number per crop.

If you really wanted to figure that out take 1.5 gallons per week on the feed schedule and half gallon per week of HH flush (I use 1 tablespoon per gallon for flush).

I will actually go over receipts and figure that out for you. I will get back to you on that with a better answer. That's a great question and I'm curious as well.
I went over the numbers this morning. Plants that take 9 weeks in Nectar4 coco mix in 7 gallon pots fed the advanced feed schedule with tritans trawl substituted for demeter and bloom khaos substituted for mega morpheus will cost about $42. These plants yield at least 4 ounces and some will get up to about 8, most in between. That's about double the cost of using just pureblend pro and liquid karma in Happy frog/promix.


Well-known member
Questions about watering and feeding with the pro line.

I started by feeding in morning, then watered 2x before feeding again.

As plants grew and got much thirsty I continued same plan.

My gal's easily tolerated the ppm which maxed out at 1300 ppm

I thought it would be better to try mixing to 800ppm and just water with that
I water with that mix and no problems with plants

What do you guys do?
I'm wondering what works for you.
I'm still very new to this.I probably over do the food.
Sorry for the lapse. My blower motor went out in my AC back in April. The plants didn't look photo worthy.

Here's a couple of pics of a plant I cut down today. Does anyone know who to rotate the pics?

I am really impressed with the line. I've been feeding the advanced schedule and subbed tritans trawl for the morpheus. I am using khaos as well.

I will start a new thread soon, but I wanted to let everyone know the Nectar is still working.
what strain is that corn? lookin nice...

It's Sour Lifesaver from BOG seeds. I got the seeds in 2010 when he gave a lecture on growing at the old El Camino Wellness Center in Sac. This is one of my favorite strains of all time. It really tastes like candy with a little cheesy funk too.


Well-known member
Agreed, my finest buds grew from start to finish with NFTG. I used the pro line.

Since then i have completed a grow with chemical nutrients. Dutch Gold.
It was a smoother easier grow, but not quite the same result.

I am moving to soil now and I plan on an Organic as possible grow using NFTG.

No expert here. Many other things other then food effect my past grows. I also enjoyed mixing up the nutrients. Which compared to chemical nutrients was a much more involved process.
Agreed, my finest buds grew from start to finish with NFTG. I used the pro line.

Since then i have completed a grow with chemical nutrients. Dutch Gold.
It was a smoother easier grow, but not quite the same result.

I am moving to soil now and I plan on an Organic as possible grow using NFTG.

No expert here. Many other things other then food effect my past grows. I also enjoyed mixing up the nutrients. Which compared to chemical nutrients was a much more involved process.

Scott told me to use slf 100, microbe life c plus and mammoth P if I wanted to get a great yiled. I added the c plus and slf 100 on that plant this last grow and will.add mammoth P on the next. I did notice a difference in flower size.

The difference is really the flavor. I use the caps on the quart bottles to measure most of the nutrients. A cap is 30 ml. That works for everything but the herculean harvest and Athena amines which I use a measuring cup gor. I mix 5 gallon buckets at a time. I've tried all chemical to all organic and IMO the organic and organic based grows have a better taste. The chemical grows still taste good and usually yield more too, but lack that really nice extra flavor.

Nectar gets the flavor I used to get when I mixed my own soils and supplemented with earth juice bloom. There is a little more mixing, but I can do that in a few minutes now. The good part is there isn't a bunch of soil sitting around and cooking. I also had some problems with inconsistency with some soil having too much N. Now everything is consistent. I also use the Nectar #4 soil.


New member
I agree with the organics kicking in that extra taste, naturally.

Someone mentioned subbing the Tritons Trawl for the Mega Morpheus.

The video from Scott and monster gardens suggests that may cut yield but increase quality.

Something I had to point out, also they seem set on the fact that a weekly and end flush with herculean harvest will allow the mag locked in the medium to become available and also will drive calcium in bone meal rock form directly into the flowers thereby greatly increasing yield.

I just got a full sample box, getting ready to do an 8k side by side hng, stay tuned. Im excited about this nute company.


Well-known member
I lucked out and was given a starter set when I began growing. I love using it.
I purchased all the different products in their line and I have been messing around with them and I like them.
Foliar recipes from Scott are working for me

Their is a large .pdf available from Scott and it is a copy of his notes about the products and how to use them. Very informative.


Well-known member
Sunday, April 24, 2016 Page 1
Unofficial Nectar for the
Gods Growers Guide v2.6
***Use at your own risk*** The information in
this UNOFFICIAL Guide was compiled from the
info on various websites as well as youtube videos,
postings on internet forums and the NFTG
Growers Facebook Group. This guide is neither
affiliated with nor endorsed by Nectar for the Gods
or Scott Ostrander. We are simply Nectar Growers
helping fellow Nectar growers. #nectarfam If you
would like to reach out to the company and Scott
D. Ostrander, you can do so at
This guide will be updated from time to time. Any and all updates will be issued through the
Nectar for the Gods Growers Facebook Page or the Nectar Gear Store. The information in this
guide may or may not be up to date, and/or there may be information that is missing or has been
taken out of context and no longer applies. In short, check for the latest release in the group.
Any and all updates will have the date at the top of the guide.
“On a farming level, the difference really boils down to: Do you actually garden or do you grow
plants. This line is definitely for the farmer who is not afraid to put in the extra work, the extra
steps and the time to cater to each plant. It's a job for sure, but apparently paying off or else we
wouldn't see so many repeat customers.” ~ Scott D. Ostrander
Below is from a Grower on our FB Page:
“I echo the sentiments of all the rest of the Nectarfam! Scott, you are, without a doubt, the most
attentive and available manufacturer, owner, representative, go-to guy, whatever title you want to
give yourself that I have EVER experienced from a nutrient company. Hands down. Period…
The product speaks for itself. Again, hands down.
Yes, quality over quantity. Sure, some folks get sick yields, some get average yields, some get
sad yields, and Nectar may not give folks the huge hydro yields some of them are after. Though,
the potential is there with the line. What I have always found with yields is not always
necessarily the product, but the process and habits a grower has. If I want to get lazy I can expect
to get lazy, average yields. If I put the time in, go the extra mile, and pay extra care and attention
to a run, I can expect better than average yields. You usually get out what you put in. When I
have problems with yields while I've been running Nectar, I always go back and look at my
process, where I may have dropped the ball, or what I specifically did in manipulating my feed
numbers that may have had an impact on my yields. After doing that, I always find the mistake I
MADE that affected my yields.” – AH


Well-known member
Sunday, April 24, 2016 Page 5
General Information:
Please take note of these two important pieces of information.
1) The feeding schedule was written by customers, for customers. It is a reference, a starting
point and by no means pure science for every plant. Find what works best for your plants and
share your schedule with us.
2) Nectar For The Gods is a Calcium based nutrient line, pH is CRITICAL!!!! We encourage
our gardeners to maintain their solutions at a pH value in the 6‘s at all times for optimal
The most important component in every garden, besides the nutritional program you choose, is
the potting medium that you choose. Not all soils are created equally, so we encourage all
gardeners to test their soil’s pH and PPM values before planting in them. We recommend a
simple test called the slurry test (See FAQ in this guide for the steps) This test will explain what
is going on around the root zone. Nectar for the Gods performs best when the medium is in the
pH range of 6.3-6.7 and the PPMs are between 300-500 (using a ppm 700/EC x700 scale meter).
If your soil sample comes out with a lower pH and/or a higher ppm, then a pre-planting flush
with Herculean Harvest and/or Olympus Up will help correct those issues before planting.
Calibrating Meters:
It is imperative that you keep your EC/TDS/PPM and pH meters calibrated. There are too many
brands of meters to go over in this guide, however, if you haven’t yet purchased your meter, you
will want a TDS/PPM meter which reads ppm 700 or EC x 700 scale. If you have already
purchased a TDS/PPM meter, you don’t need to run out and make another purchase. Simply find
the conversion factor your meter is using and follow the chart in the FAQ at the bottom of this
guide. We want to stress the importance of regular meter calibration using calibration solutions
as well as storing your meters properly. Every meter is different, so follow the manufacturers
instructions on how to calibrate and prepare the meter. TDS meters are more accurate when
calibrated at levels that are as close as possible to the sample being tested. If you do not calibrate
your EC/TDS/PPM meter using the correct calibration solution your meter could give you a very
inaccurate reading. For pH meters, you should be given two reference solutions—normally
at pH 4 and pH 7—and a storage solution. It’s very important to never let your pH electrode dry
out. If it does dry out even once, the electrode will be damaged.
Mixing Tip:
There is no REAL important way to mix these nutrients as long as they are being added to a
large volume of water when putting them in. After adding each bottle stir before adding the next.
I personally mix right down the feeding schedule with a few exceptions. If you are NOT using
Bloom Khaos as a root drench, go right down the feeding schedule except that you add the
Herculean Harvest and then the Zeus last, and then pH adjust. Zeus is one of the only neutral to
base pH products in our line so I add it after all is said and done. If you are using Bloom Khaos
as a root drench, it would be Herculean Harvest, then Zeus, and last to go in would be Bloom
Khaos, before pH adjusting. The reason this is important is because once Bloom Khaos makes it
into the mix, it wants to start wreaking havoc on the calcium so the less time it is in the solution
and the quicker it gets into the root zone the better.
Sunday, April 24, 2016 Page 6
Medusa: 2-5-2 – Part 1 of the Basic 4
Foliar Feed
Root Drench
Ingredients: Soybean extract, feather meal, bone meal, worm
castings, potassium phosphate, magnesium sulfate, potassium sulfate and
calcium nitrate
Product Details:
Medusa’s Magic was originally designed as “Part A” of a three-part
nutrient line. To brew Medusa’s Magic, proteins and enzymes are gently extracted from
materials, and then suspended in a worm casting tea. The Nitrogen in Medusa’s Magic is derived
from a protein hydrolysate which will result in a healthier, more natural growth pattern in your
plants. The healthier the plant, the more efficient the plant’s natural response to produce its own
defense mechanisms against pests and disease. In addition to being readily available to the roots,
this digested form of nitrogen encourages the growth of microbiological activity at the root zone
to aggressively break down elements locked in the soil medium for uptake into the plant.
• Unique product for the horticultural industry.
• Contains the most gentle form of organic nitrogen.
• Made without using salts to stabilize the ingredients.
Medusa Information from Scott D. Ostrander ~ Kind of our pseudo base grow formula if you
will. Low numbers on the N-P-K, but fully digested and available. The nitrogen in this product is
derived from digested feather protein. Very gentle and effective form of nitrogen, very hard to
burn. We use soybean meal, feather meal, bone meal, yeast for microbial activity, tons of worm
castings, Humic acid by BioAg. Gentle on the microbes, gentle on the mycorrhizae.
All nitrogen can be fixed in the plant naturally. The healthier that plant is, the more it’s going to
be able to take up those type of nutrients. What we do is we base everything we have created on
a calcium molecule. Through chemistry, calcium is the most active element that we can put into
a plant and carries the most nutrients into the plant and creates the most bonds with other
elements in the soil to become available to the plant. We’ve chosen that protein version of
nitrogen all through extraction off of the feathers because it’s A: the simplest nitrogen molecule
we can get naturally and so available, it does not need to be broken down, you can foliar feed it
and it will be immediately absorbed into the plant. It is one of the most unique nitrogen
available to us. It comes from animal protein so you’re getting a little bit faster acting than if you
were going to use an alfalfa or some form of plant material nitrogen based protein…so it’s
getting in there salt free unlike say urea Nitrogen. Urea is probably the worst form of nitrogen
you can give to the plant. Especially if you are susceptible to pests, mold and mildew. Urea
Nitrogen are usually high in salts, high in water molecules, they promote growth and that’s it.
Not health, not strength, not solid structure, they promote water intake into the plant.
Sunday, April 24, 2016 Page 7
Why is there Calcium Nitrate in Medusa’s?
If you look on the Medusa’s bottle, there is Calcium nitrate in there. We put it on the label so
people knew it was in there, but why it’s there is not to offer nitrates to the plant, but instead it
was the only preservative we could find to neutralize the acids from the digested chicken livers.
As the process goes… We start with fresh, whole chicken livers and grind them up in Cuisinart
blenders. Once ground up into a slurry pate' we then toss them into a 500-gallon heat exchanger
to heat the solution up to over 180 degrees. In this process we are able to isolate the proteins, the
vitamins, the humates, enzymes and organic acids that are contained in livers. Once that process
is complete, we then filter off the connective tissue and meat/muscle tissue leaving behind a
cocktail of enzyme, acid, vitamins and amino rich slurry of pure plant nectar. Now, usually with
most of our products that need stabilizing, we would use one of our many organic acids to do the
pH to stabilize this concentrate, however, because livers already contain their own natural acids,
it does not like to be preserved with another acid. It almost seems to stimulate it to spoil faster
and or explode in the bottles. So we played with different salts/preservatives to see which one
would be the least harmful and out of all of them we found that the chemistry with calcium
nitrate was going to be the most beneficial. Once the calcium nitrate is added, the nitrogen breaks
its bond with the calcium and bonds to the acids of the liver. This action frees up the calcium to
be a free molecule. The nitrate becomes a compound with the elements of the liver rendering the
calcium nitrate unrecognizable. So the short of the long of it is that we do use some, not a lot.
We put it on the label so people know it’s in there, but there is virtually no way to see if it is
there. Most calcium nitrates raw have an N-P-K of around 15-0-0. The Medusa’s N-P-K is a 2-5-
2, and the 2 percent nitrogen is derived from the Pegasus Potion that we add to the blend. We
discussed this about a year ago on NFTG Growers FB page. But indeed, we do have to use it, it’s
just not traceable. ~ Scott D. Ostrander
Gaia Mania: 1-5-1 – Part 2 of the Basic 4
Foliar Feed
Root Drench
Ingredients: Soybean meal extract, feather meal, bone meal, worm
castings, humic acids derived from leonardite, and Kelp extract
(Ascophyllum nodosum)
Product Details:
Gaia Mania is one of Oregon’s Only Organics’ original products, and was
designed to work as a standalone nutrient for home gardeners. This product has been around for
many years, under many labels, and has now found its home as Gaia Mania. Gaia Mania is a
careful blend of organic materials, enzymatically processed to extract only proteins and humates.
This digestion process is the beginning step in the absorption of vitamins, acids and minerals by
the plant. Gaia Mania has the ability to feed plants immediately, and is also designed to promote
microbial populations in your medium, offering greater protection to plants’ root systems. All of
the nitrogen in this product is protein based. This is the healthiest form of nitrogen for plants,
promoting strong, healthy growth without a tendency toward elongation as with sodium based
Sunday, April 24, 2016 Page 8
nitrates. Plants grow healthiest when they are grown with proteins, organic acids, and calcium
based products.
Note: Addition of organic calcium sources like Herculean Harvest, Demeter’s Destiny, or
Olympus Up will improve the uptake of Gaia Mania.
• Feeds plants immediately.
• Not stabilized with mineral salts.
• Fully chelated organic nutrients.
• Gentle on microbial and fungal life.
• Protein based non-urea form of nitrogen.
• Designed to help promote microbial populations.
• See quicker response in healing time and stress relief.
• Use as a nutrient flush to aid in the removal of excess nutrient salts.
Gaia Information from Scott D. Ostrander ~ Would be considered as our base bloom formula.
This product is rich in vitamins, calcium phosphate, and trace minerals. Balanced with lots of
liquid bone meal to aid in the delivery of other nutrients. This is the vitamin B12 shot for your
plants. If you have a plant that is stressed out, it helps bring it back into a healthier state. One of
the key components is the chicken livers that we digest to make this product. It has a very
interesting protein, vitamin load and enzyme load, that brings in the health of the plant. There are
so many vitamins in chicken livers. Vitamins A, B, C, E, B2 and B12. To be able to extract that
out and put it into a solution where the plant can uptake it with calcium load.
Gaia Tip:
Early in a plant’s life, like a child, they are searching for the essential building blocks that
will make up their entire being and overall life health. Because of the availability of fully
chelated nutrients in Gaia Mania, our gardeners have found a quicker response in healing time
and stress relief in stressed or chemical dependent plants. Gaia Mania acts as a nutrient flush as
well. With its calcium load, not only will it aid in the removal of excess salts in the medium, it
also offers an immediate meal for your plants to uptake, while energizing their microbial field to
promote root protection.
Gaia Tip For Stressed out Plants:
Mix 2 TBL per gallon of water and adjust pH to 7.0. Water plants until ample amounts of
solution run out the bottom of the container. If issues are still present, repeat when soil begins to
dry out. According to some users, this flush works well for transplanting.
Sunday, April 24, 2016 Page 9
Zeus Juice: Growth Enhancer – Part 3 of the Basic 4
Foliar Feed
Root Drench
Ingredients: Humic acid and Kelp extract (Ascophyllum nodosum)
Product Details:
Zeus Juice was “Part C” of our original three part line. It is the catalyst in
the line and is an essential part of nutrient absorption without a microbial
field. Compounds in Zeus Juice are 100% water soluble and are absorbed
immediately, acting as a catalyst to produce accelerated growth and nutrient uptake. With
increased metabolic rates, Zeus Juice offers optimal nutrient availability, healthy plant growth,
healthy prolific rooting and protection from transplant shock.
The difference between Zeus Juice and many other similar humic products is the expense of
using a naturally derived humic and fulvic acid which is more bioavailable than lower quality
chemically derived humic acids. This product is made from Humic and fulvic acids purchased
from Bio-Ag, the most respected provider of humic acid products in the world.
• Unique humic acid product for the industry.
• Plant-available enzymatically digested humates.
• Made with Bio-Ag Ful-power Humic & Fulvic Acids.
Zeus Juice Information from Scott D. Ostrander ~ Essential. Groth Enhancer. Zeus is a
concentrated NFTG version of Liquid Karma except made with all BioAg’s Humics and Fulvics.
Zeus Juice is derived from BioAg's TM7 Humic that they solubilize for us, along with the
FulPower Fulvic. A catalyst. BioAg’s Humics are bog derived and therefore bio-available to the
plant as well as the microbial field. In the form of pure Humic digest, a little bit different
delivery system. It’s not like phosphoric acid wash, it’s an enzymatic digestion that is used to
create these Humic acids.
Zeus Tip:
If you are using BioAg FulPower with NFTG, Water in the Zeus and foliar feed the FulPower.
We do not offer a Fulvic acid product because the best has already been made. We won't spy
rebottle their product and call it ours. The Zeus was a recipe that we have had for 15 years made
from Leonardite Shale until we learned that Shale versions of Humic are not as bio-available as
Humics from fresh water vegetation. Once we discovered BioAg's products we contracted with
them to be able to use their Humics and Fulvics in our blends. ~ Scott D. Ostrander
Zeus Tip #2:
Zeus Juice can also be used as a germination aid, softening the seed coat and providing nutrients
for the first stages of life.
Sunday, April 24, 2016 Page 10
Note: You will not see Fulvic Acid listed as an ingredient on NFTG products. Humic and fulvic
(according to the state of Oregon and California) are the same thing. Even though they are
drastically different, no manufacturers are allowed to claim fulvic acid on their products if they
are registered in Oregon or California. Humic acid is most effective watered into the root zone
and fulvic acid is more effective as a foliar feed. Fulvic acid is simply purified Humic acid. I
highly recommend reading through the BioAg website for more information.
Herculean Harvest: 0-6-0 – Part 4 of the Basic 4
Foliar Feed
Root Drench
Ingredients: Steamed bone meal, waste byproduct of the manufacturing
process of gamma used in Bloom Khaos goes into the Herculean.
Product Details:
Herculean Harvest increases the availability of calcium and phosphorus to
your plants and soil, producing a wide range of benefits to plant health,
structure and flavor, contributing to a vigorous soil food web and improving accessibility of
nutrients. The active ingredient in bone meal, calcium phosphate, helps to carry all nutrients to
the plant, except for nitrogen and potassium. Calcium is essential for supplying plant growth
energy in order to sustain life and growth, and promotes solid stems through stronger cell
development. Calcium also increases the cation exchange capacity of soils, making nutrients
more available to microbial activity and ultimately to the plant. The addition of Herculean
Harvest to any nutrient line will increase size, aroma and flavor of the plants’ fruit. It also aides
in washing salt from a potting soil or soilless medium, and can be used as part of a soil flush
Herculean Harvest consists of steamed and quality-filtered bone meal that is then broken down
using the highest quality fulvic acids to digest the calcium and phosphorus into a usable liquid
form. This product is also useful as a pH fixing nutrient salt flush. Herculean Harvest increases
the availability of calcium and phosphorus to your plants and soil thus producing a wide range of
benefits to your garden. Calcium is the most important element for health and plant health is the
key factor to your plants ability to yield weight.
The addition of Herculean Harvest to any nutrient line will increase size, aroma and flavor of the
finished product in part by contributing to a vigorous soil food web and also improving
accessibility of the available nutrients. This innovative approach to feeding distinguishes NFTG
from any other nutrient line.
Soil and coco gardeners should use Herculean Harvest ten to fourteen days at the end of the
plants life cycle to notice dramatic increase in terpene development and complexity. The
Sunday, April 24, 2016 Page 11
addition of Aphrodite’s Extraction and Olympus Up will aid in the ripening process and add
even more complex terpenes.
• Unique product to the horticultural industry.
• Fixes pH issues in grow mediums.
• Promotes solid stems through stronger cell development.
• Superior quality of finished products.
• Rock-solid yield increase guaranteed.
• Organic calcium based product.
• Created with BioAg Fulvic Acids for maximum bioavailability.
• Also works as a nutrient flush: Bonds to nutrient salts in soil mediums.
Herculean Information from Scott D. Ostrander ~ This is our everything. Bloom enhancement,
Calcium Supplement, Salt leaching agent, Flavor enhancement, Flower hardener etc. etc.
Calcium phosphate from the bones will actually create a bond with the sodium inside the
medium. That bond will lock up the salt creating a new compound that will tie up in the medium
waiting for a microbe to come through, consuming the calcium, releasing that sodium as a
molecule whether it’s a protein, an enzyme or an acid. Flushing bone meal at the end will force
the rocks up into the flower and fill all the voids in the fruit. It helps mitigate the high EC, high
salt content. If you’re using a 3-part synthetic line, do a bone meal flush with the pH up every 2
weeks at a minimum. You’re giving your plant the calcium phosphate and calcium proteins.
You’re desalinating your medium, offering your plants more nutrition, creating more aggressive
growth, most importantly your CEC will increase (Cation Exchange Capacity) promoting protein
pumps in your roots to take in more natural nutrients from the medium. YOU WILL USE LOTS
OF THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Herculean Tip:
The Herculean is not a good foliar feed because it is predominately calcium phosphate which has
a really difficult time being absorbed through the leaf stomata. Demeter's Destiny, Herculean
Harvest, Olympus Up are best used as root drench. For a good calcium foliar feed, check out
Xtreme Gardening CalCarb foliar pack. It is nano technology calcium that is crushed into a form
that the plants can absorb through the stomata. It is the only calcium product I foliar feed with
with the exception of some Aphrodite’s now and again. Not sure if it does anything, but worth a
shot. I would believe that the foliage would at least accept the monosaccharides. ~ Scott D.